New Game+

Chapter 201 - Creating A Fighter

Titan\'s movements were fast. Initially, he was already following the rest of the Covenant, but upon hearing the strange words, he immediately dashed back to warn Cliff.

Cliff frowned and then stopped from his tracks and rushed back.

Cliff was the one who immediately used his power to surge to an extreme. Realm Somatotopy was the most accurate sensing mechanism that allowed him to sense everything around him. The invisible threat made everyone panic.

The area around him suddenly stopped moving.

He was in his dream world. He used his unlocking to detect the strange area around him.

"Let\'s hope this works!" Cliff frowned and started to run around the area in his dream world.

It was then that Cliff sensed something as he was running around.

"Somethings over there." Cliff frowned. He couldn\'t see it, but he was sure it was there.

"This should be enough."

Cliff undid his daydreams and immediately rushed towards the area where he sensed the enemy.

"Attack here!\' Cliff shouted as he jumped towards the center of their formation and struck with all his might.


The ringing metal echoed out as Cliff struck empty air.

The Empress was stunned at Cliff\'s sudden movements, but thanks to his superb sciences, her Exoskeleton automatically blocked the attack.

The metal on her arm was made of Supra-Prime Metal. Only the WGP had the technology to use it and make it malleable, allowing it to be bent and shaped in various ways. And it had a powerful, smooth tech that could easily let bullets slide by.

Yet despite this technology, the sudden thrust of Cliff had caused halt her advance as the impact accurately struck the very center of the shield. A small dent was made, and the sword immediately slid off to the side.

The Empress was at the circle of the encirclement. She planned to kill everyone by causing an explosion, but Cliff stopped her from her landing.

Everyone had their backs against Cliff. Only Titan could move and aim at the area where Cliff warned. He shot several attacks, but the Empress had already assumed another pose to inflict Cliff\'s lethal attack. The attacks that Titan had posed no threat to the Empress.

Cliff was surprised at the smooth surface. He had the time to readjust the attack with his perception but concluded it was pointless. The shield was too smooth that if Cliff wanted to make a proper attack, he had to pull back his arm and strike again with such momentum. But this was too late.

Time was lacking even for these Unlocks.

But there was one thing that was close enough, strong enough, and could react quick enough to attack the Empress.

After discussing the Scout, the Tank, and the Sniper, they then moved on to the most complicated team member.

The DPS or the Fighter.

"Damage, speed, and mobility…" Arthur summarized.

"We can add the other technologies to aid it, but fighters need these basic things. Fighters should have the fastest traveling speeds. While the Scout\'s can move faster, Fighters need to have the capability to move very quickly, from one part of the map to the next. It can be a reckless charge that delivers powerful blows… but they become the first line of defense that should be able to bail the Scout or the Sniper out of trouble before the Tank arrives."

Meryl just stood in a daze.

"He\'s really talking like this is a game!" Meryl was shocked.

"Damage… speed and mobility in an Exoskeleton that cannot have very limited techs…" Lennox frowned.

"Shall we use my cells?" Meng asked.

"Do we have the time? Risking an experiment with two people would be troublesome. And besides, it will be difficult for Danny if he has to bear the pain. As a Fighter, Danny doesn\'t have the same presence of mind that most of his peers do. Dara can do it since she is skilled at multi-tasking, but Danny isn\'t."

Lynd and Meryl were stunned.

Danny was the most well-rounded player in their team. He had the same reaction speed that the Tanks have.

"What? But in the Champions Match against Git Godlike, wasn\'t he able to accurately help everyone on that clutch fighting?"

"That\'s because Danny doesn\'t think. He\'s a hustle player. When those seconds count, he shows up and does his best. In fact, in our team, we simply would have to shout or cry help, and he will act immediately. If Dara can Multi-task, Danny can easily change his focus. He can lock on to you, but he can move and change his tactics at the flip of a switch. Most players don\'t have that. They need time to process new actions or orders. Dara can take in more orders, but the lack of focus is not the same." Arthur explained the traits of Danny.

"So, that\'s why he\'s called the Berserker!" Lynd finally understood.

"Right. Danny, the Berserker. The best Hustle Player in the history of Piercing. He\'s usually very relaxed, but when the game starts, he\'s a machine that you order."

"So he maintains focus during the battle? Every command is followed to precision?" Lennox inquired.

"Yes." Arthur nodded.

"I may be biased when saying this because he is my team member. But he is the perfect fighter. An even more daunting problem is how the avatars in Piercing can quickly shift their direction and turn a 180-degree movement."

"Then make him double-jointed." Seeker suggested.

"Double-jointed? You have a way to make that in the future?"

"Well, no… I\'m saying we do that now with whatever experiments we can do."

"You really are the worst Reincarnator in the history of Reincarnators. Maybe ever."

Seeker rolled his eyes.

"But that is a good idea. I keep forgetting the limitations of our bodies are now easily solved." Arthur approved of Seeker\'s idea.

"I have an idea. Since he can immediately take on a task repetitively, let\'s make him a living bullet. We program a different form of Lightning energy. Once he activates it, he can move at the Exoskeleton to move towards a specific direction swiftly and abruptly. For his training, he can wear metallic armbands and leg gears that will allow him to practice these extreme movements, twists, turns, and other movements."

"You plan to use the stress, the tension, the bone-breaking movements as a training source for his body?" Arthur frowned.

"Yes. The key thing is to train his muscles and make it more elastic and flexible. It should be able to stretch. So while we cannot abruptly make biological changes on an entire area, it would require focus, we apply the lesser form of Meng\'s cancerous anatomy. We use Meryl\'s cells or Typical\'s cells as a basis."

"Meryl and Typical\'s cells are useful?" Seeker wondered.

"I think it\'s better to take a look at Typical\'s. Meryl\'s cells focus too much on the mitochondria. Typical\'s is somewhere between Meryl and Seekers. Now that we know the divergent evolutionary Paths of Typical, Meryl, and Seeker, we can now create various cellular modifications, each with their specific roles. These two have evolved their cells out of their faith. Meryl\'s cells focus on utilizing energy as a means to create those powerful beam attacks. That\'s why her mitochondria are different. It\'s like some super power plant that houses and creates a powerful energy. As for Typical, his faith does have an energy level that\'s higher than the rest. But what I observed is that it was a cell that was founded on a different path. I\'m sure you can guess what that faith is, Meng."

"Typical is my first son. He only wants to have the capability to stand next to me. Both figuratively and literally. It is not surprising that his cells would have evolved to something a step closer to mine."

"Indeed. He has a higher tolerance for your Desolation. In his desire to be capable of standing in front of you, he achieved the opposite of Desolation. His cells can reflect defensive energy creates obstacles in empty space. Through the concentration of this energy that he reflects, he can create those extremely sharp needles. But let us not forget that his Path started as a desire to have the capacity to stand next to Meng."

"And that cellular composition is perfect for Danny? How so?" Arthur asked.

"Typical\'s cell is similar to Meryl\'s cells. Both produce energy in different ways. But Typical\'s cells utilize the energy to protect itself and can endure more punishment thanks to the constant exposure to Meng\'s Desolation. The power his cells have allows his entire body to increase the tolerance and punishment it can take."

Meryl and Lynd nodded. Having fought him, they knew just how obscenely healthy Typical\'s body was.

"So while Dara will have something closer to Meng to create powerful attacks, we employ Typical\'s cells so that Danny\'s body can endure the pressure and pain that his weapons or Exoskeletons demand. That\'ll work." Seeker smiled.

"I suggest changing the cells in his joints. This will be the area that will receive most of the punishment. This will naturally hurt during his training as his weapons\' extreme movements will continuously push his joints to the limits. This way, he won\'t need to multi-task. The pain will always be there anyway. It\'s killing two birds with one stone."

"It\'s like killing him in two different ways at the same place, at the same time!" Meryl defended.

Everyone turned to Meryl with a curious expression.

"He just went out with Danny on a date. We did have that wager, but she never got to collect it. It looks like little ol\' Meryl has a crush." Seeker explained.

"N-no! That\'s not it!"

"Hope it\'s alright with you, Arthy." Seeker teased.

Lynd and Cliff were petrified at the sudden tease of Seeker while Meryl kept quiet. They dared not observe Arthur\'s reaction.

"Moving on… That seems plausible. The pain will naturally be centered at those places. Adding the strain and training will continue to consume the energy and push the cells to its limits. But how can we teach him to contain it? For Dara, actively containing all the cells on her hand is her training."

"That\'s why I said we do it on smaller scales. We don\'t do everything at once. We focus on specific areas and operate on them. That way, he can concentrate on those small areas. Since that part will already be strained or injured, the pain can be like a bulls-eye mark that will allow him to focus on it. We start with one joint, and once it\'s strengthened. That way, he can perform powerful strikes. We just arm him with the most durable metal that can harness my Lighting to give him the burst movement speed he needs. The extreme movements, however, can be deadly as it will bear great pressure to his bones and joints."

"So we break them? Repetitive breaking to induce this pseudo-double-jointed body?"

"Something like that. It will all depend on Danny from here on. Just like the rest. He has to find ways to endure the pain and find his new play style. We can only grant him the weapons."

"So this is it… This is the fighter? He\'s relying too much on technology if you ask me." Seeker frowned.

"I can help a little. By the sound of it, this one needs to be more aware of the areas around him. The Tank only needs to look forward. The Scout takes care of the general map of the battle. The Sniper should ideally be at the back. The fighter, however, needs to have a clearer sense of whats going on around him." Richie interjected.

"I can tune him up with another frequency so that his body is more sensitive to what\'s going near him." Richie smiled.

"Then that should do it. It won\'t be as wide-scale as Titan\'s or as accurate as Realm Somatotopy, but it will be instrumental in battle. Anyway, Piercing Blade has that as a specialty that Danny will need." Arthur continued to give his assessments.

Danny went through training that was bone breaking. His joints were experimented on as they merged the cells that Typical had. It was almost impossible to find tools that can study Meng\'s cells. It was after Lennox revealed a more straightforward method of infusing Meng\'s cells into other objects other than precious Almetal Hybrids that they could finally study Meng\'s cells.

But the ironic thing was that although Meng\'s armies always had Typical, no one bothered to check on his cells and experiment on it. The cells had always looked normal. But now that Lennox revealed where to look, the discovery of Typical\'s peculiar mitochondria came to view.

Every fiber of the joint muscle of Danny had an inferior version of Typical cells. But this inferiority was enough to get the job done.

The Berserker had already awakened.

He was moving ahead. The Empress and Cliff clashed behind him. Yet when he heard Cliff\'s orders, his body immediately moved.

The switching of priorities and thoughts happened instantly.

Danny was already stepping forward to the direction he was facing. Yet at the split, he activated the charged electricity that his suit used.

His foot twisted fast as his entire body spun. The electrical charges caused him to spin like a top. As he turned, Danny\'s arm immediately transformed into a large hammer.

The rapid spin would have damaged Danny\'s joints and muscles, but his training allowed him to endure it. It was as if his body was being flung around wildly. He heard the crashing sound of Cliff\'s sword meeting the Empress\'s shied, and Danny immediately reacted faster than Titan, who initially sensed the approaching Empress.

It hadn\'t been a second since Cliff warned them and struck the Empress when Danny\'s movements occurred.

The Exoskeleton of the Empress immediately deployed its defensive measures, but the electrically charged spinning attack was too fast for the Empress to even activate its force field.


The hammer hit the shield and sent the Exoskeleton flying off, crashing to an area belonging to another platform.

"Empress!" The three strange men cried.

"Kill them!" The Empress grunted back.

 The three immediately sprinted out to attack the group.

"I\'ll deal with that invisible enemy! Tyler, Roselyn! Follow me!" Cliff announced as he moved.

"Danny, deal with the right!" John retreated and begun to give his orders.

Danny just finished recovering from his quick spin, yet he managed to dash off towards the other side to clash with the Lumberjack.

John began to shoot the other Exoskeleton delaying its movements acting in sync to take care of the enemy.

Titan had already vanished as part of his role as the Scout- Assassin.

Dara rushed off and covered the Path that led to John. She faced the Clown as her Exoskeleton began to charge a bluish hue.

The two began to grapple each other. The Clowns\' body was glowing with the same colors of the aurora above. The electric charges being emitted by Dara\'s Exoskeleton could not paralyze the Golem completely.

"Surrender, little girl! Or I\'ll rip your body to shreds!" The Clown growled.

"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, Old man?!" Dara roared as she undid her Exoskeleton and to harass the enemy.


A powerful crashing of metal could be heard as Danny hammered the enemy.

The Lumberjack defended with both arms, but the weight and power of Danny\'s attack buried his feet into the thick metal plating where he stood.

"Let\'s have some fun!" Danny smirked.

"You think this is a game, kid?" The Lumberjack cursed.

"A game? If this were a game, then that alert would be heard."


"The Berserker has logged in! Piercing Impact is engaging the enemies!" Danny laughed. Immediately, he twisted like a top, and as he turned, his hammer smashed the sides of the now crouching Lumberjack.

The Lumberjack was ready and defended from the crashing impact.

What the Golems could not discern was that they had fallen for the Covenant\'s most dangerous formation.

"Let\'s show these Terminators why we call ourselves the Strongest!" John smirked as he readied his rifle.

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