Legacy of the Betelgeuse

Chapter 317 - Episode 317: Helpless Like A Baby.

Everyone is standing and staring at the pods are getting carried inside the mansion. Kingstar scoffs while smiling and shaking his head.

"I thought you were joking, but you really did buy thirteen pods just for us? Not to mention that you got it here now as soon as we are back to the mansion? How did you get all these? Didn\'t they\'re out of stock?"

I lift my hand and rub my index and thumb fingers together.

"As long as I have the money, everything can be bought."

Everyone is just shaking their heads while keep staring at all the delivery guys carrying all the pods.

It\'s true that the pod is out of stock right now, but the truth is I asked Jason personally and bought all of that from him. All of these pods are haven\'t been used and dusted in his basement, so he\'s happy that I bought all of them since he doesn\'t need them anyway and only fills up his basement.

Ernes approaches me and tells me that the dinner is ready and so we all go to the dining room to eat dinner together while waiting for those technicians done with installing the pods in one of the rooms upstairs.

After we are done eating dinner we decide to play because Boschwell and the others still haven\'t chosen their mentor yet. I also have a few questions that I would like to ask to Becker related to my character\'s condition and why it happened to me.

I\'m back to Orion and I\'m standing in the middle of the Holy Temple, all the priests and priestesses are bowing their heads to me. Ivonna appears next to me and she immediately stretches her arms, she looks at her status screen and she\'s surprised that a lot of players have chosen her as her followers that her stats increased quite significantly.

I\'m staring at the bright sky and then looking at Ivonna.

"There\'s someone that I would like you to meet, Ivy..."

Ivonna closes the tab on her screen and then looks at me.

"Uh? Okay?"

I open my friendlist tab and message Becker.

[Becker, are you free right now?]


[I\'m doing a quest with my friends right now, what\'s up?]


[Can we meet once you\'re done with the quest?]


[Oh? Okay, I will be done in a few hours.]

[Let\'s meet up in First District, and I want to introduce my friends to you as well!]


[Great, I will be waiting then.]

I open a portal to the Ophiuchus Empire but then Saintess Aria is calling us.

"Master Trevor, Lady Ivonna! Please wait!"

We both look at her while she\'s running toward us.

Saintess Aria is catching her breath and we both are looking at each other because it\'s rare to see her running like that and seeing her like this makes us think that something bad or similar happened in the game.

"Can I have your time? There is something that I want to discuss with both of you."

We both nod and follow her to the library.

Saintess Aria runs to the huge desk on the back of the room, we follow her from behind, and then she grabs a scroll that\'s tied to a ribbon.

"Please have a look, Master Trevor, Lady Ivonna..."

I grab the scroll and spread it open.

A report about a new discovery by the Alliance Kingdom about an oddity that happened in the space by the astrologists. This discovery has been approved by the other astrologists from the Eluna Empire and the Aarus Empire. It\'s said that something big and bright will strike the Orion, but they couldn\'t predict when and where but they know that it\'s coming toward the Orion.

I furrow my forehead.

"Wait a minute..."

I search through my inventory and grab [Book of Sahuurn] and put it down on the desk. I flip the pages to find Mauron\'s Empire Clock\'s drawing, I point at the drawing while looking at the report.

"This... this might be related to the Apocalypse that the Mauron\'s Empire has predicted..."

Ivonna looks at me with worries.

"What does it say?"

I point at one of the symbols.

"This, the Mauron\'s Empire predicted that in the year of 2652 an apocalypse will happen. All these symbols represent all the things that happened in the past that, it\'s like a diary about the disastrous events that happened in Orion for the last thousands of years ago. Every hundred years or fifty years, a disaster will hit the Orion and it\'s a fact because all of these symbols represent when the disaster happened in the past. They\'re giving us a warning that these disastrous events will occur every hundred years or fifty years. The thing that will strike the Orion is a fragment of a falling star based on the information on the book."

Ivonna and Saintess Aria look at me with a shocked expression, Ivonna looks at the drawing while shaking her head.

"2652?! That\'s this year!"

Saintess Aria looks at the drawing but she doesn\'t understand the language.

"Does it says where it will occur?"

I look at her and nod.

"It will happen in the middle of the desert. To be exact, it will hit not far from where the Mauron\'s Empire is buried."

Saintess Aria sighs with relief while pressing her chest with her hand.

"Thank goodness that it will strike down in the middle of the desert, that means there will be no casualty, right?"

I nod but Ivonna is still not convinced that it will be safe.

"Is it another invasion?"

I shake my head.

"No, it\'s not but it has some kind of connection to it."

Ivonna looks at me while crossing her arms.

"Should we tell everyone about it?"

I nod.

"Yeah, they should know about this because we need to be prepared for the next invasion."

Saintess Aria looks at the scroll and then grabs it.

"I should tell this to all the Kings and Queens about this as well."

I nod with understanding.

"You should tell the Aarus Empire and the Eluna Empire about this as well so they can be prepared for the invasion as well."

Saintess Aria nods with understanding.

"I will and thank you for the information, Master Trevor. Not only did you give me very valuable information, but you also have something that we the people of Orion really need which is hope and safety."

I look at her and scoff while shaking my head.

"It\'s just that it\'s a coincidence that I possessed this book and I\'m not the only one who provides safety to the people of Orion, but everyone also trying their best to keep the Orion safe. So don\'t thank me for that because we all are in this together and we have the same goal, right?"

Saintess Aria smiles and nods in agreement.

"You are right, we all want to live peacefully."

Saintess Aria decides to leave and going to summon all the rulers of the three sovereignties to discuss this event while Ivonna and I go to the Ophiuchus Empire while waiting for Boschwell and the others to come back from the Land of Sigrid.

I sit down and rest my head on my fist while staring at nothing, Ivonna sits next to me while staring at me.

"So, what kind of being that we will be fighting during the next invasion?"

I look at her and raise my eyebrows.

"If we want to compare it with Shazjae then he\'s worse than Shazjae. The first invasion is just an introduction to players that so many beings from outer space will invade the Orion, and that\'s why we can\'t kill him and the event ended with the help of a legendary hero, Ezira. This second invasion and onward, we have to kill it by ourselves without their help, so this will be hard but possible if we prepared everything."

Ivonna looks at the window while humming with understanding.

"You said that the disaster has some connection to the invasion, what do you mean by that?"

I lean on the chair while sighing.

"Let\'s talk about the details when everyone is here, for now, there\'s something more important that I need to think about."

Ivonna looks at me while raising her eyebrows.

"What\'s it?"

I sigh while raising my eyebrows while tilting my head.

"My condition, this Sealed debuff on me will be lifted from me a year from now and the problem is that I can\'t keep staying online just so I can remove this debuff. Even if I\'m online 24 hours every day to remove this debuff, I won\'t make it in time if the invasion happens as soon as the Falling Star hits the desert."

Ivonna shakes her head immediately.

"No, I won\'t allow you to play for more than 6 hours. I\'m going to be mad at you if you do it."

I look at her while smiling.

"I know, that\'s why I\'m not going to do that because it\'s pointless."

I rest my arms on the table while holding them together.

"I will be helping you from behind the screen because right now I\'m helpless like a baby...."

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