Never Die Extra (Edited)

Chapter 96: Evan D. Sherden, Cursed (6)

“Master Evan’s personal training, the Ironwall Heart, and the fighting skills of my whole body were combined into one, and it became a skill called ‘Rookie Training Act’. I thanked the gods in the end. They also asked me to save and train as many Rookies as possible in the future.”

The Rookie Training Act was a unique skill dedicated to effectively educate, correct, and strengthen the Rookies born in a state where their body’s balance was distorted. This was necessary in order to greatly receive the effects, which in turn would improve Shine’s dungeon level.

That was the identity of the skill that Shine got.

“Oh, and the skills which I learned from the butler were also enhanced, but those skills themselves could augment other different abilities. That is why it wasn’t combined with the others.”

“The Rookie Training Act. Hmm… I haven’t even heard of it until now… ”

Evan was still wondering about Shine’s newfound skill, and it seemed to refer to the modern fitness training that Evan had conducted on his own.

Evan never thought that it could be converted into a skill, least of all, that Shine would be the one to acquire it.

“Of course, I taught you too, but I didn’t know you were going to improve to such an extent… What’s more important than that is the fact that you were able to unlock Ironwall Heart.”

“I think I once heard that Ironwall Heart was probably the ability that, when granted to someone, would make them able enough to train the Ironwall Knights. I came to learn about it when I was training with them.”

“But it’s impossible to learn how to train the Knights of the Marquis without becoming one first…”

“Master, it requires the spirit of the whole body… It is a training method I learned about when I was with the Church. I told Shine about it as well, but I didn’t think that he would learn it on his own, since he wasn’t even a trainee.” Evan and Raihan both looked at Shine excitedly. Shine was tilting his head as he didn’t know what was wrong about achieving such a tremendous ability.

It was even unusual that he had learned not just one, but three or four butler skills by combining them.

To put it simply, it could be said that Shine had an affinity for swordsmanship, and he could skillfully handle great swords, daggers, long swords, and even sword breakers.

“I understand now how you came to be so strong, Shine…”

“Shine has real talent for butchering monsters, Master. I think I now know why the Master trusts Shine more than me.”

“No, you shouldn’t say something like that. You don’t even have a scratch on yourself. That’s something to feel proud of, too.” Shine felt absurd as he replied.

“I just thought it would be nice if I could train the Rookie children quickly and make them strong. Master should’ve already given it to me in the first place!”

“It wouldn’t have mattered unless you’ve cleared the 5th floor of the dungeon… Anyway, I am really thankful to you to have helped us throughout. So what is your class? Did you get it?”

“Yes, Master.”

Shine, who had been feeling slightly embarrassed until now, smiled a little. It seemed that he got a really good class, unlike Evan.

“‘Blood Butler.’ Isn’t it cool, Master?”

“…You were finally able to carry out your will to the end. Congratulations, Shine.”

“Not just because ‘butler’ is my class, but I should forever be Master’s butler.”

‘Your original class is not Blood Butler, but you’re a Bandit Warrior…’ the words didn’t come out. Evan decided to remain silent as Shine was feeling so proud of himself.

Moreover, it was usually a good thing if there was a word decorating the front of a basic class. Even if you weren’t Evan, who had mastered the Yo-Ma Great War series, you would know that the ‘Bloody’ modifier was very badass.

Blood Butler… Still badass.

“I am glad that your destiny hasn’t changed a lot. You were able to properly inherit the Silent Knight’s soul.”

“Will you teach me how to become the Silent Knight, Master?”

“What about you, Lua?”

Evan asked, looking back at Belois, disregarding Shine. She replied as if she had been waiting for him to ask.

“I am still a maid, Master.”

Somehow, Belois seemed to have strengthened a little, but Evan thought he was just imagining it.

“My skills have enhanced overall, but I didn’t get any new abilities. I’m sorry, Master.”

“No, it’s okay. It doesn’t matter.”

Shine had just one job, and that was to focus on his diverse combat skills, while Belois only had to focus on her magic skills and abilities.

She was already on the ‘Witch’s Path’, which was the best passive skill in assisting magic. She had already mastered flame and ice magic, so there was literally no need for anything more than that right now.

“Lua, you’re already growing well on your own. All you have to do is walk the path you think is best.”

“…Thank you, Master.”

“Then what about Raihan?”

“I gained a shield.”

“But you already have a shield, don’t you?” Evan couldn’t say anything more than that. He already had a shield, and he hadn’t gotten a class then…

Certainly, the gods had said that Raihan was already on his destined path.

Evan made a pitiful expression and grabbed Raihan’s hand tightly.

“Hyung, don’t worry. We will both get better in the future.”

“Uh… Master Evan, if you say something like that, it will be too difficult for me to answer. I am very satisfied with myself. The power of my shield has been strengthened by as much as 30%. I also gained the skill ‘Stable Vitality’ that increases my defense when hit by an enemy attack on my unarmored body!”

Although Raihan could not regain his priesthood, he seemed to have acquired an ability that greatly strengthened his shielding aptitude. It could be counted as the same ability as the Dim Light Swordsman, one of the most efficient early abilities.

But as Evan thought more about it, this might prove to be better for Raihan. As Evan nodded, Raihan continued,

“The power of the gods was really amazing. They made one of my equipment into an artifact.”

“Wow, that’s really amazing…!”

Of course, even in the game, sometimes in the dungeon, there were cases in which general equipment was reinforced to become artifacts as rear compensation.

However, since this conversion was only limited to the items you were equipped with, it was difficult to change even one of them into an artifact. Unless you wore the piece of equipment you wanted to create as an artifact and fought wearing it in the dungeon all the time.

“But wait a minute… The only equipment you are wearing is the Eco Shield and the Invisible Shield, and the Eco Shield is already an artifact.”

“You are right, Master Evan. My armor had been converted into an artifact. It officially got the name ‘Invisible Shield’ that you already gave. The gods said that the abilities of the armor have improved!” Raihan paused for a bit before continuing.

“It’s a good skill indeed, but it only works if someone hits me with an attack on the body without other equipment. In the future, I will have to diligently train my dodging skills.”

That was a good thing… It surely was good for everyone to have evolved one way or another, but what was this strange sense of vanity? Why would equipment change into artifacts in the first place? What was even an artifact, and why were some of them cursed? What was a skill, and how were some people born with gifted abilities? Evan fell into a mess of unexplained questions.

“So… Anyway, all four of us weren’t able to get classes in the end, but we were still able to achieve our desired goal.”

In the end, Evan decided to forget about the Invisible Shield as it was too confusing. Shine and Belois reassured Evan by declaring that the changes had taken place. Now Evan had to prepare guidelines for raising the Rookies.

“11 years old… It means that all the Rookie children must clear the 5th floor of the dungeon after they are at least 12 years old. Was the oldest of the other children Paul or Marie?”

“Both are nine years old now, Master.”

“Then, they still have 2 to 3 years left. Shine, can you handle them?”

“As long as I diligently work on my Rookie Training Act properly, then my answer is yes, Master. It seems possible. Hopefully, they’ll be ready even before two years!” Shine replied with vigor. He was already getting ready to start training with his class as a Blood Butler and improve the skills of the other Rookies by training them, along with completely preparing to take charge as the Vice Commander and preparing the reserve members of the Dungeon Knights Squad. Evan was satisfied.

“Then let’s open the achievement box.”

However, because of the amazing rewards they received directly from the gods, the achievement box’s contents disappointed them quite a bit.

There were only a few gold coins, dozens of silver coins, and a usable magic bomb.

“So this is just natural, right Master?”

“That’s right. This is natural. We were blessed immensely, which made us despair before the harsh reality.”

As Evan had already said, if they successfully defeated the hidden boss, the reward would increase significantly.

“But… There are still some award items left, right Master?”

“Yes, that’s true.”

That was exactly what Evan wanted.

“So then, how do we get it? Should I offer a sacrifice to this demon statue too?”

Shine drew his arm out and pulled out a dagger as if to cut himself. Evan was scared that he would hurt himself instantly if he didn’t stop Shine.

“Not in this case, Shine. Of course, there are events like that, but this is not one of them. It’s not that complicated.”

Evan said with a smile and signaled the party members to step back. He clenched his fists with immense force and activated Heavens Press for the first time… The beautiful demon statue in front of them was completely destroyed.

“Wow!” Raihan exclaimed strangely. It must have been because of the ego that came with dealing in the divine powers. The moment Evan shattered the demon statue, some spirits emerged from it.

They quickly converged on a single point and formed a certain shape.

It was a pair of boots with thick fur.

“What are those?”

“Wasn’t it a stone statue just a while ago…?”

Although the exterior was made up of some kind of shiny metal, the boots were lined with silky fur, while some parts were made of leather.

The rest of the party froze at the transformation that happened before them, except Evan, who casually picked up the boots. They were actually quite heavy. But for someone who had been doing slime training ever since he opened his eyes in this world, they didn’t weigh much.

“These are what I wanted.”

“But isn’t it supposed to be a cursed artifact, Master?!”

“In that sense, you aren’t wrong, hyung.”

“How are you going to use it, Master Evan!?”

“Of course, I will be wearing them.”

Wasn’t it common sense to wear an artifact that you found after so much bloodshed and hard work?

And of course, Evan was even more excited about it as they were cursed in the first place.

“A long time ago, this item was worn by those who had great confidence in their skills in exploring dungeons, as it limited their abilities.”

In other words, in the Yo-Ma Great War series, people deliberately searched for the Rotten Waters because it wasn’t fun if you just finished the game as it was.

There was a heinous curse on these boots that halved all the stats of the wielder. They could be put on and taken off at will, so there was not much harm or severe damage, which was why some players continued to wear them even when they knew the curse of these boots.

Again, this was because it wasn’t fun to beat the game that easily.

‘Most of the players who wore them were those who were sick of the fear of death…’

“What will happen when you’ll wear them, Master?”


Evan replied with the most wonderful smile in the world,

“I will be practicing cursed tolerance training and my growing ability will be incredibly fast! Your stats are halved, so the more I’ll be getting stronger while wearing them, the double I’ll be getting stronger in reality at the same time!”

At that point, the party completely understood what Evan was trying to convey. When he wore the boots, Evan’s expression shifted into something similar to what he made when drinking the poisonous tea.

“Young Master, please be honest. Was it all because of these boots that you were hurrying to enter the dungeon so much? Or was it because of us?”

Evan dismissed Shine’s question and put on the boots right away. The shoes tightened around his feet, and he could already feel his whole body losing strength.

There was definitely a curse on them, but how was he going to use them?

He would start practicing Shingo Curse Resistance, which would allow him to overcome the trials of other curses that he would have to face later!

“Now that we have everything we came for, let’s go back!” Evan declared with a cheerful smile. This was the moment when the Immortality project No. 6, ‘Aegis’ started.

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