The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 36 - I Make The Rules

"Your highness," Lucinda called out to Laina as she stood before her, "I think it would be best for you to have a change of clothes, don\'t you think?"

Laina looked down at the clothes she was wearing. She saw no fault in them.

"Change? What for?" She asked.

"Well… I think it would be more presentable if you changed into something a little more formal?" Lucinda suggested with a smile.

Albeit, Laina was not in her formal royal attire. But she was not shabbily dressed. She turned to Tobias and asked for a second opinion.

"General, do you agree with the Chancellor on this?" She asked.

Tobias was caught off guard by the crown princess\'s sudden question. He quickly replied, "Your highness looks beautiful in any outfit… but it might be best to change into something more formal for this occasion."

Laina sighed, "Very well, I will head back to my room first. Once I am ready, I will head over to the throne room."

With that, Laina left the general and chancellor to return to her room. Both of them bowed and kept their head low until the crown princess had exited the room and went on her way.

They both looked up at one another and heaved a sigh of relief.

"She did not kick up a fuss, at all," Lucinda said in disbelief.

"Indeed, she did not," Tobias agreed, "I guess we will just have to wait and see."

In the throne room, the four suitors and their entourage were waiting in different parts of the hall. Prince Radford had brought with him 20 servants, bearing chests of gifts. He was provided with a seat and a side table of tea and snacks.

"How long more is this princess going to make me wait," he muttered to himself as he tapped his shoe against the carpet.

On the opposite side, Duke Harris had brought five servants with him. He had not been offered any seat, so he could only stand and wait. He readjusted his collar before calling for a servant to bring him a glass of water.

Laina, on the other hand, had returned to her bedroom. She was greeted by Margaret who was ordering the servants around who were unpacking from their trip to Everfree.

The moment Laina entered, everyone got onto their knees and greeted Laina. Margaret bowed deeply and kept her head low as she greeted the crown princess.

"All of you may leave for now. You can continue unpacking later," Laina ordered, before she turned to Margaret, "Margaret, you stay with me."

All the servants and maids quickly made their way out of the room, with the last person closing the door behind them. Titan laid down at the foot of the bed as Laina explained to Margaret what had happened at the Royal Office.

"They sound like they can\'t wait to marry me off, Margaret," Laina sighed as she leaned back onto the soft covers of the bed.

Margaret teased, "Well, you aren\'t getting any younger, your highness."

"Hey!" Laina sat up immediately and knuckled her on the arm, "Aren\'t you supposed to be on my side?"

Both of them shared a laugh. Time was of the essence, Laina needed a game plan.

"Well, what do you want to wear then?" Margaret asked as she looked over to Laina.

The princess bit her lip as she fell silent, deep in thought. Laina had the perfect outfit in mind. It did not take long for her to change into it. Margaret helped her pick a few pieces of matching jewelry and braided her dark red hair.

From a velvet box, Margaret carefully lifted a diamond diadem and placed it gently on Laina\'s hair. Once her outfit was complete, it was time for them to meet the suitors. She stood up from her seat and walked over to the full-length mirror.

Laina admired her outfit from head to toe.

"It\'s perfect," she whispered to herself with a smile, "Titan, what do you think?"

The mastiff lifted his head and barked loud and bright. Her outfit had his stamp of approval.

"He approves," Margaret replied with a smile.

Laina nodded as she walked over to Margaret and hooked her hand, "You\'re coming with me, to the throne room."

"But your highness, the unpacking…"

"Oh that can wait till later, I want you to be there to see the look on their faces," Laina replied with a grin.

Laina turned back and whistled to Titan. He immediately got up to follow them. Margaret grew a little worried. The Throne Room was no place for pets. But Laina insisted.

"I\'m the crown princess, so I make the rules and I say pets are allowed in the throne room," Laina said in a regal tone of voice.

Margaret chuckled a little, "Your word is law, Crown Princess Laina."

As they arrived at the Throne Room, the announcer immediately signaled to the trumpeter who began to play her instrument. Everyone in the Throne Room turned their attention to the main entrance immediately.

The royal guards opened the doors to the Throne Room and got down on their knees as Laina walked in.

"Announcing the arrival of her royal highness, Crown Princess Laina," the announcer projected his voice into the Throne Room.

Everyone immediately knelt down one knee, apart from Prince Radford. As Laina walked past, she could see their shocked expressions and looks of horror. Prince Radford was in a state of shock as his eyes trailed her every move.

His staring alerted Titan, who growled at the prince. Duke Harris stole a glance and he too was in shock. Grand General Tobias and Royal Chancellor Lucinda were dumbfounded too.

They should have seen this coming from a mile away. Their princess was not like the other princesses. Laina walked up the steps carefully and turned around to face everyone in the Throne Room.

She sat down on the throne comfortably before giving her command, \'All may raise."

Tobias was still in shock. He leaned over to Lucinda and whispered, "Are my eyes deceiving me? What is she wearing?!"

Lucinda gulped, "I thought I was seeing things too. She\'s wearing pants!"

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