Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 259 - Episode 259: It's For The Best.

We are on our way to the Hebraum Kingdom to check on King Crafnell, Rodwane, and Avriel. I need to check the progress on uniting the Alliance Kingdoms, and Ivonna told me that King Crafnell is ready to step down from the throne and will give it to Rodwane, but Rodwane isn\'t ready for that yet, he wants to know everything from the conflicts of each kingdom to the situations of each kingdom, if he doesn\'t know about all of that, how is he going to unite them all.

We enter the Palace and now all the royal guards and the knights that are protecting the palace are Avriel\'s men, but then Ivonna tells me that not just the knights and royal guards that are Avriel\'s men, but the maid and all the women inside the palace are Avriel\'s underlings as well. Avriel has been recruiting new members and I didn\'t know about that, Ivonna says that there are more of them out there and Avriel has been sending them to each kingdom to observe. With the help of Rodwane and King Crafnell, Avriel is now the overlord of the underground and has already taken control of the Alliance Kingdoms from the shadow.

Ivonna is going to have a talk with Rodwane about bringing Gervase to the Hebraum Kingdom while I\'m going to Avriel\'s office to check up on her first. We go our separate ways, I go to the second floor while she goes to the third floor. I see so many royal guards are patrolling around the palace, they\'re all bowing their heads whenever they see me. I stand in front of Avriel\'s office, and when I\'m about to knock on the door, a clacking sound is coming from the door and Avriel is opening the door for me from the inside, she looks at me and smiles.

"Come in."

I walk into her office and I\'m surprised to see Krestan sitting on the sofa while drinking his cup of tea, he waves at me while sipping his tea. Avriel goes back to her office table and she seems quite busy so I sit next to Krestan and looks at him while furrowing my forehead, I ask him what\'s he doing here, and turns out Avriel is the one who summoned him to come here because she needs his help, and when I ask her what\'s she doing she immediately replies that she and Krestan are still going to find Kalitzar and planning on killing him.

I\'m humming with understanding and look at Avriel.

"So, did you find Kalitzar\'s whereabouts?"

Avriel shakes her head while sighing.

"We couldn\'t find him everywhere, at least in the Alliance Kingdoms\' territory and the No Man\'s Land. We haven\'t checked the Eluna Empire and the Aarus Empire\'s territories yet since we are lacking people to deploy there."

I lean on the sofa and cross my legs.

"I heard that you recruited new members, is this the reason why you recruited them?"

Avriel smirks and shakes her head.

"Not the only reason, but the main reason why I recruited new members is that I want to create the shadows that stronger than what Lerst Eogura created, I want to rule over the three sovereignties from the shadow and manipulate everything."

I furrow my forehead while staring at her.

"For what?"

Krestan scoffs and shakes his head while Avriel is staring at me, I\'m confused with his reaction and then Avriel rests her arms on the table while raising her eyebrow.

"For you, Trevor. I want to create the world where nobody dares to touch or go against you because everything matters when it comes to you."

I\'m surprised to hear that.


Avriel slightly smiles and scoffs.

"Because I\'m tired to see you becoming like this, everyone is hating you for doing the right thing. They are all looking for you for killing that rotten emperor and for killing those assassins, they blamed you for everything. They were blaming you for the chaos? The chaos that had nothing to do with you? The chaos that could destroy their own home, kingdom, and empire? The chaos that you prevented?!"

Avriel is getting fired up and she\'s staring at me in the eyes while pointing her finger on the table.

"I\'m sick of seeing those ungrateful useless humans that proudly pointed their fingers at you because there was nobody else they can blame for the problem that they were having! I will make them all bow down on their knees and their heads on the ground!"

I look at her while waving my hands to calm her down.

"Okay, I understand. Just calm down, Avriel."

Krestan is chuckling while looking at me. I sigh and stand up then walk toward Avriel and sit on the table while looking at her.

"Thank you. I\'m not going to say that it\'s unnecessary, to be honest, that\'s a good idea. I need you to control them and become the observer of the three sovereignties because I\'m going to go on a journey for a very long time, and this idea will help me on reducing the burden I\'m carrying, also it\'s easier for us to find Kalitzar and Aspen because I need to kill them both as soon as possible."

Krestan is surprised and raises his eyebrows while Avriel is furrowing her forehead with confusion, she then tilts her head while staring at me.

"Go on a journey? Where? For how long?"

I look at the papers on her table then look at her while nodding.

"I\'m going to explore the Orion, I will go as far as I can go to the south and see what\'s over there and create a new place for the people who feel that they don\'t belong here in the three sovereignties. Don\'t worry, I will come back frequently to check on you."

Avriel looks a bit sad and disappointed but she nods with understanding, Krestan is resting his head on his hand and looking at me.

"When are you going to go on a journey? By the way, you haven\'t fulfilled your promise, Trevor."

I look at him and nod.

"I will be leaving a month or so from now, and don\'t worry, I will go to the Land of Sigrid to talk with your master later."

Krestan nods with understanding, I get off of the table and look at them both.

"Alright, I will take my leave now because there\'s something I need to catch up with Rodwane. I will see you guys later."

They both nod and Avriel walks with me and opens the door for me, I look at her and nod, she smiles and nods as well then I leave the room while Avriel is closing the door on me so slowly while keep staring at me in the eyes with her smile.

I go to the third floor and enter King Crafnell\'s chamber, Ivonna, Rodwane, and King Crafnell are sitting at the table and they all look so serious. Ivonna looks at me and tapping the chair next to her, I sit down and look at the three of them while raising my eyebrows.

"So, what\'s going on over here? You all look so tense."

Ivonna looks at me while raising her eyebrows.

"I just realized that Gervase is King Lionel\'s nephew, and now I know who killed his father which is King Lionel himself with the help of King Crafnell and his accomplices. The problem is, King Lionel starts to sniff us and he seems to understand the situation and the plan of bringing Gervase back to the Alliance Kingdoms. If King Lionel opens his mouth and tells the truth that he killed his own brother who was going to rise to the throne with the help of King Crafnell and his accomplices, then all of our plan and Lord Rodwane will be in jeopardy."

Ivonna sighs and leans on the chair while massaging her forehead.

"We can\'t proceed to the next step because of this, and right now we are going to find a solution on how to bring King Lionel down from his throne while not endangering King Crafnell and Rodwane\'s position."

I look at them and shake my head.

"If that\'s what you want, then why don\'t you just assassinate King Lionel so Gervase can climb to the throne that is originally his in the first place?"

Ivonna shakes her head.

"We already discuss that option, but Lord Rodwane said that becoming a ruler by spilling blood won\'t last and it will create a conflict in the future which might lead to the downfall of Gervase\'s monarchy and it will create another problem which betraying the trust of each other that will lead the widening schism between each kingdom. We need an option that can unite the whole Alliance Kingdoms and can stand together from the future threat."

I smile and scoff.

"I think I said it before, that the problem is someone that\'s sitting among us."

Ivonna looks at King Crafnell while Rodwane is lowering his head while exhaling deeply. I\'m pointing my finger at King Crafnell and raising my eyebrows.

"If King Crafnell confesses all his wrongdoings and tells the truth about his attempt on assassinating Rodwane, helping King Lionel assassinating his own brother, and the spy that sent by Emperor Lerst Eogura, I think everyone can agree that he\'s the root of the problem. That\'s going to work if he goes on his own without trying to convince the people that he helped Rodwane escape his death, because if he does, then there\'s a chance that the people might have a suspicion about Rodwane and the years during his missing."

Ivonna takes a deep breath and exhales deeply.

"Then what? What if the people are not satisfied with his wrongdoings?"

I tilt my head and raise my eyebrows.

"Public execution by hanging or beheading."

The three of them are gone in silence, but then King Crafnell exhales deeply while closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath and opens his eyes to look me in the eyes.

"If that is for the best, let us do that.. As I said, I am ready to face my death in the beginning."

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