My Vampire System

Chapter 2457 Chris' Power (Part 1)

The two of them had been exploring the planet, and in their search they had found a couple of things. First was that the demon race that resided on the planet, they were the Yaks. They were giant in size, as big as a large tree that would tower over them. 

Even between the Yaks they all seemed to differ in size greatly, but they had the same similar features. Wearing next to no armour, apart from some cloth around their private parts. Strangely, it wasn\'t rags though, they were well made materials and some even had jewels and shiny objects embedded in them. 

Many of them would often wear jewelery around their neck as well. It was only the rest of their body that would remain open. The other part was the tusks that pointed upward that they all had.

It was important to note these features because that was the second thing they had found out. They had yet to see another race that had some form of intelligence. There were a few different creatures here and there, along with large bugs that roamed the place.

Yet there wasn\'t a single inhabitant other than the Yaks that they could see. Unlike the planets they had been on before.

The two had decided to investigate further. They were looking at the large objects that they were building. They almost looked like ships that one would use to sail the sea rather than in the air. 

Although old fashioned in their design, the materials were something they had never seen before. The Yaks would go off a certain path, heading towards a valley in the distance. 

From what they could see, the area had a formation of giant rocks as tall as mountains, but they curled and twisted as if they were once a large sea that had been frozen over. On a closer look, these formations sparkled when in the light. 

The Yaks had been mining two types of material for the ships. One of them being small crystals that had been passed onto another team elsewhere. It was too dangerous to follow where they were going. 

Meanwhile, from the rest of the rock, was what would be used to make the ship itself. There was mass amounts of heat from just being in the area, as they had to use it to mold the rock to the shape needed. 

The two had taken the long way around from the base of operations, and were still in the forest rather than the transformed area, looking from afar. 

"Do you think we should follow the Yaks? Maybe we can see where they\'re getting all these materials from?" Chris suggested. 

"It would not help us to know how they are making these things, but more so why they are making these things." Edvard said. 

"Then, do you think we should try and interrogate one of them?" Chris said rather quickly. 

"No, we were just to scout the area, and see what they were doing." Edvard replied. "The most important thing is that the two of us don\'t get caught. I think we should head back and inform the others." 

There were two paths the Yaks were moving in, one was toward the wavy rocks, and the other was through another part of the forest. In the distance, many miles away, they could see a large golden temple built at the top. 

There seemed to be more of a civilization off in the distance. They wanted to explore, but before doing so, they should inform the others, Chris knew that as well.

The two started to make their way back through the forest, going the long way around again, and then would head to the cave. While moving slowly, Edvard couldn\'t help but speak his mind. 

"The more I look at it, the more I can\'t help but think that they are preparing for war." Edvard stated. "But against who? Haven\'t they already taken over this place?" 

"If they are planning on a war, we should stop them, or if we just take one of them out, then we should get our answers. Look how many of them there are, there must be tens of thousands of these guys, they won\'t notice one of them missing." 

"Something the size of the large tree they won\'t notice missing, and how do you suppose we hide something so large from them?" Edvard replied back. 

Chris was acting strange, Edvard wasn\'t so sure, but he almost seemed twitchy for some reason. Still, they were allies, so he hoped it was just his imagination.

When walking around, they had eventually come across a group of Yaks that were sitting on large rocks and some on large tree trunks huddled together. They were talking and laughing, seemingly taking a break from the hard labour they had been doing not so long ago.

Both Edvard and Chris were staring from above, as they needed to be extremely careful with their movements, judging by how close they were. 

\'I thought the forest was safe, since when we went through this way the first time, we didn\'t meet them.\' Edvard thought. \'This red mist is screwing up with my senses as well. It\'s concentrated in this area. I can\'t even smell them even though we\'re this close now.\' Edvard thought. 

"Have you heard the rumours? Bisha has asked us to increase our work load, he wants everything to be done by the end of the week!" 

"The end of the week! Is he trying to kill us? No wonder I have been seeing more Yaks from the city." 

"You know what that means though, right?" One of the Yaks said. "If he wants us to finish early, it can only mean that it\'s almost time. They must be planning to battle with the celestials soon!" 

All of the Yaks had large grins on their faces as they heard this. 

"Then it means that it will be worth it in the end!"

They all started to laugh and cheer. 

\'Our guess was right, but a fight with the celestials…. Quinn was right to come here and try to stop Immortui… who knows what danger this will put the whole universe in. It makes me wonder, where are you in a time like this?\' Edvard looked at his red scaled dragon armour.

While they were laughing loudly, it was time for them to make their moves. A few sounds here and there in the forest wouldn\'t be much, there were plenty of birds. 

At that moment, Chris leapt from one branch to the other. When he did though, his legs had broken right through the branch, he continued going downward until he had crashed onto the ground, and now he was only a few meters away from the Yaks. 

\'Damn it, now that they\'ve seen him, we have to get rid of them, before they inform the others!\' 



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