Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 48 - Episode 48: Announcement.

[Voice of the World]

[Sudden Event: Kill the culprit who stole the forbidden items (Failed)]

[The three sovereignty are furious and disappointed towards their players. There is nothing left to say. All three factions are getting punishments. Removed the blessings from the players for 4799hrs 59mins 59secs]

All the players left. Some went back, and some logged out. I\'m on my own and went to the woods to rest.

I opened my skill tab. I have unlocked the skill tree for both of my chained sickles and scythe weapons. The skill tree will be unlocked after the weapon mastery reaches level 5. Every basic skill can be upgraded and became a different skill once they reached max level. There will be three options for each skill, and they can choose which one they want.

[Scythe Mastery Lv.7]

[Scythe Skill Tree]

[Plunge of Death Lv.Max] > [Circle of Death Lv.3]1

[Dance of Death Lv.Max] > [Shadow of Death Lv.3]1

[Volley of Death Lv.3] 1[Gloom of Death Lv.2]2

[Blink Strike Lv.1]1 [Death and Desire Lv.1]2

[Executioner Lv.2]1


[Chained Sickle Mastery Lv.7]

[Chained Sickle Skill Tree]

[Sharper Blade Lv.Max] > [Rupture Blade Lv.3]1

[Blitz Blade Lv.Max] > [Onslaught Blade Lv.3]1

[Afterimages Lv.3]1 [Chain of Destiny Lv.1]2

[Unbroken Lv.1]1 [Hook and Sling Lv.1]2

[Slasher Lv.2]1


[Dagger Mastery Lv.5]

[Dagger Skill Tree]

[Weak Point Lv.Max] > [Critical Point Lv.1]1

[Double Attack Lv.Max] > [Triple Attack Lv.1]1

[Slight of Hand Lv.3]1 [Eye of Dagger Lv.1]2

[Close Combat Lv.1]1

My weapons mastery leveled up a lot from killing the players. I feel bad and at the same time, I\'m grateful for that. I rest my head for a bit while enjoying the breeze under the tree. Then I open my friend list and send a message to Ivonna.

[Trevor: Where are you right now?]

[Ivonna: We are at our base. We are apologizing to all the players from our faction.]

[Trevor: I\'m sorry to hear that. Can I come over?]

[Ivonna: Sure, you should join us to apologize to all the players as well. You\'re the one who did this.]

[Trevor: I know, I\'m coming.]

I removed my equipment and went to the teleportation device inside the capital city of Nortzel Kingdom, Gardweil. I teleported to the Eynhildr Kingdom.

I\'m walking to Forsaken- Clan base. All the players are walking around as if they didn\'t care about the punishment and didn\'t care much about it. I believe Ivonna already made an apology to them. Then a woman\'s voice is calling my name from far away.

"Trev?! You\'re here?!"

Emma is looking at me with Ivonna and the others beside her.

They all approach me. Francesca wraps her arm around my neck and pulls me in. She\'s smacking my head with her palm while scoffing.

"You psychopath!"

I chuckle and I\'m glad they\'re not mad at me.

Francesca removes her arm from my neck and shakes her head. Hans is also shaking his head.

"You were so cool that I\'m envious of your stats and skills. Damn, you massacred all of us so easily."

Michael is looking at me.

"Yo! I want a rematch! But don\'t use those daggers of yours! Those daggers are too overpowered."

I smirk and chuckle.

"Sure, I\'ll gladly accept your challenge anytime."

Michael is nodding with understanding while grinning. Leonardo is rubbing his chin.

"Not for me, I\'m done dealing with you. You\'re broken."

They laugh. Then Ivonna bumps her fist on my chest while smiling.

"You got us good. But that will be the last time you can kill me. There will be no next time."

Francesca is laughing and wraps her arm around Ivonna\'s neck and leans her head on Ivonna\'s head.

"Do you know how salty she was when she spawned?"

They all laughing at Ivonna and making fun of her.

They told me what happened after the battle. I listened to them while we walked around the Eynhildr Kingdom to apologize to the players. They were all complaining and whining about it, but they accepted their defeat. Then we went to all the kingdoms to apologize. We spent a few hours just doing that.

We are at Forsaken- Clan base and inside the roundtable, room resting after a long day. Ivonna is looking at me.

"So, what are you going to do with Krestan\'s limbs?"

I put all his limbs on the table. They\'re looking at them so seriously.

"I will give it to Krestan, of course. After I got the reward from him, I will subdue him and make sure he won\'t bring chaos to the three sovereignty."

Francesca is raising her eyebrow.

"And how are you going to do that?"

I raise my eyebrows.

"By defeating him."

They\'re looking at me with disbelief. Hans clears his throat.

"Are you sure you can defeat him?"

I tilt my head and raise my eyebrow.

"With my current stats and skills I have, I think it won\'t be a problem at all to defeat him."

Michael is humming with understanding.

"If you need help to defeat him, don\'t be shy to ask for our help. Even we are not that strong compared to you, but at least we can do something to help you out."

They all nod in agreement. I smirk.

"Thanks. I\'ll do that when I need your help."

Ivonna is tapping her fingers on the table and then looks at me.

"Are you going to see him now?"

I shake my head.

"No, I want to log out and rest. I just got discharged from the hospital yesterday, so I\'m going to get some rest."

Ivonna nods.

"I see, then we will see you later. Get some rest, Trevor."

They all look at me and nod in an agreement. I nod.

"Yeah, I\'ll see you guys later. If you guys need me, just tell Emma."

They all nod and then I log out.

I woke up and my head is a bit dizzy, it\'s 5 a.m. in the morning of the next day. Then I immediately went to the kitchen to replenish my energy. Then I went to the living room lazing on the couch while watching TV. I checked the forum and then I jolted from the couch. I clicked the link on one of the threads. A link redirecting to Utube of the highlights of the fight between the culprit and the three factions. I watched a 30 minutes video with the title of the video "Azrael, The Angel of Death. (Part 1)". A video of me killing the players. I was shocked because I never thought to see myself from a different perspective. It was quite terrifying how good and invincible I am in that video. Then another video with the same title but it was part 2. It was the battle when I left the sewerage. All of them commented on the video and asked who\'s the culprit and what\'s his name. A lot of certified Utube account commented on the video and asked about the information related to the culprit. They all wanted to contact the culprit and offered a lot of money for what he stole. They were not angry, but they all were amazed by how can a single player defeat hundreds of thousands of players.

I yawn and put my phone on the table because I\'m so sleepy. Then I close my eyes to get some sleep.

Someone is patting my shoulder. I open my eyes and Emma is looking at me with a big smile on her face. I look at the time and it\'s 9 a.m.

"Good morning, Em. What\'s up?"

Emma is sitting on the floor in front of me. She\'s poking my arm and clears her throat then grins at me.

"I\'m hungry..."

I exhale through my nose and chuckle. I sit up and grab my phone. I look at Emma.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?"

Emma is chuckling mischievously.

"I want burgers and milkshake..."

I look at her while furrowing my forehead. Then shake my head and order the food for both of us. Emma suddenly pats on my thigh. I look at her and she\'s pointing at the TV. I look at the TV and Jason Lloyd the CEO of the game publisher is there. He\'s wearing a black suit and grey trousers.

"Good morning, people of the world. My name is Jason Lloyd, the CEO of GC (Golden Curtain)."

Jason walks around the stage.

"As you all have heard a few days ago, The Legacy of the Betelgeuse has reached more than one billion players. There are things I want to announce to all of you."

Jason puts his hands in his trouser pockets.

"We will celebrate our achievement for reaching one billion players this Saturday. Don\'t miss it, because I can guarantee you all that you all are going to have a lot of fun!"




Emma is looking at me.

"That sounds interesting... I can\'t wait for that!"

I nod with agreement.

"Me either."

My phone vibrates and I grab it to check it. It\'s an email from Jason Lloyd. I open it and then I\'m covering my mouth. The email is about Becker\'s account ID and a few photos of him seen online in the game just recently.

"Who was it? You look like seeing a ghost or something."

I shake my head.

"It\'s nothing."

I look at the game room and thinking to go back online, but then I remember that I need to rest, so I\'m staying in the living room with Emma.

The food came and we ate them immediately. We talked about other things and then Emma went back to the gaming room. I went upstairs to my bedroom and rest for more. I fell asleep after reading threads in the forum and thinking about Becker.

[Afterimages Lv.3 (Active Skill): Spawn 3 afterimages on the player for 30 seconds. Each image deals 100% base damage. Consume 50 stamina when used. Cooldown: 5 minutes][Volley of Death Lv.3 (Active Skill): Throw the scythe to the ground and immobilize the enemies within 5 meters radius from the scythe for 1.5 seconds. Deals 150% base damage to the enemies. Consume 10 stamina when used. Cooldown: 30 seconds][Death and Desire Lv.1 (Passive Skill): When the enemy\'s max HP below 5%, deals 200% base damage to the enemy][Slasher Lv.2 (Passive Skill): Critical Damage increased by 50%][Executioner Lv.2 (Passive Skill): When the enemy is affected by fear/stun/immobilize status, they will receive an extra 50% damage][Onslaught Blade Lv.3 (Active Skill): Consecutively attacks the enemies within 10 meters of the player 10 times in 2 seconds. Deals 75% base damage each attack. Consume 20 stamina when used. Cooldown: 20 seconds][Blink Strike Lv.1 (Active Skill): Teleport to where the scythe is at instantly with a maximum range of 100 meters. Consume 50 stamina when used. Cooldown: 60 seconds][Unbroken Lv.1 (Passive Skill): When the enemy getting hit by the sickle. Ignore DEF of the enemy by 10%][Slight of Hand Lv.3 (Active Skill): Multiply attack speed by 300% for 10 seconds. Consume 30 stamina. Cooldown: 3 minutes][Rupture Blade Lv.3 (Passive Skill): When attacking, there is a 20% chance to affect Bleed (Slowly reducing the enemy max health for a period of time) to the enemy when hit. Reduce 1.5% of the enemy\'s max HP for 10 seconds (Can be stacked up to 5 times)][Hook and Sling Lv.1 (Active Skill): 5% chance to remove the enemy\'s equipment that is hooked by the sickle][Gloom of Death Lv.2 (Active Skill): Reduce the enemy status resistance by 10% for 15 seconds when hit. Deals 135% base damage to the enemies. Consume 20 stamina when used. Cooldown 60 seconds][Triple Attack Lv.1 (Passive Skill): 10% chance to do triple attack when attacking. Deals 50% Base Damage each hit when proc][Circle of Death Lv.3 (Active Skill): Stabbing the ground will spawn 12 scythe illusions surrounding the enemies with 10 meters radius. Each scythe deals 30% of base damage. Apply stun status to the enemies for 2 seconds when hit. Consume 30 stamina when used. Cooldown: 60 seconds][Close Combat Lv.1 [Passive Skill): Enemy within 2 meters from the player will receive 10% more damage][Chain of Destiny Lv.1 (Passive Skill): The chain attached to the sickle will be easier to control as moving a finger. Giving extra momentum to the sickle when hits the enemy. Increase damage output by 25%][Eye of Dagger Lv.1 (Active Skill): Multiply Base Damage by 50% for 5 seconds. Consume 15 stamina. Cooldown: 30 seconds][Critical Point Lv.1 (Passive Skill): Increase Critical Rate by 10% and increase Critical Damage by 10%][Shadow of Death Lv.3 (Active Skill): Spawn a shadow behind the player that is 10 times bigger than the player\'s size for 15 seconds. The shadow\'s attack range is 10 times further than the player\'s attack range and will attack the opposite side of the player. Multiply the damage output by 50%. Apply Fear status to the enemies for 2 seconds when hit (The enemy will immune to Fear status for 10 seconds afterward). Consume 50 stamina when used. Cooldown: 120 seconds]

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