Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 587 Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac

Chapter 587 Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac

It took 5 long hours but Legolas finally found the origin.

The origin was the Titan Emperor.

Legolas focused on this corpse.

He didn\'t just focus on the physical body at this moment, instead, with his new senses, he concentrated and traced the lines of temporal energy.

It took him a few more minutes but he found their deeper origin.

All these temporal energies indeed originated from the Titan Emperor.

And in his body, they originated from his navel.

\'The same as the Titan Immortals\'. His eyes lit up.

\'So, is this the inheritance?\' He thought.

Legolas did not speculate further, he tried to access inside this navel but there was a resistance. His concentration seemed too weak to penetrate it.

He did not give up though, he persevered.

10 minutes later…


Legolas was knocked unconscious instantly.

Legolas did not know what happened but the 5 Titan Immortals who had been watching every action of his for the past few days saw it.

There was an eruption of temporal energy and this knocked him unconscious. They felt even more angry as they saw this.

Legolas woke up inside his consciousness, in a small rural room where he lied down on a wooden bed thinking of nothing.

Only his Obsidian Spear was beside his wooden bed.

At this moment, a consciousness invaded Legolas\' mind.


"…!" Legolas was alarmed.


Reacting instantly, Legolas got to his feet, grabbing his Obsidian Spear in the process as with all his power, he stabbed at the intruder the next moment.

"Self-Created Ability: Nature Connection!"

"Self-Created Ability: Nature\'s Rage!"

The air vibrated with power.

But inches away from this intruder\'s chest, the spear stopped.

It was like an invisible energy blocked it or more like it stopped in time.

Legolas\' eyes widened, he finally looked up to see a smiling face.

It was a familiar face; it was the corpse.

The only difference though was that here, the Titan Emperor was not dead. He was alive and well and he had a bright smile on his face at this moment.

His red stony skin felt powerful and full of vitality.

He wore huge red royal robes with gold ornaments around his neck, he had a golden scepter on his right hand including a gigantic hourglass that floated before him. The most prominent of all was his golden crown.

Despite the smile on his face, a mere look at his face told Legolas of the countless battles and wars that this Titan warrior had been through.

He was a true war veteran; his countless body scars proved it.

His huge black beards made him look more like a barbarian here.

"Hahaha…!" He laughed heartily. "You finally calmed down".

He looked down at this human with a kind smile. "Don\'t be scared, I won\'t kill you just because you are a human".

Legolas instinctively thought of the Titan Immortals on hearing this.

"Emm…" The Titan Emperor blushed. "Actually, that is not my problem, it\'s the fault of that damn old mechanic and his faulty programming".

"I warned him…", He sighed.

"Anyways, I don\'t believe that my powers are relics that should only be exclusive to the Titan race, other race are also eligible to access them".

"Despite that though, I am no good Samaritan".

"It is only natural for me to favor my race above any other race".

"That is why I imposed the restriction of only those with the Titan bloodline to access my inheritance. It doesn\'t matter if you are a human or ogre, so long you have a tiny bit of the Titan bloodline, you are eligible".

"And after what you did to my Titan Immortals, I am more than convinced that you are the ideal inheritor that I have been waiting for".

The Titan Immortal cleared his throat. "You may know already but as is customary, I shall introduce myself".

"I am Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac". His voice reverberated with power. "The founder and ruler of the Ancient Titan Empire".

"I believe you have heard of how I died".

"The stories are right; I was not able to set up a proper inheritance for my race and hence I settled for this".

"What is before you right now are only a remnant consciousness".

"I only have the energy to grant 3 lucky Titan bloodline carriers with my inheritance, and this is 1 of the 3 remnant consciousnesses tasked with the job".

"You are the first one to make it this far".

"If you succeed, you shall be my first true inheritor".

"Yes, like you already guessed, my corpse is my inheritance".

This Emperor\'s eyebrows rose the next moment. "Are you not curious?"

He grinned. "How I was able to stop your spear without moving".

"You are a Grade S Titan".

"Was". The Titan Emperor raised a finger for emphasis. "My current consciousness barely has power on par with a peak Calamity Grade A+ Super".

"Anyways, that\'s not what I\'m driving at, what I\'m driving at is that I only faced you with Grade B+ energy, corresponding with your grade".

Legolas\' eyes widened. "This…"

The Emperor grinned. "My temporal powers are my inheritance".

"The ability that I used to stop your spear; I call it the Temporal Domain".

"At first, I called it Temporal Control; Pause".

"As my temporal abilities and control grew, it metamorphosized and I changed its name, calling it Temporal Control; Pause- Variation".

"After this, it metamorphosized after I became a Grade S Super, then, I changed the name and called it the Time Bomb".

"After I became an Emperor, it metamorphosized again".

He grinned again. "Then, I called it the Temporal Domain".

"Temporal Control; Pause, its initial stage when activated enables me to pause time for 4 seconds within my vicinity, enabling me to do anything while all my enemies and everything else pauses in time".

"Temporal Control; Pause- Variation enabled me to do exactly the same thing as the initial stage ability after activation but with add-ons".

"It metamorphosized".

"I added variation because this time, it is no longer just within my vicinity, I can extend the range of effect of the time pause and I can also control it towards any location so long as it is within my visual range".

"Time Bomb was my peak of temporal ability at some point".

"When activated, my temporal abilities detonates like a bomb and it can cover a region of 1 or several planets".

"In this region, everything freezes in time".

"In this region, I am Lord".

"In this region, I am God".

The eyes at which the Titan Emperor looked at Legolas changed, Legolas briefly felt his heart beat until the Emperor laughed heartily the next moment.

"As for the last variation of this ability of mine before death, like I said, I called it Temporal Domain".

"This last variation could do everything that the previous variations could do but with add-ons, powerful add-ons".

"First, the energy consumption became far lower".

"Second, it developed into a domain. The region of the time bombs comes under my control, I am omniscient and omnipresent in this domain".

"I can see anything and can control anything and anyone below my level".

"Thirdly, when fighting against immensely powerful enemies, this domain condenses around my body, forming a last stage of defense for me".

"When your spear struck, it paused because it hit the barrier of my temporal domain, anything that comes to this domain stops in time".

This Emperor grinned the next moment. "This specific ability of mine gave Nico Guaguam lots of problems then, they enabled me end his life".

"And lastly, this temporal ability of mine no longer remained an active ability, it became a passive ability".

"Temporal Domain is always active; it is now a passive ability".

"…" By now, Legolas\' jaws were dropped in shock.

As a Calamity Grade Summoner in his previous life, he had been exposed to Grade S Supers slightly and even he could tell that this level of power was ridiculous most especially in the Beyond Grade A realm.

Seeing his reaction, Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac chuckled.

"Temporal Domain is just one of my countless temporal abilities".

"In my heyday, I was the king of time though I cannot boast the same about my spatial powers before the Space Emperor".

Legolas\' eyes widened even more; greed appeared.

He wanted these abilities.

He was wary, he tried to school his expressions but he failed as this Emperor saw through them.

"It\'s ok". He laughed. "I would be shocked if you did not desire this power".

"Well, congratulations, this is my inheritance".

"My consciousness right here shall be your teacher for the foreseeable future, you can only leave after you comprehend at least 2 of my initial stage temporal abilities".

"Count yourself lucky, many sought this opportunity but never got it".

"Through a special magic formation, I turned my corpse into a nexus of temporal energy, all you need to do is narrow your focus on it and observe it while I give you pointers on my abilities".

"With your talent, it shall not take you too long to comprehend 2 of my initial stage temporal abilities".

Legolas\' eyes widened, he finally understood.

He looked at this Titan Emperor with determination in his eyes the next moment. "I shall do it!"

In his mind, he calculated. \'I have only about 20 days remaining…\'

\'I can do it within this time\'.

\'I must!\'

\'My power will become even more formidable if I succeed!\'


Legolas\' consciousness returned to his body the next moment.

Inside his mind, he could feel a new presence.

The presence of his new teacher.

\'I\'m ready!\' Legolas focused on the corpse of the Titan Emperor.

His newest training started.

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