My Vampire System

Chapter 946 - An invitation

Chapter 946 - An invitation

The latest ship created by the military, the Big Bertha, sleek in style and design while also being practical for warfare. Made of the strongest light material possible Glathrium. Only allowing them to create eight of these in existence. Although now only seven of them belonged to the military.

After the Civil War had ended, being on the cautious side, the Supreme Commander Oscar decided to utilise these sh.i.p.s. Two of the Bertha’s were placed on the North and South Pole of earth, rotating around it as a protective measure.

The space station that would teleport one to the beast planet solar system had to be limited to one station. The other stations were closed down and it was agreed that the Graylash family and Cursed family would have equal rights to use the station at any point and time.

The rule was made as a precaution, they were sure the Dalki had their eyes on the humans. They thought that an attack would happen at any moment. That’s why the rest of the remaining Berthas, including their fleets of sh.i.p.s, were sent out on the edge of the beast planets that they had owned.

What they couldn’t do was just because they felt like war was upon them, was back down and stop hunting for the beast crystals. They were essential for powering items for war, on top of getting their people the beast gear they needed.

If the humans were to leave the area, or have it unprotected, the Dalki could easily take charge and over the planets. Defending was always a lot easier than attacking.

The military was now mainly responsible for protection, education and training. While the Graylash and Cursed family were the two families that were out on the beast planets who were constantly hunting for crystals. Sharing a percentage of what they found and sending it back to the military.

For whatever reason, the Dalki never attacked, and they were allowing the humans to recover and stay in place from the war. Now on earth, Oscar stood there with a large grin on his face, for the project that they had been working on was finally complete.

"We have made a lot of mistakes in the past, I’m surprised the whole human race didn’t collapse when Truedream disappeared. I hope we can make things better this time. Did you send out the invitations like I asked?"

"Yes, Commander, I’m hoping to get a reply from them soon. We should know what their decision is before the starting date."


Inside the Cursed ship, Megan had her head slumped down on top of the command center table. Her hair was frazzled and she was unmoving. The sound of the doors opening made her move her head slightly up and one could now see the bags under her eyes.

Seeing who had entered, there was a spring in her step as she got out from her seat.

"Helen, thank you so much for helping me out all the time." Megan said, grabbing her two hands. "I’m starting to know why you and the Daisy faction were so popular."

"It’s okay, I’m just completing my duties as asked." Helen replied. "I must thank Quinn as well. Some families after completing a deal like so would have treated us like slaves, or as lesser beings once joining, but Quinn allowed us to pretty much to operate the way we usually do, just under the Cursed faction name."

While Quinn was away, Megan, one of the heads of the old Crow faction, was left in charge. After all, nearly every single high ranking member of the Cursed faction had gone off to the human world. There really wasn’t much choice, but someone had to be left in charge especially after the position the cursed family had achieved.

However, the faction was no longer small and there were multiple things that needed to be done. What Megan thought was just looking after those on the Cursed ship, soon became a much bigger task. Communicating with the other two families, on top of the smaller factions that had joined under the Cursed faction and even down to sorting out the forging, buying and selling process.

She was starting to realise just how much Sam did around the place. He was always busy in the command room, not training like the others, and now she realised he just didn’t have the time.

She didn’t think Quinn or the others would be that stupid to turn such a powerful faction into a bunch of forgers, who had no experience. So, she decided to visit and found a frantic Megan not being able to handle any of the pressure at all.

"Speaking of, I wonder how long your leader and the others will be on their little trip for, it’s been a while hasn’t it?" Helen asked.

Suddenly, Megan started to fidget as she had told a small little lie. Saying that Quinn and the others had discovered a Demon tier beast, which was what they were currently out exploring at the moment.

This was an understandable excuse for those in the Cursed as well as those outside the Cursed. However, a few moments later, one of the computer terminals inside the command room started to light up.

"Miss, we have a signal from a teleporter in one of the training rooms!" A member shouted.

"The training rooms, I don’t remember there being any Tele-" At that moment she realised that it meant they had finally returned.

Inside the personal training room, Quinn and everyone else had finally gotten through the portal and had arrived back at the Cursed ship.

"Oh sweet metal ground!" Alex cheered as he started to kiss the floor. He never thought he would miss the bright lights and metallic floor of the ship, but he was so ecstatic.

"I mean I’m happy I returned but I’m not that crazy about it?" Nate whispered over to Sam.

"I don’t think you’re the best person to talk about other people’s strange tendencies. Besides he went through a lot being taken away, and having to be hidden. It was a good thing they claimed that the blood fairy was planted by Jill and Cindy." Sam replied.

When Kazz had returned with Fex and Silver, she had informed them of what they had planned to do with Alex. The explanation given to the other leaders was that when Cindy had attacked the Tenth family, they had planted a blood fairy that they created there in order to frame Quinn.

However, an order from Bryce was given. That Alex, the real blood fairy, was never ever to set foot in the vampire world again, which he was more than happy to comply with.

’We finally made it back.’ Quinn said looking around the training room and at everyone’s happy faces. He could tell what they were feeling because he felt the same way. It was similar to when one went on holiday for a long time and returned to their comfy home.

What he started to think about though, was the tasks he still had left here and what to do now he was one of the world leaders. It was natural to prepare for war with the Dalki but there were other things.

Exploring Paul’s request to turn him and his people back into humans, Quinn thought back to Chris. One of the members of Pure. How he was able to make it so the red energy didn’t consume him. Perhaps with enough Qi control, something else could be done as well. Separating the two energies completely from one’s body.

Then, Quinn saw Sil’s back as he exited the room not really talking to anyone. The only people Sil talked to were Quinn and Borden, and Quinn didn’t talk to him much these days. It seems like Sil was still greatly depressed about losing Vorden and Raten. To the point where he hardly spoke to Quinn now.

Now with a large fleet it might be possible to try and find someone who had an ability that could help them.

Thinking about that, reminded Quinn of Hilston and the Blade island. The Blade island was located on Earth. Knowing now how much of a threat Hilston was, Quinn wondered if they were still there, if Hilston was still out there somewhere planning his move. It was a worry because this time, they didn’t have Arthur.

There was also the search for Richard Eno and Jim Eno, with Logan. Although they couldn’t do anything about this because they no longer had any clues or hints of his whereabouts.

The problem with all the things Quinn needed to do, was he had no information. He knew nothing about Pure or how to find Chris, didn’t know if there was an ability to help out Sil, didn’t know Hilston’s whereabouts nor the Eno family.

’If I really can’t progress I guess we could do one thing?’ Quinn thought.

What he was thinking about was at least making himself stronger. With Logan’s new device they could search for Demon tier beasts on other planets, but was wondering if they were ready to take on such a thing. Even with a thousand MC points, it would still be a struggle.


Exiting the ship, an announcement was made to everyone and a welcoming party was thrown in the main reception hall of the large ship. Everyone was full of smiles and more, and this time it didn’t seem like anything serious happened to the world after their return.

It looked like those from the Cursed were just happy to see them. Leo and Erin were introduced as new members as well, but not just any members, as Quinn made sure they got the respect they deserved and announced them as part of the Cursed Leaders.

After that, the music and food began.

’I like this,’ Quinn thought.

"Hey, this is great right?" Sam asked.

The two of them stood towards the side of a room by a table. Quinn stood next to all the great food but was unable to eat any of it.

"I want it to be like this all the time." Quinn said.

"Well it is for us, so you have accomplished a lot already Quinn. Sometimes I think you just need to be told that. You always seem to be rushing from one thing into the next, bulldozing your way forward."

"Trust me, that’s not me, just everything was moving so quickly around me all the time." Said Quinn.

"I guess you’re right, because something else has come up as well. I don’t mean to ruin your fun, but once this party is over, I think we need to talk. There was a message from Oscar which I think you’ll find pretty interesting, and it’s up to you what you want to do." Sam said, giving a wink.

’A message, what could it be about?’


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