My Vampire System

Chapter 2138 Disappear In The White Light

Yongbu could feel a slight tingle around his mouth, but soon the ends started to heal and they were no longer bleeding, what he was more concerned about was who had managed to attack him.

Celestials were special beings for a number of reasons, one of them being their celestial energy. This made it more difficult for just standard attacks to hurt them. The celestial energy was a type of energy that was able to suppress most attacks.

The celestial energy couldn\'t completely nullify an attack. It was more like one trying to get rid of a lake of water with a fire. With a big enough amount of fire, it could be possible.

Which was why attacks on a grand scale of power, or god slayer power, were able to hurt celestials but what was really effective was celestial energy itself.

Yongbu was already surprised when he saw Wince use her celestial energy which is why he had to take the fight far more seriously than he originally intended, but now there was another one to his side.

"Dad?" Yongbu repeated. "So you must be part of that annoying BB family as well. Did he really think you would be safe here, just because I complied without fighting back does he think I\'m that scared of him? He should know that there are things far more dangerous and scary than him."

For a second, as Yongbu thought of those people, those dark lifeless eyes staring at him, his body shivered but he snapped back to reality. The small one with celestial energy was covered in a strange red hardened energy that almost looked like armour.

The way it was shaped with swirls and pointed ends around certain parts, it made her look like a little demon. Creatures Yongbu had seen from the other realm.

"Out of the two of you, it would be safer to get rid of you first!" Yongbu opened his mouth again, and rather than shooting out the vortex of water, he shot out small fist sized chunks of water.

Minny moved to the side, skidding out of the way. One of the water shots hit the ground and had cracked through the ice hitting the water underneath it. Water was chucked up in the air like a volcano going off, and sprinkles of water fell down on the ground.

The attacks didn\'t stop there, as Yongbu continued to fire out the balls of water, and Minny was zig zagging her way through the ice. She was fast, and using her sharp nails and feet, she would dig them into the ground to change the direction of where she was going.

Explosion after explosion went off in the water one after the other.

"This little brat is fast!" Yongbu complained, and realised that she wasn\'t the only one that he needed to worry about, because coming from his other side was none other than Layla, with the sword in her hand.

\'You told me this person is a celestial... correct?\' Layla said.

\'Indeed I did, which is why it is better if you use my powers, rather than your own, but you still need to be skillful.\' The sword replied.

Thinking that Layla wouldn\'t be much trouble at all, with his hand, a large amount of water started to spin, and Yongbu chucked it towards her direction. The vortex created from his hands wasn\'t as powerful as the ones from his mouth, but they were still strong enough to deal with most.

The problem was, Yongbu had no idea what the sword was capable of. Layla continued to run forward trusting in the ability of the sword, and when it touched the vortex, almost as if the sword was hydrophobic, the water split in two different directions.

\'I didn\'t want to use Minny in this fight, she\'s still young and she is our daughter. If anything happened to her, then I wouldn\'t be able to forgive myself.\' Layla thought. \'But I can\'t be so naive as to not think that it is better to fight with her by my side. She is just as strong as myself.

\'We will defeat this thing together without Quinn, and send it back to wherever it came from.\'

Breaking through the water vortex, Layla was in the air with the sword raised above her head, and at the same time, Minny had broken through with her speed, coming in from below with her claw.

Yongbu gathered his celestial energy and used his wings to close himself in, as a type of shield. Even if the attack was strong, he thought he could recover and strike back, but the first to attack out of the two was Layla.

She swung her sword creating a huge swipe in the air, and cutting right through Yongbu\'s wing. It had cut through as if there was no resistance at all. A large part of the wing fell to the ground.

"Go Minny!" Layla shouted, as she stopped using the power of the sword for a moment, and gave Minny a big boost in power as she passed on some of her Qi energy with her telekinesis, and also gave her small boost with her ability as well.

Minny could feel the power as it surged through her and made a large fist throwing it with all her strength and slamming it right into the chest of Yongbu... her vampire aura was swirling at the one point of contact and blasted Yongbu away.

"ARGHHHH!" Yongbu screamed with pain as he was thrown back, his body crashing against the hard icy floor, and crashing into one of the large rabbit ice sculptures. The ice blocks fell right where Yongbu was on top of him as he didn\'t get up immediately.

Wince who was watching the whole thing was left stunned.

"I know Quinn is strong, and I know they are part of his family, but I never imagined for them to be this strong as well."

For a second, Wince lifted up the small Galen in front of her.

"Maybe, you one day will grow up to just be as strong as the rest of your family."

A part of Wince felt ashamed, she had tried so hard against Yongbu, but these two had done just fine. For her there was no excuse as to why she couldn\'t do the same.

Yongbu started to slowly emerge from the ice, as he pulled himself out and now stood on top of the fallen sculpture, he was holding on to his chest where there was a large red mark. The outside of his skin that was usually a murky grey colour looked red and raw.

His wings on his back were retreating back into his back, including the broken part of it.

"This is not what I signed up for. I didn\'t expect to take this much punishment." Yongbu said. "Are all those from the BB family mad? I didn\'t even want to fight, I just wanted to know where Quinn was."

Both Minny and Layla could hear what Yongbu was saying but it was simple. If they wanted to know something about Quinn and were willing to force them to get to him, then they couldn\'t be for good reasons.

"Screw this." Yongbu said and a white light started to gather all around his body. The next second he disappeared.

"Is... that it?" Minny asked, still transformed and not letting her guard down.

"I\'m not too sure?" Layla replied also confused, she couldn\'t sense the other\'s presence anymore. He had just come and disappeared.

Wince thought the same, and after a few moments she descended from where she was with Galen, coming over to the others.

"Thank you... thank you so much for helping me. I tried to protect you, but it looks like in the end, you were the one that protected me." Wince replied bowing down.

"Please... you don\'t have to do that." Layla replied back. "You are the Queen of this planet, and you are looking after us, in the first place, they were after us not you."

All of them on the ice looked to where Yongbu was last seen, thinking that something would happen, yet there was nothing. They turned their heads, and Galen soon started to point behind them.

"What\'s Galen pointing at?" Minny asked.

They all turned their heads, it was the same location as before, but now Yongbu had returned, but he wasn\'t alone. He was still hurt, and next to him, there was another figure, a figure that looked far from human.

"I have been updated on all the details. So greetings Talen family." The figure said, calmly stepping off the broken ice sculpture and onto the ground. "I suppose I should be polite and introduce myself. My name is Mundus, the messenger."


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