The Dragon King's Heart

Chapter 147 - Rumor Has It

"Laina, Laina! Look, look!" Colette exclaimed with glee as she pointed to a stall selling hairpins. 

Then, another market stall selling toys caught her eye. The little girl tugged on Laina\'s sleeve and pointed it out to her. 

"Yes yes, that one is adorable, isn\'t it? Where do you wanna go first?"

"There! I wanna see the pretty dresses!" 

As per her wishes, they went over to the street stall selling children\'s dresses of every form. There were simple dresses for everyday wear and more formal dresses for formal occasions. Laina put Colette down so that she could pick out the dress she liked on her own. 

Margaret and Kol followed them closely behind. 

"For a girl who\'s supposed to have lost her family, she\'s pretty outspoken," Margaret commented as she folded her arms. 

Kol had to agree. Perhaps the girl was simply hiding her sadness and fears under her positivity. But deep down, Kol did feel as if something seemed a little off with Colette. No matter how hard he tried, he could not quite put his finger on it. 

Seeing how happy Laina looked as she brought Colette further into the shop to try on some dresses, both of them knew one thing for certain. As long as Laina was happy, that was all that matters. 

Little did they know, this would simply be the beginning of many troubles to come. By the end of the day, news about the Crown Princess being spotted with a young child traveled all over Kinshearth. 

It quickly became a hot topic amongst the nobility. Needless to say, when the ministers found out about it, they were not pleased. Rumors began to spread about the origin of the child. 

When they returned to the palace, Laina was immediately informed that the Grand General and the Royal Advisor were already waiting for her in the Drawing Room. Laina could not help but sigh. 

"What do they want with me? Tell them I\'m tired. I will converse with them tomorrow," Laina informed the messenger before continuing on her way to her quarters. 

"But your Highness, The Grand General, and Royal Chancellor are insistent. It\'s regarding the young child you\'ve rescued from the forest," the messenger daringly spoke up. 

Colette, who was in Laina\'s arms, looked over to the messenger and said, "Did you not hear what the princess said? If she does not want to see them, then she does not have to!"

Everyone gasped in shock, surprised by the words that came out of the young girl\'s mouth. Laina could not help but chuckle. The girl\'s character somewhat reminded her of herself. 

Laina had not anticipated news of her affairs to spread so quickly. She had underestimated the speed of the rumor mill in Kinshearth. Not wanting any false information to spread, she decided to go. 

"Hopefully it does not take too long," Laina commented as she turned to her handmaiden, " Margaret, prepare me a hot water bath."

"Will do, Your Highness."

Laina handed Colette over to Margaret and went off to the Drawing Room with Kol following close behind. As she entered the Drawing Room moments later, Grand General Tobias and Royal Chancellor Lucinda got down on their knees to greet her. 

"Tobias, Lucinda," she greeted them as she took a seat on the sofa. 

"I am very tired from the day\'s activities and wish to rest so let\'s make this quick," Laina declared as she leaned back on the sofa. 

"Yes, Your Highness. We\'ve heard that you\'ve been spotted with a young child, is that true?" Lucinda asked carefully. 

Laina could tell the Royal Chancellor was carefully picking her words. Why was she doing so? There was something they were clearly alluding to. 

"Yes, that is true. The child\'s name is Colette. I brought her into the city for the day. Is there an issue?" Laina asked as she folded her arms. 

"Oh no issue at all, your Highness," Tobias quickly replied, worried that they might have triggered Laina with their question. 

"Then why are we having this conversation?" Laina asked. 

She rubbed her temples and let out a sigh. Coupled with the lack of sleep from the night before and the excursion into the city, Laina was tired. All she wanted was a nice warm and relaxing bath after dinner and sleep. 

"General Tobias, Chancellor Lucinda, if you both have something to say, speak now. Or I will take my leave."

The general and chancellor looked at one another. Tobias bit his lip. How were they going to breach the topic of discussion without further agitating their princess? It was clearly impossible!

As the silence hung in the air, Tobias gulped. He knew if they remained silent for any longer, Laina would be suspicious. So, he decided to bite the bullet. 

"There\'s been a rumor, your Highness. People believe the child, this… Colette… is your flesh and bone."

"What?" Laina asked in disbelief. 

"Yes, rumors are spreading about this. They are saying… saying…"

"Saying what?" 

"Saying that the girl\'s father is King Dante."

The Crown Princess could not believe her ears! Did she hear them wrong? Laina stood up from her seat and walked over to the general and chancellor. 

"Repeat what you just said," she ordered. 



Tobias gulped as he looked over to Lucinda. But nothing could save him now. 

"Spit it out, Tobias. Repeat what you heard from the rumor mill," Laina insisted. 

"Rumour has it that the girl is your illegitimate child with King Dante."

In all his years of experience on the battlefield and as a general, Tobias had never feared anything. But there was something about the Crown Princess that made him shiver. 

Whenever she got angry, he knew no one would survive the full force of her wrath. At first, he did not even dare to look up at Laina. But the silence was so torturous that he could not help himself anymore. 

He glanced over to see the Crown Princess. Much to his surprise, she did not look angry at all. Her eyebrows were furrowed. She seemed to be deep in thought for a moment. 

It was a look of confusion. 

What followed was a burst of laughter that echoed throughout the Drawing Room. 

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