Rise of the Horde

Chapter 63 - 63

The corrupted creatures wandered aimlessly upon the Burning Sands, destroying anything and everything within their path.

Prince Gyassi slammed the table in front of him with such force that the wooden table cracked in some places and one of its legs buckled under his strength. "What did he say!? I am Commander-in-Chief of the entire Ereian Army, appointed by the King himself. All commanders shall answer to me. Every soldier needs to be under my command, be it the regular soldiers or that of the nobles."

The messenger averted the gaze of the fuming prince and took a few steps back, fearing that the Prince might pour his anger out on him, but it was all too late.

Prince Gyassi unsheathed his sword and slashed at the messenger, but his sword was deflected and he stumbled a few steps back. "What\'s the meaning of this, Commander Ishaq!?"

Commander Ishaq sheathed his sword in its scabbard then turned to the messenger who was now on his butt trembling in fear. The ground in between his crotch became damped as the stench of piss permeated the air. "Forgive me for stepping in, Prince, but striking a messenger of another noble would only worsen the strained relationship that the royal family have with the other noble families."

Prince Gyassi sheathed his sword in annoyance and stared coldly at the messenger who was now being assisted by Commander Ishaq to his feet. "Take this message to your master. If he doesn\'t answer my call to arms, I\'ll stripped him of his noble status and charge him and his kin with treason. Now scram before I change my mind and send only your head back with a letter."

The messenger quickly darted out of the Prince\'s tent and took his horse and galloped away while checking behind him from time to time to make sure that the angry prince didn\'t send riders after him.

Prince Gyassi gritted his teeth in anger."Insolent fool! Once I am crowned king. I\'ll have the head of that bastard Baron on a pike. I\'ll have those that carry his bloodline executed, his his daughters and wives shall be good playthings."

Commander Ishaq shook his head in resignation and left the Prince alone and went towards the soldiers who have already arrived. Glancing to his left, he saw the banner of the Royal Ereian Army, the best that Ereia had to offer.

Groomed since young, they were disciplined and merciless and only answers to the royal family. They are both the shield and sword of the royal family who protect them from harm and slaughter their enemies.


The Queen of Ereia separated herself from the King\'s embrace and shyly hid her naked body under the soft silk blanket and a red hue emerging on her cheeks as the King admired her body. "Why did you only send half of the Ereian Royal Army to him? Isn\'t it better if you send them all to aid him in eliminating this threat more swiftly?"

The King caressed the cheeks of his Queen, enjoying her soft skin on his palms and a smile on his face. "I need half of them here in the capital to deter any ideas of rebellion from the other noble families and also to keep us safe from any assassination attempt."

"And what about those bickering old men in your court? Why don\'t you just get rid of them?"

"It isn\'t easy to get rid of them. They have long been dubbing in the affairs of the royal family before I even ascended the throne. But don\'t you worry, my little seductress, they won\'t live for long." The King planted a kiss on his Queen\'s lips and she returned it with passion. It didn\'t take long before the two began engaging in another entanglement on the bed as moans and groans of pleasure filled the room.


"My Lord, Prince Gyassi says that if you don\'t answer his call to arms, he\'ll remove your noble status and charge you and your family with treason."

Baron Ragab shook his head in disappointment as his messenger returned on his own and alive. He was expecting a bloody gift from the Prince which would be his messenger\'s head. "Retire to your quarters and clean yourself well. You reek of piss."

"Apologies My Lord. This loyal servant shall obey your wishes." The messenger bowed down his head and left behind his Lord.

After his messenger left, a person suddenly emerged from the shadows like a ghost. "It seems Commander Ishaq prevented the Prince from committing a mistake."

Baron Ragab quickly wrote a letter and sealed it with wax before stamping his seal on it. "Give this to our allies, there will be a change of plans."

The Baron stared at the dark shadows behind his office and saw nobody. The eerie presence that he felt vanished. He closed his right hand, which held the now non-existent letter. His hand felt so cold, like it was just submerged in ice.

"I hope I am making the right decision." He went outside in the garden where his third wife was busy tending to the flowers that she planted. Remembering the tragedy that his third wife\'s family went through, he can\'t help but think of how unfair the world is.

Why would Faerush strike a family devoted to him with such a misfortune? It should be the royal family that he should plague with misfortunes for their blasphemous deeds.


Inside the bedchamber of the King, the Queen stared at the King who was humping towards the air while laying on his back. His eyes were unfocused and a lustful smile was on his lips as he continued groaning in pleasure as he humped his hips against his imaginary partner.

The Queen moaned in pleasure from time to time before covering her mouth with her hands to hide her mischievous smile. She filled her moans with passion as she stared at the actions of the King, which would brand him insane if others find out what he was actually doing inside his bedchamber.

She glanced towards the shadows where a figure was slowly being formed.. A smile formed on her lips as she approach towards the figure that was emerging. "Syvis! What took you so long?"

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