Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 283 - Episode 283: It's Now Or Never.

I thought it would take at least an hour to confirm it but it has been half a day since Avriel sent her men to infiltrate the village. Everyone is starting to get suspicious or worried about them while Avriel is still at ease and just leaning on the tree while enjoying the breeze. Ivonna is looking at me and tilts her head toward Avriel to signal me to ask her about her underlings. I approach Avriel and lean next to her, she opens her left eye and looks at me from the corner of her eye.

"I can hear and see that they are worried about my men, but don\'t worry, I can still feel their movements from here. Those people have no idea how hard it is to blend in a place where everyone knows everyone\'s faces. They\'re doing fine and doing their best to get any information from the village."

I raise my eyebrows and nod with understanding. I cross my arms and look at her while tilting my head to whisper into her ear.

"What are the odds of them getting caught?"

Avriel closes her eye and sighs.

"Pretty high, but if they are in danger, they should have sent a signal to us already."

Just as soon as she said that we hear a loud noise coming from one of the cabins in the village. Avriel is the only one who\'s panicking and I can tell that might be the signal that she mentioned earlier or that they\'re in trouble. Avriel grabs my shoulder and she looks at me so seriously.

"They have been discovered! What\'s your call?"

I look at her and nod.

"Let\'s make a move and don\'t let them run away. We won\'t let them get away this time."

Avriel nods with understanding.

"Okay, I will go there and check my men. I will be waiting."

I nod and then she disappears. Everyone is looking at me with confusion then I tell them that Avriel\'s men are in trouble right now and we need to make a move now and ambush Aspen and Kalitzar. Everyone nods with understanding and then Kingstar looks at everyone while crossing his arms.

"Alright, we will move as we planned. Let\'s go!"

We all slide down the hill and run into the village, all the villagers are startled to see a group of people wearing full armor and weapons ready in our hands. Some of them are just staring at us with confusion while the rest of them are running away as if they\'re scared of us. Kingstar, Boschwell, and Liu are on the east gate, Diamond, Lothair, Ken, and Cho Ahn are on the west gate while the rest of us are on the north gate. Avriel and her men are supposed to be guarding the south gate but if all of her underlings are really in trouble and unable to guard the south gate then I should be the one who guard the south gate.

Ivonna is staring at her screen and then looks at me while shaking her head.

"Avriel is nowhere to be found, it seems that she\'s still finding her underlings."

I nod with understanding and then run as fast as I can to the south gate so Aspen and Kalitzar can\'t run away.

I look around and Avriel is still not here, I\'m starting to get worried about her but I can\'t leave the south gate just because of that. Suddenly the front door of the cabin where I saw Aspen earlier is opening. I hold my sickles so tightly and as I expected, it\'s Aspen and the same guy that he has been following. Aspen looks at me and he smirks while staring at me, he whispers to Kalitzar something and then he nods with understanding. Kalitzar is staring at me with a blank expression and then he leaves so casually as if I\'m not a threat to him. Before he\'s gone from my vision, I activate my [Understanding] skill to see his stats.

[Name: [Hero] Kalitzar Wezeis

Level: 2.300

HP: 320.000

STA: 180.000

Status: [Corrupted] [Infected] [Oppugnant]

STR: 2000+550 [ATK: 2950+200] [DMG: +55%]

AGI: 600+300 [ASPD: 100%] [SPD: 100%]

DEX: 700+200 [CRIT: 90%] [S.DMG: 200%] [C.DMG: 190%]

INT: 200+100 [M.ATK: 400+150] [WIS: 300]

LUK: 200+0 [DDG: 10%] [LCKY: 0%]

VIT: 1500+500 [DEF: 2400+300] [M.DEF: 2400+300]

CHR: 400+200 [REP: 600] [FAME: Neutral]

ART: 200+150 [SMIT: 10%] [ARTIS: 1%]


[Infection (Lv.Max)], [Inhumane (Lv.Max)], [Resolute (Lv.Max)], [Hubris (Lv.Max)], [Critical Mastery (Lv.Max)], [Weapon Mastery (Lv.6)], [Mutated (Lv.Max)], [Steel Body (Lv.Max)], [Physical Resistance (Lv.Max)], [Magic Resistance (Lv.3)], [Status Resistance (Lv.4)], [Self-possesion (Lv.Max)]...]

I\'m shocked when I look at his title because I can\'t figure out how can he get that title. Aspen is looking at me while smirking as if he knows what I\'m thinking, he then approaches me with the daggers in his hand. He waves at me while smiling, he rests his hands while looking at the surroundings.

"You\'re on your own? Do you think you can stop us if you\'re here on your own?"

I scoff and raise my eyebrow.

"What makes you think that I\'m here on my own? Have you not see the other entrances?"

Aspen is giggling and then laughs so loudly.

"So it seems that you didn\'t know anything about this place at all, huh? How stupid of you."

I tilt my head with confusion but then suddenly I see someone is thrown away from inside the cabin and falls to the ground. I\'m shocked to see the person that\'s laying on the ground covered with blood is actually Avriel. She\'s groaning in pain while trembling in pain while trying to stand up, she looks at me while trying to speak but she seems extremely in pain. I hurriedly run toward her because I can\'t believe what I\'m seeing because there\'s no way that Avriel would be in that kind of condition especially after she became my apostle.

I lift her up and immediately pour the [Max Health Potion (S)] into her mouth, she gulps all the potion and then she immediately coughs while her whole body is recovering. She grabs my arm so tightly and she looks at me while shaking her head with disbelief. I don\'t know what she sees but it looks like it terrifies her so badly.

"What happened?! Where\'s your men?!"

Avriel is shaking her head and then she\'s glaring at Aspen with hatred. I turn around to look at Aspen who\'s not even moving an inch, he stares at me and smirks.

"You will see."

Avriel grabs my cheeks with both of her hands forcing me to look at her, she\'s staring at me in the eyes so seriously.

"This place is a nightmare, we need to prevent them from leaving the village with all cost!"

I nod with understanding but I still don\'t understand what happened to her.

"Where\'s your men? What did you see?"

Avriel is pointing down at the ground and shaking her head while squinting her eyes.

"They\'re below us... thousands of them... they\'re like snakes in the hole waiting to be released..."

I look down and then look at her, she nods to convince me that it\'s the truth. I nod with understanding then suddenly dozens of subjects are coming out from all the cabins and buildings . I look at them with my [Understanding] skill and it shocks me that their levels are above 800, even some of them are above 1000. No wonder that Avriel\'s men are dead, they weren\'t able to escape from them.

One of them is running toward us unnoticed but we both manage to dodge and run to the south gate. A notification appears in front of me, and it\'s Ivonna, she\'s messaging me that she and the others sees hundreds of subjects coming out from all the buildings. I look at Aspen and he\'s chuckling mischievously while backing away.

"Do you understand now, Trevor? You fell right into our trap and you won\'t be able to survive this time."

I look at Avriel and she nods with understanding. I look at Aspen while holding my sickles, but then a notification appears in front of me again and I immediately smirk and scoff while raising my eyebrow.

"Do you think I\'m stupid enough to come in here with only a dozen of players? You\'re wrong, Aspen, I have prepared everything for this moment."

Aspen is raising his eyebrow with confusion, I open a portal behind me and another one next to it. One by one players are coming out from the portals, I see Kyle and his friends with his members and allies while the other portal is for Avriel\'s underlings, all of her strongest underlings are coming out from the portal. Aspen is surprised and look at us all with disbelief, I swing my sickles and smirk at him.

"What? Are you surprised? As I said, I have prepared for this moment."

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