Ocean Master

Chapter 337 - The Basic Library.

Inside the basic library, Sebastian rummaged through the large catalog of books that were before him, spoiling him for choice.

>The Theory of Mutated Beasts<

>Albert\'s Theory of Evolution<

>The Lifecycle of a Clown Fish<

>The Mysteries of the Mana Core<

>The Mysteries of Beast Adaptations<

>The Monster Dictionary<

"I…, choose…, you, and you, and you".

After spending one day in the Aurora Hospital, precisely the anatomy department doing his job, Sebastian already upgraded his daily schedule.

Like senior anatomist Miniman said to him, the anatomy department closed from work for the day at exactly 4:00 pm every day. This left a lot of time for Sebastian to do a lot of other things.

Since transmigrating into this world, Sebastian had never gone on vacation nor did he intend to do so anytime soon.

It felt subtle, but since his transmigration, this sense of a formless pressure always kept on pushing him to work harder.

Perhaps, it was because of the cannibalistic nature of Oceania that enabled predators to kill, feed, evolve, and keep the cycle of life and evolution moving but the pressure was always there at the back of his mind.

It was like, if he stopped working hard for one minute, he would die.

After the betrayal by Torpedum, the death of Old Mak, and the separation from his clan members who he currently didn\'t know their status, Sebastian was left justifiably depressed but he did not dare to wallow in it.

Perhaps, if it was him of a few months ago on earth, suffering so many depressing encounters would have demotivated him so much that he would have been unproductive for months at least.

But in here, the pressure did not give him the luxury for that.

After waking up from his coma, Sebastian didn\'t even find the time to worry about his clan members who he separated from, the necessities to keep himself alive were what took priority in his mind instead.

Despite being a purple-tier predator now, the pressure was still there. His appetite increased after his evolution, this only meant that he needed to hunt more and eat more before his stomach could be filled.

In the barren wasteland where he woke up from his coma, how to safeguard his life and kill for food was what preoccupied his mind, not clan members.

It was only after he arrived at the anemone domain, completed his preliminary objectives, and settled down in his new department, doing what he liked best that he finally had the luxury to think back.

"I hope you\'re alive somewhere, Tungsten".

"We\'ll meet again someday, I believe so".

"Tosh, Verni, I miss you guys, I really miss your non-stop talk".

This was all that Sebastian could do to relive arguably the best moments of his life since transmigrating into this world. He got most of his memories in this world from his time in Old Mak\'s shark clan.

Despite feeling regret, despite hoping that he could rewind time, Sebastian knew that there was only little that he could do at the moment which was why he was content with staying here.

The best way that he could think of to help Tungsten and the others was to consolidate his current strength and start improving it again.

If one day, he grew to become as strong as the Rabbit Monarch, he was pretty confident that a lot of the inconveniences that he suffered today would become nonexistent. In the end, strength was the real deal.

That was why he decided to read 3 of the books that caught his attention, \'the mysteries of the mana core\', \'the mysteries of beast adaptations\', and \'the monster dictionary\'.

Yesterday, after work, he already read the \'theory of mutated beasts\', today he decided to try tackling these 3 fellows.

>The Mysteries of the Mana Core<

- The mana core as described by the great variant human scientist; Albert Stone is the driving force of every magic predator. In every predator\'s body with a magic domain, every magic attack starts from the mana core.

- After extensive scanning, research, and experimentation throughout the years, we succeeded in getting a basic overview of the complicated internal structure of a mana core. 

- The mana core is not just a box that contains mana, the mana core comprises a perfect mixture of mana, a direct essence of specific magic domains relative to different predators, and phasing lines of organic matter.

- For decades, we\'ve been trying ways to alter mana cores. Though none of them have been successful, it has been proven through our supercomputer that a mana core can be altered to have more specific usage.

- The greatest dream of every anatomist relative to mana cores is to get to that golden age where predators cannot only have more than one mana core but also have those that are dedicated for specific usage.

- The mana core…

- Mana cores…

Sebastian spent over an hour before he finished the first book. By the time he finished it, his eyes were already glittering as lots of insights, inspirations, and overview of a mana core became open to him.

He enthusiastically picked the next book and started reading.

>The Mysteries of Beast Adaptations<

- Beast Adaptations are inherently tied to predators. They are only possible due to the unique nature of our world, and they are part of the reason why we are called mutated beasts.

- The premise to which the first predator to get a beast adaptation mutated was strengthening ourselves the same way that variant humans did.

- Variant humans despite their weak physique are known to be powerful because of their ability to create weapons that resonate with their physique, enabling them to output strength at a far higher level than normal.

- Beast Adaptations were inspired by the weapons and gadgets of variant humans. What if we could achieve the remarkable effects of humans by trying to adapt and mutate our bodies to wield weapons and do the same? Once the idea came, there was no stopping it, and in came beast adaptations.

- Today, beast adaptations range from basic spikes for attacking, to shell adaptations in crabs for storage, utility, attacking, and a lot of other usages to even mana conductor coatings to enable faster mana conduction.

- Beast Adaptations are the perfect representation of a thriving beast ecosystem. Through battle, mutated beasts get to know their weaknesses, and through evolution, they mutate adaptations to try to make up for these weaknesses.

- Today, beast adaptations are inseparable from all powerful predators.

- …

>The Monster Dictionary<

- In our world, there are different types of monsters and mutated beasts, this dictionary comprises most of the well-known beasts and some rare monsters.

{Well-known Category}.

- Alligator.

- Ariode.

- Catfish {Snapping Catfish}.

- Colossal Squids.

- Dolphin.

- Fish {Numerous Types}.

- Giant Squids.

- Jellyfish {Numerous Types}.

- Killer Whale {Orca}.

- Octopus {Numerous Types}.

- Pelicans.

- Penguins.

- Porpoises.

- Sharks {Numerous types like the Great White Shark, the Hammerhead Shark, the Basking Shark, the Blue Shark, the Thresher Shark, etc.}

- Snakes {Numerous types like the Devouring Cobra, the Moon Devourer, the Snapping Python, the Swallowing Anaconda, etc.}

- Turtle {Snapping Turtle}.

- Walruses.

- Whales {Numerous Types}.

- …

{Rare Category}.

- Death Dragons.

- Deep-Sea Nightmares.

- Ocean Shakers. 

- The Devouring Joker.

- Tsunami Shark.

- Space Beasts.

- …

"Phew! I\'m tired".

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