Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 104 - Episode 104: This Is...

Sev is opening the folder for me and there are a bunch of documents in it. Sev then opens one of them and is pointing at the title.

[The Capsule Pod Experiment]


[I finally made the fully working machine. Before I enter the machine, there\'s something I need to explain first. This machine is going to put us into a sleeping state, but the truth is, it\'s not. To be exact, we will be forced to fall unconscious, and during that, our brain will get rid of toxic waste. Our nerve cells will communicate and reorganize, which supports healthy brain function. It helps our bodies repairs cells, restores energy, and releases molecules like hormones and proteins. It sounds unbelievably good, and it is a fact. If a person is using this machine it will exercise our brain and I can say that this machine is the best way to exercise our brain without even have to do anything. In a long run, this machine will definitely make our brain and body healthier. It will help quickly reverse symptoms of certain mental health conditions as well. To put it simply, this machine can make us live longer.]

[I will be using this device 8 hours a day for the next 100 days]


[I don\'t feel any changes at all. Everything seems normal. No side effects or drawbacks from using this machine. I feel like I\'m living in my dream. Using this machine, it feels like I was in a deep sleep state and everything feels nice and pleasant.]


[I\'m having a massive headache and my head is throbbing. I kept monitoring my brain usage and it\'s almost three times higher. If we use this machine excessively, it will damage our brains. But, I can feel that my brain is sharpened. I tested with playing level 5 puzzles for the first time and solved all of them in my third attempt. reading, and memorized every single word on each page and wrote it down on a piece of paper. I managed to memorize 98% of the words. It\'s as if my brain can absorb everything that I see. I tried to shuffle a card and memorized every single one of them and I predicted every card in order.]


[I tested on raising my INT stat to 10.000 in the game in an instant. I was forced to wake up because of the drastic change in my brain usage. Before I was forced to wake up, I felt like being electrocuted for a split second and it was so painful. My whole body was paralyzed for almost an hour inside the pod. I had to delete my character and create a new character since it was unplayable anymore. Now I can finally confirm that raising INT in the game is affecting our brains. I had to reduce the amount of brain usage in this game down to 50% to reduce the chance of damaging our brain.]


[This machine will change the world of science. I can say this machine is the easiest and the fastest way to help us to evolve further. Theoretically, this machine can help a person who is in a comatose state to wake up because of how this machine stimulates our brains. A student can study in the game and it will be easier for them to absorb the information they just learned. Not just that, everyone can now have the time for themselves. I have seen so many people stressed out from working and barely have time to spend their time enjoying themselves, and even if they forced themselves to spend the time for themselves, they will have a lack of time to sleep and will be exhausted the next day. That is the main reason I made this game and machine. With the slow time flow in the game, they can just play the game an hour and it feels like a day. Students can play and study for days in the game, and it will only take a few hours in real-time. I want everyone to live with happiness and full of joy.]

I\'m humming with understanding. There are a lot of other documents that have proved his theory and the scientific research of the machine. Sev is looking at me.

"This is the benefit of using the pod, Trevor. Also, I was ordered to tell you something from my master."

I raise my eyebrows and look at Sev.

"What is it?"

Sev is pointing at the document.

"Master wants you to share this information with the world. As you can read the last sentence, master wants everyone to live with happiness and full of joy."

I nod and open my email and send this document to Jason.

I look at another folder named the truth. I look at Sev and she\'s staring at the folder as well. Sev then looks at me.

"Are you sure you want to see this?"

I nod.


Sev opens the folder and I immediately gagging and covering my mouth while looking away. I breathe heavily and stand up from the chair. Those photos will haunt me for the rest of my life. I walk to the corner of the room and sit down while covering my face. I can hear Sev is calling my name over and over, but I\'m ignoring her and trying so hard to calm down.

I look at the computer screen and thank god I can\'t see those from down here. I shake my head.

"What the f*ck were you thinking Becker."

Sev is calling me.

"Trevor, are you alright?"

I stand up and slowly approach the computer. I take a deep breath while closing my eyes. I sit down and open my eyes slowly. I can see photos of Becker\'s head and what\'s inside of it. It\'s his brain. There\'s also a video with the title "Brain Extraction.". There\'s also a document named "Selective Autopsy Report.". I look at Sev with my pale face and expression. Sev is looking at me with worries. I clear my throat and trying so hard not to gag.

Sev is pointing at a document named "The Truth.".

"We should open this first and you can read what this is all about."

I nod and then Sev opens it for me since my whole body feels weak just from looking at those photos.

[To Trevor.]

[You have seen it. Now it is time for me to tell you the truth.]

[The truth is I\'m the one who proposed this idea to my parents. They both are shocked and yelled at me when I told them I want to extract my brain. But in the end. they both can\'t say anything about it and just agreed with my request.]

[Right now, as you read this message. My brain is preserved inside the pod. You don\'t have to know where it is. The reason why I want to do this is that I want to live inside the game that I made, but I don\'t know if it\'s going to work or not. If you saw me in the game, that means it\'s a success and I\'m living inside the game right now. If it\'s not, then that means it\'s a failure. But I\'m confident that this will work. I\'m sorry that you have to see this, but the truth is, I\'m scared of dying, Trev. I\'m not ready to die and I lied to you that I said I\'m ready to die yesterday. I still want to live even if it\'s not in the real world. Maybe, the reason I made this game is for my own way to escape death. On the day I breathe my last breath, they will immediately extract my brain and keep it safe. The current technology can keep a brain work without a body. So I was thinking that this might be a good chance for me to do this.]

[I know that you\'re shocked about this, and I\'m sorry to hide it from you. But still, even if I told you about this, you might not believe it. I hope you understand and I really want to stay alive no matter what. I hope that we can see each other again, Trev. I miss playing with you, and I miss the world that I created.]

[From your best friend, Becker.]

I\'m looking down at the floor while covering my head. Sev is moving closer to the screen and I can hear her footsteps.

"How are you feeling, Trevor?"

I scoff and shake my head.

"I don\'t know. This is too much..."

I lift my head and look at Sev while smirking with disbelief.

"Honestly, I still can\'t believe it. Even if I want to believe, deep down, I don\'t want to."

I exhale deeply and lean on the chair. I\'m staring at Sev\'s eyes.

"You knew about this?"

Sev nods.

"I do. Remember the second time you saw me? I mentioned that my master is no longer in your world, but I know the fact that he is living in this world now."

I scoff and shake my head.

"You did... I remember that."

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