The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 51 - Only I Can Be In Your Room

Dante turned to look at Kol, then back at Laina. 

He pointed to Kol and asked sternly, "Who is he? What is he doing in your room?"

Laina took a step back, offended by Dante\'s tone.

"Excuse me? Why do I have to explain everything to you? And shouldn\'t I be asking what you\'re doing in my room, in the middle of the night?!" she fought back as she folded her arms. 

Dante was not expecting Laina\'s question. He bit his lip as he tried to find a suitable answer. The truth was, he had not been able to sleep that night. Dante tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep a wink. 

He tried drinking some liquor, hoping it would calm his nerves and allow him to get some sleep. But no matter what he tried, it just did not work. Then, it hit him. Maybe something bad was about to happen to Laina. 

Hence, he flew all the way over to see her. When he smelled the strong scent of blood in the air as he got close, he knew something had gone terribly wrong. But that is something she cannot know. 

"I… I happened to be passing by when I noticed something was amiss. So I came to check," he came up with an excuse on the spot. 

Laina did not believe him one bit. Just as she was about to question him further, Titan leapt off the bed and came up to Dante. The mastiff wagged his tail excitedly and wanted to climb onto Dante. 

Seeing Titan, Dante knelt down and scratched his chin while combing his other hand through his fur. 

"How have you been, Titan? Have you been a good boy?" Dante said to Titan. 

Laina tapped Dante on the shoulder, "Hey! Don\'t change the subject! You passing by? Like I would believe that!"

Just then, the door to the room pushed open. Everyone in the room jumped and turned their attention towards the person who stood in the doorway. It was Margaret, wielding two glowing spheres of magical energy, one in each hand. 

When Margaret saw who was in the room and the pool of blood on the carpet, she did not know what to say. Her mouth was wide open, but no words could come out of her mouth. She turned to see Laina, in her nightdress with blood splattered across it. 

She immediately went to Laina\'s side, "Laina, are you alright? What on earth happened here? Are you hurt?"

"I\'m fine, Margaret, don\'t wo-"

Before Laina could even finish reassuring Margaret, the handmaid had already turned her attention to Dante. She grabbed him by the collar and pointed at him with her index finger. 

"YOU!! What are you doing here in the middle of the night?!" Margaret shouted at Dante as she glared at him, "Are you trying to kidnap her again?" 

Dante furrowed his eyebrow as he crossed his arms. He did not appreciate being accused of something he did not do. 

"Do you really think I need to kidnap her? Laina has her own two legs, she can come to me whenever she wants. I don\'t have to kidnap her," he snapped back. 

Listening to the two of them arguing, Laina fumed in anger. They were arguing like she was not there. It was as if she was invisible. Not wanting them to fight any further, Laina stood between the both of them. 

"Enough! The both of you!"

She felt like she was getting a throbbing headache just from hearing the two of them quarreling back and forth. Laina massaged her temples for a moment. 

"Look, it\'s been a long night and tomorrow is going to be an even longer day."

Laina turned to Dante, "King Dante, thank you for your concern. I am alright now. You may leave and return to wherever you came from."

She did not even wait for him to reply as she turned to Margaret. She held her handmaid\'s hand in hers. 

"Margaret, just let him leave. And get someone to bring the corpse of the assassin to the mortuary. I want to find out who sent him," Laina peered over to look at Kol and back at Margaret, "Get Kol cleaned up too, he\'s covered in blood."

"But, Princess, where are you going to sleep?" Margaret asked out of concern. 

Seeing it as his golden opportunity, Dante spun Laina around and roped his arm around her waist. He cupped her chin with his free hand. At that moment, Laina was mesmerized by his charm. 

"You can come back to my place and spend the night in my bed. I promise to bring you back promptly at first light," he suggested with a smirk. 

-Say yes

That was what her heart whispered to her. Laina shook her head and removed herself from Dante\'s arms. This man was shameless! Way too shameless!

Laina cleared her throat. She regained her composure, "Thank you for the generous offer, King Dante. But the Kinshearth Palace is filled with rooms. I will just sleep in one of the other bedrooms in my quarters."

Dante sighed internally. The opportunity to be by her side was extinguished, just like that. But he was not about to give up. He took her hand into his gently and looked deep into her eyes. 

"But who will protect you tonight? Your handmaid\'s hands are tied with the duties you\'ve just assigned her. And that vampire half breed needs to be cleaned up too. Who will warm your bed for the rest of this beautiful night?" Dante sweet-talked his way through with facts. 

Margaret rolled her eyes as she shook her head. But she knew Dante had a point. She did not feel comfortable letting Laina sleep alone after a second assassination attempt. Kol would also need more than a set of new clothes. 

Though it was not ideal, she knew it was the best course of action moving forward. 

"Dante is right. Maybe it would be good if the King of Dracona stayed with you tonight. JUST for tonight," she said begrudgingly. 

Laina was speechless. Margaret was the last person she expected to be alright with this arrangement.. But seeing as there was no better option, this was their only option.

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