Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 160 - 160. All Safe

Adrian smiled widely as soon as he heard this. He completely understands what this means. Magnus was going to cultivate Tom into a top police official, so he may help him later.

Magnus discussed the finer details with him, telling him how he wants to change this country and make it richer than all. Tom, now with the introduction of Magic, believed everything. ​​

"You saw that big hospital being constructed beside Richmond Park? I\'m making it, with magic. I will change this world, Uncle Tom. For both, magicals and non-magicals.

"But, by law, I am supposed to obliviate you. Now that I don\'t want to, I am taking a big risk. For this, I must make sure that you never reveal this to anybody. Not even your family.

"We will make an unbreakable vow, the one who breaks it will die," Magnus announced.

Tom gulped his saliva as he heard this. Sure, he has no intention to betray Magnus but to lose your life over a secret. He felt like he\'s some spy or something.

"You Wizards are really brutal with your secrets. But I agree with this vow. Let\'s do it." He firmly agreed. He wanted to be a part of this new world Magnus talked about.

Magnus lifted his hand and held Tom\'s wrist, while Tom did the same. He had placed his wand in the middle of their hands, so both were touching it.

Magnus then chanted something and soon a white translucent string-like thing appeared, circling around their hands. It was like a knot, tying their bodies to the vow.

"Under this vow, you cannot reveal anything about the magical world to anybody, except me, Adrian, Ted, my parents and my friends. If you do, you will die. If I revealed to someone not stated that you know about the magical world, I will die." Magnus cleared the wording.

"AH! I felt something. It\'s like... something is tickling in my chest." Tom exclaimed.

Adrian was for the first time seeing this vow be performed on a muggle, "It\'s the magic, it will burst your heart if you break the vow."

"That\'s... brutal... but effective. So, what\'s the plan? You said to climb the social ladder? Are you going to make me your royal butler or something? Haha." Tom jokingly asked.

Magnus like this about him, he was usually calm and kept his mood good, even if something too unnerving was happening. This levelheadedness will help him a lot.

"Well, let\'s make you the Commissioner of Scotland Yard first. Congratulations on your promotion, Uncle Tom, you will become an Inspector soon and will get a George Cross too, after that, all your promotions will be fast as long as you keep on solving cases. My recommendation to you is that you pick the toughest cases and also the high profile cold cases that are left unsolved. MEDA will secretly help you in solving them, increasing your achievements in your resume. But, do keep on improving yourself." Magnus told him the full plan.

[A/N: The Metropolitan Police Service, formerly and still commonly known as the Metropolitan Police, is informally known as the Met Police, the Met, Scotland Yard, or The Yard]

But Tom felt a bit ashamed, "Won\'t this be cheating?"

Adrian laughed, "You don\'t know, Tom, all high ranking officers in the police department have someone high in the chain looking after them, be it politicians, businessmen or the government itself. So Magnus\' support is a normal thing, be proud, that the future king believes in you so much."

Magnus then looked at Adrian, "Adrian, you will also get a George Cross, make sure you use this publicity well for the company. And I, well, I already have one, might get another George Cross, but it\'ll be good for me, when the world finds out about my royalty."


"They are close, you two take these two bottles and pour one drop in each child\'s mouth. They will wake up later. I will go to the top floor to collect the evidence. We need to make sure these people are not able to get away, the ones we killed here were just the tip of the iceberg, there are far more influential people behind this." Magnus handed them two bottles and went upstairs.

It was a fully sealed floor but he just blasted it open. The building was 3 floors high. On the top was just one large hall, it was probably used for conventions or something.


He blasted the door open.

"Took you long enough, boy. My non-existent legs were getting numb by sitting here." Moddy sarcastically spoke. Beside him was Oscar, silently sitting there, still armless, but there was not even one scratch on his body. Moody must have done a number on him and then healed him.

"Is he ready?" Magnus asked.

"Yes, as good as a docile pup. He will confess to everything and tell names of all wizards, muggles and powerful people involved in this. Muggle trial will be held first from what I feel. Here, this is the whole file he made to keep the evil deeds of his big clients recorded. Enough evidence to grant them death." Moody handed a thick folder.

But Magnus sighed in disappointment, "Muggles in this country have outlawed capital punishment, at most he will get life imprisonment, so he can squander tax money. Oscar will be handled by the Ministry. However, I will make sure all the muggles related to this will get their due punishment."

"Good to hear that, take him. BEHAVE NOW, and if you dare to do anything..." Moody intimidated Oscar, and the man actually shrank his neck in fear.

~What did Moody do to him? NO, I don\'t want to know.~ Magnus shivered internally.

"Follow me," he told Oscar.

During the whole trial, there were going to be wizards keeping an eye on Oscar, because they know some people will try to get him killed before the tap of secrets is loosed open.

Now, out of all the 35 people that were in the building, only 5 had survived. They would also stand trial and reveal many secrets.

Oscar silently followed Magnus downstairs, where he was leg cuffed with the rest of his unconscious subordinates. His eyes looked dull and hopeless, he couldn\'t believe that all this was happening just because he dared to go against Magnus and wrote an article about him.

When Magnus went to the basement, he saw all the little kids had gotten up, they were not crying anymore, as Tom was a very good policeman, and showed them his ID. "See, I am really a cop. Do you hear all the sirens? They are coming to get you back home, don\'t worry, Me, my friend and this big brother of yours have defeated all the baddies."

Magnus waved to them and took out lots of candies from his expansion bag, "Hello, I am Magnus, you can call me big brother Magnus. Want candies?"


They were all hungry, so none of them said no. Magnus gave each of them two sweet and sour candies.

"Okay, now follow me and we will go outside, to wait for good people. Make a line, don\'t push." Magnus politely talked to them. All were younger than him, some by 1 and some by 3-4 years. Magnus\'s height made him look much older than them.

Slowly, they helped all the children out. Some were slightly injured with some scratches, so Adrian and Tom picked them up. As soon as they arrived outside, a lot of News Channels arrived with their vans, it was shocking that they were faster than the police.

Magnus was in the lead, with the youngest of the kids in his arms, the little girl was just 5 years old. She was continuously looking at Magnus\' face.

"Big brother, you are so pretty... and warm..." she cutely hugged his neck like a koala.

Magnus chuckled as he remembered his primary school days when girls used to hold his hand because of his warm body.

"Really? I hope your dad doesn\'t get angry if he sees you praising me and not him."

She shook her head, "No, daddy catches baddies, but in-home he\'s mummy is the boss."

Magnus laughed, "Haha, what does your dad do?"

She looked confused, "Umm... he\'s... pros... prostitute?"

"Pfft... you mean prosecutor?" He corrected her, realising this was the daughter of the prosecutor, kidnapped yesterday. She didn\'t seem as scared, probably thinking her dad would find her soon.


Everything was being recorded on the cameras of the journalists. In a few more seconds, tens of police cars and ambulances arrived. Cops and paramedics rushed out of them to the kids.

Finally, seeing help, some children started crying, as some of them were here for weeks and had completely lost hope of being saved.

There were about 20 ambulances, all treating minor injuries of children. The police had made an encirclement around the area to make sure nobody trespasses. The news reporters though were allowed.

Adrian was a bigshot, the Assistant Commissioner that had arrived recognised him immediately. Now he knew how this case was solved by MEDA, but at least he was happy that a police Sergeant was also there so there was hope for saving the image of the police department, but then the kid confused him, Magnus was too out of place.

"HEY! Where are you taking me? I\'m not one of those kidnapped kids!" Magnus protested as he was being dragged by some paramedics.

"You are so injured, look at all the blood." A doctor said.

"That\'s not my blood," Magnus replied with a straight face.

( ̄▽ ̄)

Tom quickly came to his rescue, "He\'s telling the truth. He\'s with me. Come Magnus, the Assistant Commissioner wants us to give an interview."

Magnus nodded and ran away from the medical worker.


Royal Military Hospital,

Grace was tired, she had just finished a very tough surgery. She changed her operation gown and went to the common hall for doctors.

Taking the food, she took a seat beside her colleagues. Most were juniors of hers, as she was the Head of the Department of Cardiology. But she didn\'t mind their ranks.

Just as she was about to take her first bite, her assistant said, "Ma\'am, isn\'t that your son?"

With food still in her hand, she turned to the television, and there she saw him. Covered in dirt and blood, talking on the TV about saving some kids. The food fell from her hand and she got up immediately.

"I need to leave." She replied.

"I will come too," her assistant followed her, wanting to earn some good points with her boss.


[A/N: A question must be in everyone\'s mind. "They don\'t find it weird that a kid is doing that?"

My answer: Adrian doesn\'t, as he knows about attacks on Magnus. And Wizard kids generally develop faster in the brain as they are constantly surrounded by dangers.

Tom does find it strange, but he\'s so shocked by the magic that it\'ll take him some time to realise the kind of crazy things Magnus has done.

Initially, I had written that Magnus would kill the last unconscious wizard by thrusting his sword in his chest. But then I felt it would be too much for him. So I edited it to make Adrian do it.

I\'m aware that Magnus seems too young for what he\'s doing, but he\'s not normal, not even by the magical world\'s standards. I also continuously mention that he looks older than he\'s supposed to.

But, in tomorrow\'s chapter, you will again realise that he\'s still a kid, stuck in a problematic world, who\'s trying his best to do the right thing. It\'s not Magnus who\'s different, it\'s just that the world is too messed up.

The world will not know that Magnus killed people. In the official statement, his role will be of the person who found the missing children and then led Adrian and Tom there. At most, he just used his bat to save Tom and Adrian a few times but didn\'t kill anyone.

Tbh, I\'m used to writing an old MC and I\'m trying my best to portray a young character. But sometimes some words coming from Magnus\' mouth seem too much for a kid and that\'s my fault. But, hopefully, as he will grow, you will stop feeling strange because it will become normal speech for a grown-up.]

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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