Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 66 - Episode 66: A Villain.

It\'s Sunday. Today is the last day for the PvP event and will end at 12 P.M. I checked the PvP leaderboards and the winners are obvious from 1st bracket to 13th bracket. Emma and William\'s points are necks to neck with the player in who\'s in the first place. For the 15th bracket, Michael, Francesca, Grim Rime, and Queenstar are the same. Kingstar is in first place with 473 points, the four of them have the same point, 398 points. Ivonna and the others are giving up on trying to get the top 3. They\'re farming Betelgeuse\'s Coin since then. William has been asking so many questions to me since he now knows about Azrael\'s identity. Every time we ran into each other, he looked at me as if I\'m his hero or something like that, but I\'m not annoyed with that because he\'s such an innocent kid. He reminds me of Becker sometimes.

I have 7 [Betelgeuse\'s Legacy Shard] now. I only need 3 more and I\'m going to take it slow from now on because I have been playing for 12 hours a day and my condition is not doing well. I\'m taking a day off even though I really want to watch the PvP matches.

I watch a movie in the living room downstairs and my phone is vibrating. I check my phone and I got a customer. It\'s the same customer, the blue-haired kid. I immediately change to my uniform and go to my garage then leave to the meeting point.

I\'m arrived at the apartment and waiting for him at the apartment\'s entrance. The entrance\'s door opens, I peek at the entrance and the kid with 4 men behind him are walking towards the car and those guys are carrying 5 huge briefcases. I immediately get out of the car and open the back door for him. He enters the car and the guys put the briefcases at the other side of the back seat and then closed the door. I look at the rearview mirror.

"Where to, sir?"

He looks at me.

"Go to the VCE bank main branch."

I nod and hit the gas.

I take a glimpse of the briefcases from the rearview mirror. I think he\'s carrying a lot of money in there to deposit the money since his destination is the bank. If inside that briefcase is a hundred dollar stack, with the width and height of that briefcase, it should be around 3 to 4 million dollars and times 5, so it\'s around 15 to 20 million dollars. I wonder where did he get that money from.

We arrived at the VCE bank main branch. I opened the door for him, and he immediately walked inside the bank. He came back a few minutes later with a few guys with him. One of them must be the manager since he\'s wearing a nice-looking suit. He looked at me and ordered me to help him bring one of the briefcases. Without asking any questions, I grabbed the briefcase and it was so heavy to carry them. I never thought that money can be this heavy. Then I remembered a TV show when an ex-bank heister said that it\'s better to steal jewelry than money because money is heavy with less value than jewelry. Now I know what he meant by that.

Everything is done. As I thought, he wanted to deposit the money into his own bank account. I wondered why he didn\'t use a cheque to deposit the money, it\'s easier and faster. Well, he\'s still just a kid. I don\'t think he knows about that and I also didn\'t want to interfere with his stuff. My job is to drive a customer and nothing else. I drove him back to his apartment and the job is done then went home after I bought groceries.

I\'m stretching my body while lazing in the living room. I look at the time and it\'s already 1 P.M. I grab my phone to check the PvP leaderboards. Aksevel took first place in the 7th bracket with 523 points. I look at the 14th bracket. William took first place with 492 points, and Emma took fourth place with 419 points. It\'s unfortunate for her because she only needs 2 points to take third place. Now for the 15th bracket. Kingstar took first place with 508 points, and I\'m surprised to see Francesca took second place with 499 points, then Queenstar took third place with 497 points, while Michael is in fourth place with 489 points.

I chuckle.

"I bet Emma is so salty about it."

As soon as I say that, Emma opens the basement door and frowns. She notices that I\'m lazing in the living room and she immediately runs towards me. She grabs a pillow and dives into the couch. She\'s pressing the pillow into her face and screams. I look at her and laugh. Emma lifts her head and glares at me when she heard me chuckling.

"What? Are you enjoying this right now? You psycho."

I\'m holding my laugh and snort. Emma sighs then she suddenly jumps at me and pinches my nipple. It stings so bad. She then groans and laying on my lap.

She lifts her hands and squeezing the air then looks at me.

"I\'m starving. Let\'s cook something."

I scoff.

"Luckily I just bought groceries. Let\'s make some steak and mashed potatoes."

Emma is grinning happily and jolts from the couch.

"Let\'s go!"

I\'m cooking the steak while Emma is mashing the potatoes. Emma is sitting on the kitchen tops while swinging her legs. She looks at me while testing the mashed potatoes.

"Are you going to watch our clan tomorrow?"

I tilt my head.

"Your clan? Ohh, you mean for the skirmish event? Yeah sure, I\'ll watch you guys from the top."

Emma is humming with confusion.

"From the top?"

I look at her and raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah. I was the one who proposed a skirmish game for the celebration event."

Emma furrows her forehead.

"Did you propose to the admin or something like that?"

I shake my head and I\'m explaining to her that I was invited by the CEO of Golden Curtain game publisher and met with the higher-ups to discuss the celebration event and they all agreed with my proposal. I also tell her the reason why I was invited is that they know about me and Becker and from my point of view as a beta tester player.

Emma is humming with understanding.

"Wow, you have become an important person now. I\'m happy for you."

I smirk.

"Keep it a secret from everyone, yeah?"

Emma nods while smiling and she\'s crossing her heart that she promises to not tell anyone. I\'m splashing the steak with wine and while looking at Emma.

"Is the schedule for the skirmish game out yet?"

Emma shakes her head.

"Admins Sev is currently working on it. She\'s going to publish the schedule on the website and forum this evening."

I\'m humming with understanding.

"I see. Are you ready for the skirmish game?"

Emma jumps down from the kitchen tops.

"Of course! I will vent all my anger at that event. I still can\'t accept that I lost by just 2 points! If I can just find a match back then and won, I\'ll be in third place... But no, I couldn\'t find a single opponent until the event ended."

I grab Emma\'s shoulders and bring her to the dining table. I know what is going to happen next. She\'s going to rants about and it\'s going to take a long time until she feels better. That\'s why brought her to the dining table. Then grab the steaks and mashed potatoes and bring them to the dining table. If she wants to rent, then at least let me eat my steak first.

She\'s pouring the wine and looks at me.

"Oh, by the way. That Aksevel guy. He just created his own clan, and thousands of players already joined his clan. Mostly newbies and mages like him."

I\'m chewing my steak and raise my eyebrow.

"Really? What is his clan name?"

Emma is sipping the wine.

"The Chosen. Oh, he\'s hating you now. Because you killed him in the PvP room."

I scoff and smirk.

"Just because of that? That\'s kind of sad and stupid."

Emma is chuckling and nodding with an agreement. Emma then swirling her steak knife.

"When the PvP event ended. Do you know what the players are screaming about in the Colosseum?"

I shake my head. Emma is pointing the steak knife at me.

"You. They\'re screaming Azrael\'s name over and over and they chose you as the people\'s champion. All the players around the world already heard and watched you defeating Kingstar and Queenstar in the PvP from Grisell\'s stream. And now she uploaded it to Utube so everyone can rewatch it."

I\'m scoffing and shaking my head.

"Am I a villain or a hero? I killed a hundred thousand players, and yet they\'re cheering for me. So weird."

Emma shrugs and munches the steak.

"Rooting for the hero is too boring and too mainstream. Maybe they want to see the villain win in this game."

I smirk and scoff. Then we hear a noise coming from the basement. We can hear William\'s footsteps so clear and he\'s in a rush. He opens the door and he looks panicked. Emma and I are looking at him while raising our eyebrows. William gulps and takes a deep breath.

"Miss Ivonna just punched Kingstar in front of everyone in the Colosseum!"

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