New Game+

Chapter 248 - New Pangea

The headquarters of the Pangean army was on full-alert. The weapons were all revealed, and several armed weapons of mass destruction have already been readied.

Even SPU dared not make any arrogant attacks against Pangea. Pangea had just lost half of their army in the recent battle, and the temper that Harker has shown upon his return was not very good.

President Colestar, President Hydros, and President Hoross all appeared together in one press conference to declare their intentions of formally unifying the three Pangean nations and declare their autonomy to the world as "New Pangea." The elected leader would be Harker Cipril. While the three presented their plans, they created a framework that became the world\'s envy.

The world was changing.

The destruction of the Kraken and the sudden decision of the WGP created a void in almost every aspect of the world.

The thousands and thousands of jobs that were employed by the WGP disappeared. The trade and even the stock market guidelines were all at a halt as they no longer knew what to do. Trade processes and the supply and demand formula that drove the world was halted.

But Pangea already had a plan. Suddenly. The many mysterious actions of Pangea all made sense now. The world knew that Harker had long planned to betray the organization that was making his country a puppet and had already assumed the worst scenario and plotted a way for their country to be self-sufficient.

One of the Visayan Islands of Phil-Pangea was already on the process of being transformed into a military base.

Yet even in the nation of Pangea, several terrorist attacks and explosions occurred. The moment Harker attacked the moon, several battles occurred in broad daylight. Many of them were immediately quelled, as it seems that the military was ready to take action against them.

The number of attacks that occurred across the nations of Pangea was shocking. During the press release, the three Presidents all confirmed that these buildings were under the control of a mysterious organization called the "Lost Primordial."

The Presidents, however, assured that while the murders were done swiftly, the heads of those organizations would immediately be replaced to ensure that the economic, military, and scientific progress of the nation would remain unhindered.

The list of all murdered figures was released. The Press immediately jumped on all the released names and began to study it. Various groups and complaints were all voiced out. But they were all overshadowed by the painful losses of Pangea. With General Harker\'s defeat, many of the country\'s politicians agreed that such drastic changes must be done to ensure that this mysterious group does not enslave Pangea.

While all these changes were happening, Harker listened to the report of his three most decorated soldiers as they reported everything that transpired in the Kraken.

"So in the end, Chase decided to stick with Empress Miranne, but they will probably rendezvous somewhere in South Africa. It seems they plan to make Africa the stage for their showdown."

"Seeker said that Africa was originally the nation that will rise to power. But now, they are reshaping the world. This will force the Aragarians to plant their seeds in the countries in the Middle East. This way, we can predict their movements and, at the same time, fulfill the Biblical stuff that Eagle wants."

"I didn\'t understand what he meant in his sermons. But for some reason… I think I\'m a Christian…" Earl admitted.

"I told you to be careful when listening to him. Oh well. It\'s better this way. If we talked with Lara, we\'d need to keep our heads guarded. What better way to guard our minds than a fanatic belief in something, right?" Harker laughed.

"Anyway, what should be the focus of your attention was that part where he was discussing the Amillenial and Pre-Millenial theological views. I think he wants us to guide the world to follow the re-Millenial timeline. But that\'s just a guess. We still need to do that Bible Study session he wanted. Now that all the Overcomers and Heroes have risen and have been moving more visibly, we can find them all and gather them."

At the mention of heroes, the three had an almost embarrassed expression.

"Sir… We apologize for our weak-"

"Apologizing because Cliff became a Hero? It is an interesting turn of events. But he did meet Seeker earlier. That is his advantage, and Seeker has already had a plan in mind how to make more heroes." Harker laughed.

"Even Meng was unable to birth a new hero among those who helped you. Even Typical could not cross the barrier to become an Overcomer. So why should I blame you? Relax. We have more battles to fight. Train harder and become a hero on the next!" Harker urged.

"Yes, sir!" The three gave a salute.

"Sir, before we left the Leviathan, we\'ve confirmed that there were zero casualties. We were also able to recover all ships, Exoskeletons, Armors, and transports. The damages were all controlled, and they are all currently within the Leviathan." Tyler gave the details of his report.

"I told you not to bother with it. Lennox made those attacks, and Arthur orchestrated it. Just trust them to be able to as planned."

"Sir… About Lynd… Is it true? Arthur told us the details. We also have confirmed that Octarion Ceasar was spotted near where Lynd was based at. Halley Vagrant also spotted Brazil\'s famous Eden family. How did she get here?" Earl asked.

"Also, the Khans have been reported around the area," Scribs added.

"Perfect. This should be enough for Lynd. By the looks of it, the Ceasar\'s produced a Near-Overcomer. And Eden and the Kahn\'s has a potential Hero. If we add this to the Zulus, then we have quite a team."

"The Zulus? Akahs Zulu is here?"

"I knew that Olympic Champion was unlocked! No one can run like that!" Earl exclaimed.

"Yes. The Ceasars have long been known in the Underworld for their Might Science. The Kahns have developed their metal-bonding science. Anyone in the Underworld knows that the Kahns have a very addictive science. We know that. But while it is deemed obsolete, let\'s not underestimate it as it\'s something that the Progenitor left. The Kahns must be hiding something. They have been playing possum. Also, Lennox gave me the information for Eden. It seems that they have science, which allows them to control plants."

"Sir! Lara Diamon is requesting to meet you!" Tyler reported.

"Ah. Finally! I was expecting her—time to act out my scheme. You three talk to her first. Make sure to guard yourself as she has this mind-controlling science. Keep your Unlocking up. Although, if you guys prayed the sinner\'s prayer-like what Eagle asked on that sermon, you probably would resist it as you are already fanatics." Harker advised and made the three meet with Lara.

The three made their preparations to meet with Lara.

Lara waited on the main lobby of the large building where Harker was known to be residing in. She remained silent, but her eyes were secretly moving from one end of the building to the other.

"Damn. Even with my suit, I can\'t hear what\'s going on inside! Damn that Australian Dawn tech! If it weren\'t for them, Pangea and the rest of the world would be laxer in their soundproofing!" Lara complained in a whisper.

"Pioneers. Any update on your applications?"

"We are still doing a physical exam." One of the Pioneers responded.

Several meters from her, a soldier sat down on the reception table. He kept on smiling at the many people coming in and out of the building. He had been nodding and smiling at several people, but secretly, he was also listening.

He continued to type whatever he could hear from Lara and discreetly send it through his comm device.

"Mister Prince!" A young lady immediately approached.

"Oh! Miss Charm Novelty-Blastoise! It\'s good to see you again!" Prince suddenly exclaimed louder than usual.

Lara heard it and was startled.

"Charm!" She immediately called out.

"Lara?!" Charm turned around and immediately ran towards Lara. The two gave each other a tight hug.

"I was so worried! I thought you\'d be sent back to the EAA for sure!"

"Nah. It\'s a long story, but I managed to stay here. But of course, I have to talk to General Harker."

"Me too! Let\'s wait. I hear that that soldier at the reception is quite close to the General."

"Miss Lara. Oh! Miss Charm! You are here as well…" Earl approached.

"The General will meet you two now." Earl smiled.

"This will make it a lot easier. The General has a lot on his mind lately. I think it would be best if the two of you meet him together." Earl then ushered the pair towards the room.

Lara\'s expression changed slightly but decided that she has no choice.

"Listen… Charm. Please don\'t be surprised at what I will be revealing to the General." Lara warned.

"I won\'t. It\'s something similar to the secret I kept from you, right?" Charm laughed.

"Yes," Lara affirmed.

"Then, don\'t worry about it. We all have our burdens. I just hope that what you will be discussing with the General will be beneficial for New Pangea." Charm answered with a smile, but it quickly turned to a complex expression.

"We will be supporting Pangea. We plan to relocate the entire Diamon base here."

"That\'s great!"

"It\'s an obvious choice. Pangea is one step ahead of the game. I\'m just lucky that I met him, and he seems to have a good expression of me." Lara smiled back.

As with before, the pair was led to a massive elevator that brought them down several layers down.

Lara was secretly analyzing the structure with her suit. She could not believe what she saw.

"Incredible. This structure would survive a weapon of mass destruction! They went all the way here." She noted as her suit gave her the basic analysis.

"They even used distorted electromagnetic waves to change the signals of any foreign detection. Impressive." Lara continued to admire.

Soon the elevator doors opened, and the pair were led to the inside of the facility.

"General is currently in the middle of training. Ever since his defeat, he has been locked in here and kept on training." Earl explained.

As the large door opened, General Harker Cipril was standing in the middle of the hall, with his bare chest to greet them.

He was wearing his military outfit, but for some strange reason, his jacket that was unbuttoned as he stood there, sweating from his training.

Earl was amazed.

Lara and Charm were in no way disgusted as they saw this half-a-century older man as his muscles were ripped. His figure was extremely domineering.

Several Exoskeletons were zooming back and fort shooting him and would at times try to pin him down since he could casually evade the bullets approaching him.

He would evade the bullets by the skin of his teeth as and the bullets would graze the edges of his outfit.

He remained standing and suddenly would move towards the nearest Exoskeleton. The other soldiers would try to keep up but even with his back against them. Harker would evade as the bullets would pierce through his jacket would flutter in the wind.

The bullets that shot through his jackets would hit the Exoskeleton he was rushing at.

And just like that, the Exoskeleton surrendered and deployed a strange force field that appeared for a few seconds. This allowed the soldier piloting the Exoskeleton to retreat safely.

As Harker turned towards the remaining Exoskeletons, his clothes would slowly be torn to pieces revealing more and more of his glorious self.

Even his pants were getting cut. But Harker would use his pants\' ripped edges to kick it towards the Exoskeleton, blinding them for a few seconds. When the soldiers were able to remove the cloth, he panicked and shot where they would see the General was standing and hit the Exoskeletons behind the General.

Soon, there was only one Exoskeleton remaining. Harker did not even rush towards him.

"Do you want to surrender? Or should I dirty my hands?" Harker asked.

The soldier surrendered. He quickly ejected from the Exoskeleton and was trembling as he retreated.

As for Harker, he began to pull away from the burnt and tattered clothing that remain. Harker was not shy as he pulled it away, revealing more and more of his body.

Earl, Tyler, and Scribs finally understood one of the cryptic messages that Harker told them with all seriousness.

"Stripping is cool." Scribs could not help but mutter silently.

Harker turned towards the opened door and spotted the two.

"Forgive my… tattered form, ladies. I was completing my training regimen."

"Those were… Those were live rounds!" Charm was shocked.

"So? Our enemies have techs and weapons that far exceed our imagination. This training is pitiful."

"You\'re defeat was not your fault, General." Earl consoled.

"Be that as it may… If we keep on maintaining what we have been doing, we will die. Lara Diamon. I thank you for offering those blueprints for simple force fields." Harker gave a respectful bow.

Even though Lara prided herself as a Presider, there was a sense of inferiority and unworthiness when Harker bowed. She remained silent, but her pride was shaken.

Charm took Lara\'s silence for shock and interceded for her.

"General! No need to bow! We are all very thankful for what you have been doing."

"Ye-Yeah!" Lara answered as she recalled that she was undercover.

"General Harker… I am the head of the current Diamon, and my parents have agreed. We will be transferring our entire operations here in Pangea."

Harker rose his brow.

"You have to pardon my suspicion, Lara. Such an offer is too tempting. Since I have shown the world the existence of this \'Lost Primordial,\' I am too suspicious of such offers. Who knows? You could be among their pawns, be it knowingly or unknowingly. So I refuse." Harker answered immediately.

"We have… information about the Lost Primordial. During World War 3, my ancestors were able to kill a being that aligns itself with the Lost Primordial. They were called Pioneers. The reason my family has become stronger is because of this heritage we have from the Pioneers."

"Pioneers? Strange… Some of their high ranking officers were called Pioneers…" Harker\'s expression changed.

"But knowing that information makes it all the more suspicious. I refuse. The chances of you being one of them are even more likely. I will spare your life as payment to Seeker\'s great achievements. Leave."

Charm and Lara were both stunned.

"General. I am willing to do anything to prove my innocence. I am even willing to allocate all technologies and funds of my company to your country! If you suspect the EAA to be a country under the control of these Lost Primordial, then our exit will cause the collapse of that country!" Lara urged.

Harker sneered. Tyler had already arrived with a new set of clothes, which Harker was grandly putting on.

"Fine. If you want to prove yourself so much… I require two conditions. The first is that every Diamons, including you, will become our Programmed Slave. With the technology given by the Lost Primordial, we can implant a chip inside you and make you our slaves. Our orders will dictate your happiness. You will have your own thoughts, but because your mind will trick you into being happy only when we want it, you will have no choice but to serve us. We will also plant a bomb in your brain to kill you. Do you accept?"

Charm\'s expression turned ugly.

"I accept," Lara answered immediately.

"Lara!" Charm shouted.

"We\'re very serious about this." Lara glanced at Charm.

"What was your second condition?" Lara turned to Harker.

Harker\'s smile grew nastier.


Of the many Military bases in Australia, the one that received the most attacks from the harassments was from the Military fortress, Zealandsbane. The Eastern seas of Australia had received many attacks from various nations, and yet it did not fall.

The soldiers who served in this station were undefeated and classified by the Australian military as the Unbreakables.

"As you can see, at the turn of the second month since our arrival here, we decided to capture this base and make it our escape route should we be caught." The young boy called Matthew explained. Seeker was brought in the large warehouse where several repairs were being made on the damaged Exoskeletons.

Several Exoskeletons noticed Seeker\'s presence and immediately dashed off towards him and began to unload a barrage of attacks."

This group of Exoskeletons were all Unlocked and had braved many battles and was the same team referred to by the military as the \'Unbreakables.\'

"Children, please!" Seeker laughed.

An invisible and terrifying force smashed the Exoskeletons from above.. The group was flattened on the ground.

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