Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 170 - 170. The Hole


Magnus returned to his dorm room in Hogwarts. Ragnar and Severus were waiting for him there, all ready to head to the adventure. ​​

"Did you get the rooster?" Magus asked them.

"See for yourself," Severus replied and pointed to the bed. There, Chad and Summer were curiously looking at the Rooster.

"Well, our preparations are complete it seems. Summer, Chad and Rooster, get inside this suitcase. Duck is also there." he ordered the three.


Magnus quickly hid the suitcase under the bed and opened the door. Emma stood on the other side, "I made the pancakes as promised. Ta-da..."

She showed Magnus a plate covered with a lid. The mouth-watering aroma was already piercing Magnus\' nose.

"Come later, Emma, we have some work to do..." Ragnar tried to send her way.

But, before Emma could get angry, Magnus took the plate, "We can always wait. No need to let the pancakes cool down."

~Of course, now we can wait.~ Severus muttered to himself.

Emma silently stood at the side of the table. She had been up all night, trying to perfect her pancakes. She followed the recipe exactly as written by Grace. But it still took her some time to make them look the best. She also had to send an owl to her dad to send maple syrup as soon as possible.

She was confident, but nervous too.

Magnus calmly sat by his study table and lifted the lid. Immediately, the aroma of pancakes flooded his face in the form of steam. "Ah... this is what spring smells like. So tasty."

"Okay, let\'s dig in." He happily held the knife and fork. But first, he did pour some syrup on the side.

Then, he cut the steaming hot pancakes. It was smooth, telling that the quality of the pancake was top notch.

He finally took a bite and chewed it for a long time with his eyes closed. Even Emma had her eyes closed.

Then, *BOOM*

Magnus\' eyes shot open as if he had reached the enlightenment of Buddha. But this was Pancake Enlightenment.

Next thing, the loud noise of spoons and plate clanking noise started to come.

Emma opened her eyes slightly and saw the scene. The plate was empty, so clean that it looked as if there wasn\'t anything in the first place.


Magnus suddenly got up and patted her head, "Good job, Emma. You made very good pancakes, much better than the bland batter I eat every day in the school."

Finally, she took a sigh of relief and cheered, "YEEESSSS... I won the bet!"

Magnus just remembered he had made a bet too, and he didn\'t want to lose it. But he was so lost in the taste that he forgot to deny Emma that the pancakes were good. But how could he cheat with his favourite food? A good pancake deserves to be admired.

"Boys, let\'s go, we got work." Magnus tried to slide away silently.

"No no... you lost the bet, now you must give me flying lessons." She caught his robes.

"Tsk... fine, let\'s meet on Sunday. Ragnar sucks at flying too, I will teach him at the same time." Magnus decided.

"YES! I will go back and clean my broom. Bye-bye..." She happily chirped and skipped away.

But, just as she was gone, Severus realised something and loudly exclaimed, "WAIT! How did she get inside the boys dorms?"

"You can\'t go in the girl\'s dorms?" Ragnar inquired, hearing about this for the first time.

Magnus shook his head, "No, if you try to you will be magically thrown away, also the house head will be notified."

"Then... this means the rule is only applicable for their dorms. Anybody can enter the boys\' dorms? Isn\'t this dumb?" Ragnar asked.

"It is dumb, I will ask Dumbledore later about this. What happened to gender equality? Rules should be the same for all." Magnus muttered. He could have avoided the bet if that was the case.

"Anyway, let\'s go to the chamber," Ragnar interjected and started walking away.

But when Magnus lifted the suitcase, he stopped, "Umm... let\'s go in the night. I don\'t think it\'ll be easy to sneak out with this suitcase and all the students in the common room."

They nodded in agreement and waited till night.


11 PM

Almost everybody was sleeping by now. So the three slowly sneaked out. To them, reaching the 1st floor was easy, as the stairs were not far away from their dungeon.

Magnus was in the lead as he had very good ears. Only Filch moved around at this time of the night.

It took them just 15 minutes to reach the bathroom and as soon as they were inside they were safe. The only person to disturb them here was Myrtle, but she was ignored.

Magnus went ahead and opened the entrance. He didn\'t know if this was the entrance to Chamber of Secrets though. For all he knew, it could be a sewage entrance for someone to clean. But monsters don\'t come out of sewage and kill people. But again, this was not a normal world.

Magnus took out his expansion pouch and brought out 3 brooms. "Let\'s go, hopefully, it won\'t be a pile of sewage water waiting for us there."

Ragnar stood beside the hole and looked down, his heartbeat fastened, "Oh man, why did I agree to do this. I could have been sleeping right now."

Severus also looked down, and his eyes widened too, but he was a master of hiding emotions and didn\'t let his fear appear.

"We should check how deep it is first," Severus suggested.

"But how? Throwing fire in sewage is like making a bomb. Someone has to go down and check. Someone who can fly and..."

Their heads turned to a particularly translucent ghost in the bathroom.

Myrtle was just looking inside the hole after gathering some courage. But then she noticed the eyes on her.

"NO NO NO... NEVER! Are you crazy? Go away, stupid boys." She backed away and tried to fly to her toilet booth and hide.

"Come on, Myrtle, just tell us how deep it goes, that\'s it. We don\'t want you to go deeper." Magnus tried to convince her.

She shrank back in fear, "Why would I? I barely know you, and it\'s so dark there, what if I die?"


"You\'re already dead," Ragnar reminded her.

"Come on, Myrtle. Okay, if you do this, I will do you a favour. Whatever you ask for." Magnus offered her.

"Anything?" She asked back.

Magnus felt alarms ringing in his head, "What exactly do you want?"

"I WANT YOU TO KILL OLIVE HORNBY! He used to bully poor me," she shouted in a very high pitched voice.

Magnus, Ragnar and Severus\' shoulders fell in disappointment. Without even looking at her, Magnus went to the edge of the hole, "Let\'s go, guys. She\'s useless to us. I\'ll jump first!"

"YOU CALLED ME USELESS?! HOW DARE YOU!" She seethed in rage and flew after Magnus.

But, too bad for her, as soon as she reached, Magnus jumped down with his broom.

"UH-OH!" Myrtle muttered with regret. She just realised that ghosts couldn\'t fly as high as she thought.


She started falling down in the hole too.

"How can she be so dumb? I thought people with glasses were supposed to be smart." Ragnar facepalmed seeing her stupidity.


Magnus, who had jumped down, was on the edge of his mind, trying to see what was down there. On top of that, he couldn\'t really manoeuvre his broom that well in such a tight space, and due to that it was falling very fast.

He was so focused looking down that he didn\'t even see up. And then all of a sudden a loud Banshee scream resounded near his ear.

"MUMMY! What was that?" Magnus got spooked, goosebumps rose on his skin.

"SAVE MEeeeee....."

That was all Magnus heard and soon the figure of Myrtle was seen falling down as she passed him.

Realising it was her, Magnus shrugged it off and focused on slowly descending. He cast a Lumos spell and made it project light downward, so at least he\'d know when the ground was coming.

But it was taking too long and his heart was feeling restless. ~Salazar really loved holes it seems, what else can you expect from a snake?~

"AH! Finally..." The light finally bounced off the surface. Immediately he realised it was a bend in the pipe.


He came out of the giant pipe, but he didn\'t step down. He looked around, it was truly a sewage. But it was full of mouse skeletons and there was also a disgusting smell.

"I would have been fine if I had jumped down, well all except falling on this disgusting garbage. Hehehe but..." Magnus\'s face grew an evil smile as a plan formed in his head.

He went back to the pipe and used Sonorus charm to loudly call Ragnar and Severus.

"JUMP DOWN, There is a bend here, you won\'t get hurt." He suggested and he was not lying either.

Magnus waited for a second and soon heard loud intensifying screams of Severus and Ragnar.

"aaaaaaAAAAAAA... *POOF*" With great speed they fell out of the pipe.


Ragnar was the first to look down. And immediately his nose shrank.

"Hehe... how was the slide?" Magnus asked them from on top of a broom, looking all clean.

"BASTARD! HERE! take this." Ragnar raged and started throwing the garbage on Magnus.

Severus was also angry, but with a plain face, he used a levitation spell and showered Magnus with trash.

"COME ON! It was a joke." Magnus tried to save himself, but to no avail, he was also dirty in the end.

[You can see the pancakes, pipe and the gutter opening on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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