What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1310 It's A Treasure Hunt

(Lian Li POV)

I smiled upon seeing Master disappear right in front of us, no doubt having teleported somewhere else to \'escape\' from us.

"Ufufufu~ I did tell you that Master would most likely reject the idea~" Manami giggled.

Diao chan pouted, "Uuu… I thought Master might be more receptive to the idea if it was Sister Lian Li suggesting it…"

I scoffed, "Even Master could see from a mile away that this was definitely your idea. There\'s no way I would suggest something that shameless on my own."

Brendan looked out into the festival grounds, "I suppose Master is most likely somewhere in the festival exploring the place. And I believe He would be using some kind of Technique that would prevent anyone else from recognising Him."

Kiyomi rolled her eyes, "I doubt Master even needs to rely on something as crude as that anymore. The entire Universe bends to His will."

"Ara, ara? Is my dear little Kiyomi getting wet?"

"Sh… Shush, elder sister…"

Diao Chan got up and then patted herself, "I suppose we should start the next event then?"

All of us looked at one another and our domains flared up as a sign of challenge. That also served as the signal to the other Gods in the festival that it was finally time to start our next event.

Who would be the one to find Master first and take Him to a private spot to have lovey dovey time with Him?

The event is also open to the other Gods participating in the event as well so they\'ll also be trying to look for Master too.

Of course there were those stupid Gods who think that Iris is better than Master and wouldn\'t be interested in this event but no one cares about them anyway.

I may have lost in the Battle Royale but I definitely won\'t lose in this one! Wait for me Master! I\'m going to find you first and then we\'re going to have lots of lovey dovey cuddle sex in bed!!

Wait a minute… Where\'s Cai Hong?


Hmm? Why do I feel a cold shiver down my spine?

"Papa, Papa! Cookie!"

"Ahaha~ There\'s cookies over there indeed. Does little Cai Hong want one?"

"Papa want? Cai Hong give Papa!"

So cute~

I got two cookies for the two of us to munch on. Incidentally, the stall was being run by a clone of Eris who gave us the cookies with a bright smile.

They don\'t seem to possess intelligence so she was unable to respond to anything you said to her.

You\'re wondering why Cai Hong is here? Well she found me of course.

Despite putting on the disguise and appearing somewhere in the festival, I didn\'t even manage to take ten steps before my loli dragon appeared in front of me and hugged me, recognising me immediately.

I asked how she knew it was me and she simply sucked on her finger and said, "Hmmm? Papa is Papa~ Cai Hong know Papa!"

Well, I just left it at that and went on to explore the festival with my little dragon, making sure to put the same disguise on her so others wouldn\'t realise who she was or who I was through her. I also put a filter on her voice so that others would not be able to hear what she was saying exactly.

Otherwise, I\'m pretty sure some people would be able to put two and two together when they see someone calling me \'Papa\' in this festival.

While munching on the cookies I\'ve just gotten for the both of us, I felt Cai Hong tug on my sleeve to point at a stall.

"Papa! Papa! \'Pwesent\'!"

I looked at what she was pointing at to realise she had caught sight of a souvenir stall that had a clone of Manami taking care of it.I think you should take a look at

There were quite a number of gods gathered in front of the stall and browsing its wares.

Feeling a little curious, I went to the stall with Cai Hong to see what they had on display.

"Waaaa! Papa! Lookie! It\'s mini-Papa!" She squealed.

I squinted my eyes at the object and sure enough, it was a miniature version of me.

I know they were \'selling\' souvenirs but I didn\'t know such things were also being made…

Taking this chance, I peeked at the gods who were fussing over the stall.

"Ahhh! This one seems to have more of Father\'s Origin energy!"

"No, no, no! This one definitely has the most!"

"But this figure highlights His cheeks better!"

"Ugghh… I want everything! Can I have everything?!"

"You can\'t! They already said we\'re limited to getting three per stall… Otherwise we would be banned from this place."

"Arghh! Why would they even put up a rule like that?!"

"Because if they didn\'t, we\'d just take everything from all the stalls the moment we get here and no one else would be able to get anything. Also, we better hurry up, the event has already started!"

"Urk… That\'s true… Then I\'ll take these three!"

Hmm… I\'m glad they\'re enjoying the festival at least. And it seems like my disciples have at least given the festival some thought to make sure that everything is able to run smoothly.

"Papa! Cai Hong want this mini-Papa! Can Cai Hong have it?" The loli dragon asked, holding a small figurine of me standing in a pose like I was about to give a sermon.

I don\'t see why not, so I got it for her from the clone of Manami.

Speaking of which… The gods from earlier said that the event has already started? I wonder what event is happening right now?

The girls told me that it was supposed to be parading me through the festival but I ran away from that and I doubt they would put a projection of me in my place so it can\'t be that, can it?

"Papa! Lookie! Lookie!"

Once again, I was tugged on my sleeve by my little dragon to bring my attention somewhere else.

This time, it seemed like it was a goddess confronting another god.

"You! Are you Father?!"

"Wha? No I\'m not!"

"I know you are! I\'ve never seen you around before! Which World are you in charge of?!"

"Why should I tell you?! Leave me alone! I know what you\'re trying to do here, ok?! It\'s not going to work on me!"

"No! You must be Father! Hurry up and follow me!"

Another goddess suddenly showed up and shoulder charged the first goddess away, "No! Don\'t listen to her! Follow me! Quickly! I have no time to explain!"

"I\'m not… Stop! Stop pulling me! Where are you bringing me?! Stooooop!!"

The goddess started dragging the god away while the first goddess got up from the ground looking to be a little dazed.

She then realised that the god she was talking to was being dragged by another goddess and leapt at her, the two of them dissolving into a catfight while rolling on the ground.

That gave the first god the chance he needed to run away, screaming something about crazy goddesses.

What the heck is going on?

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