Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 636 Soul contract; the last speech

Chapter 636 Soul contract; the last speech

Gaufrid took deep greedy breaths of the air.

He smelled war and mana everywhere, he smiled. If everything went according as he already envisioned in his mind, this was his last few breaths.

And for the last time, this Beast King observed the war.

He observed all the beasts that kept on dying every second.

\'I guess it\'s time, wasting time will only prolong their suffering\'.

Gaufrid finally looked up as he gazed into the eyes of the Seer human. "What is your name again?"

"Legolas Baron".

"Legolas Baron…," Gaufrid paused as he seemed to contemplate the type of unique humans that would have given birth to a wonderful human like him.

Gaufrid smiled the next moment. "Thank you, Legolas".

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity".

When Legolas appeared and started talking to Gaufrid, he established a connection to all 5 Upper Beast Priests of the Beast Coalition. This decision now saved Gaufrid from the job of long explanations.

Gaufrid took another deep breath. "George, I need a soul contract".

"…!" Silence descended among the upper echelons of the Beast Coalition.

The voice of the 1st Upper Beast Priest finally reverberated. "Gaufrid…, have you finalized your decision?"

"You don\'t need to be the sacrifice".

"Our defeat is not yet set in stone".

"It\'ll take time but I believe I can defeat this enemy Calamity Grade. He is their strongest warrior, once I defeat him, I\'m sure we can escape together".

"Besides, Angenton and the others are still fighting, have faith in us".

Hearing this, Gaufrid smiled again but he shook his head. "No".

His eyes showed resolution. "I already made up my mind".

"I started the Beast Coalition, my reason for starting it was genuine but the day that I began ordering massacres of entire planets, laying waste to innocent civilians, some who knew nothing about beast brutality, my fate was decided".

"I don\'t regret it though…," Gaufrid smiled. "If I never went so far and hard, today would have never happened and we would never have this opportunity".

"This is our chance to end it all and achieve our ultimate goal".

"This is my only chance to become the symbol I always wanted".

"The young innocent beasts out there dying do not deserve to die, at least not for my mistakes, instead I should be the one dying for their freedom".

Gaufrid\'s smile widened. "Ancestor would be proud of my decision".

Hearing that was all that George needed to know that his leader already made up his mind. While he still engaged in intense battle against Fleet Warlord Elyon, George divided his attention and created a soul contract.

"Special Magic Ability: Soul Contract!"

Inside the palace of the Beast King, the soul contract appeared.

It was a green glowing piece of paper with the stamp of 2 demon heads at the bottom, this piece of paper pulsed with arcane energy.

As soon as the paper appeared, the Beast King looked at Legolas.

"You know what it is right?"

Legolas nodded; he grabbed the piece of paper the next moment.


[You have come into contact with a Calamity Grade Soul Contract!]

[WARNING! You can only break the restrictions of this soul contract after you become a Beyond Grade A Super!]

[Contract Parties:]

>Party A: Gaufrid<

>Party B: Legolas Baron<

[Contract Terms:]

>Party A will be executed by Party B, and in exchange, the war will be over. The allied Nak and Ackermann army will win but in return, the beasts of the Beast Empire will regain their freedom, making their empire official<

>With the death of Party A, all the top executives and subordinates of Party A (the Beast Priests) will become hired mercenaries to party B<

[Contract Breach Penalty:]

>If any of the 2 parties mentioned above goes against the terms of this contract, absolute death is the only penalty<

>Absolute death entails that defaulting party becomes non-existing, i.e, he cannot live in the Underworld, he cannot survive as a soul or energy existence, in every sense of the world, he becomes dead<


>Party A Signature: Freedom<

>Party B Signature: <


Legolas instantly recognized some of the tricky clause of the contract.

The top executives and subordinates of Party A becoming hired mercenaries of Party B means that the Beast Priests won\'t necessarily become his subordinates like he wanted, instead, they\'ll become something like paid mercenaries to him.

It was up to him if worthy to make them become loyal in the future.

Legolas recognized the loop hole but he did not dwell on it. As a Grade B Super, he knew how big he was aiming to command Calamity Grades.

As for the death penalty, he had no intentions of going against the contract terms in the first place.

Legolas did not hesitate; he scribbled his signature on the soul contract.

Instantly after he did it, the glowing piece of paper was burnt to ash by green flames as instantly, Legolas felt an imprint being left on his soul.

With his signature, he was now bound by the terms of the contract.

As soon as the piece of paper got burnt, Gaufrid sighed in relief.

"It\'s done, so please," He looked at the human. "Stop the war".

"Stop!" Legolas roared into a special communication device the next moment as thousands of warships spread across this warfront received the order.

These warships that were spread across the territory of the Beast Empire, spreading death rampantly finally stopped as soon as they heard the order.

The non-stop bloodshed finally stopped for the first time today.

Literally every battle came to a halt at this moment except 2 battlefields.

George kept on battling aggressively with Fleet Warlord Elyon.

Angenton also kept on battling aggressively against the lineup of Calamity Grade Supers led by Admiral Zhao that were assigned to deal with him.

Amid this sudden silence after the chaos and noise of the war since, Gaufrid took one last breath of the air then he looked at Legolas. "Do it".


A similar scene like what happened 3 years ago when the Beast Coalition became known to everyone happened again as all networks across this star system were hijacked, the Beast King faced everyone.

Once again in his life, Gaufrid faced every beast of the Minerva Star System.

Not just them, he also faced all the Naks and Ackermanns.

The next moment, shocking everyone watching, the Beast King smiled into the virtual projection. "Rejoice my brothers, we finally did it!"

"We finally achieved our ultimate goal!"

"Freedom, that was our goal from the beginning and now we have it".

"As a young beast, my dream was to create a Beast Empire where beasts are no longer persecuted by the arrogant Naks and Ackermmans".

"I always saw them as the monsters, the persecutors".

"In my quest to achieve my goal, I created the Beast Coalition and pushed by desperation, before I knew it, I also fell into the path of the monster".

Gaufrid chuckled. "Before I knew it, I became a monster myself".

"In my desperation to rescue more beasts, I became just like the monsters I hated as I massacred billions of innocents in my quest to achieve my goal".

"I became the monster I always hated but it was not in vain". Gaufrid\'s expression reflected inner peace at this moment.

"Today, I finally managed to achieve my goal".

"Congratulations brothers, our fight for freedom was not in vain".

"The Naks and Ackermanns finally succumbed to our tenacity". He laughed barbarically. "They finally agreed to help me achieve my dream".

"After today, the Beast Empire will be official".

"Congratulations to every beast in the Minerva Star System, today marks your freedom, these are the coordinates of the new Beast Empire".

"I achieved my goal of beast freedom but my sins cannot be forgiven".

"I shall be executed as payment for my grievous sins".

"I have no regrets though; I lived a fulfilling life".

"I have just one dying wish to all beasts".

His eyes looking at the camera smiled with determination. "Don\'t make the same mistake that I made, take full advantage of this opportunity that I paved for all beasts with my life".

"Do not taint my legacy by being another version of me".

"Let me be the symbol I always wanted to become".

"Let me be your totem, your ancestor who took on all the suffering on your behalf and all I want from you is to take the Beast Empire to great heights the good way, prove all the sentient races wrong that we are not barbarians!"

"Prove to them that we are as sentient as they are!"

With that, Gaufrid smiled brightly. "I am ready".

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