Rise of the Horde

Chapter 165 - 165

Xiao Chen glanced around to check for more dangers, but he can\'t find anything or anyone else that would endanger their lives. He saw Draegh\'ana approaching somewhere behind Grogus to recover one if her blades that was thrown away. A few meters away, he saw Adhalia leaning against the wall and panting. The previous battle took a toll on their bodies.

He is inspected his weapon and saw that it was filled with more cracks which were more pronounced than before. His weapon was nearing its end, and he really needs to find someone to forge him a new weapon that would fit the way that he fights.

They continue on their journey when they finally had some rest. Just like before, Xiao Chen took the lead while asking for suggestions from the little Grogus, since he was the only one who would be able to understand the way of the Bloodpool Goblins. Under the altar, Xiao Chen could spot the complex architecture of the altar and the groves and paths that fed blood towards the bloody pool.

A few hours of going around, many twists and turns filled with traps that would likely claim the life of anyone else except for the goblins. Anyone taller than them would either be hacked by the swords that suddenly come out from the walls or pierced by the spears and arrows that would fly towards them.


Xiao Chen had to keep his utmost alertness while they were traversing the trap filled underground of the altar. His nerves were coming to its end as any longer of that would make him snap and just charge ahead recklessly.

It was like a slow torture for him as they proceeded forward, but everything came to an end when they finally arrived at a place that was very out of place. The place was so wide and huge that you could probably put a city in it, a human city that is small with just the minimum population.

Everywhere you look at, the place was filled with torches and a statue that looked like a human but got no face. Its entire face is missing and the only thing that stands out was the tentacles on the chin of the statues that seemed like beards. Xiao Chen\'s eyes were staring at the statue without blinking and he didn\'t know why, but he felt a deep animosity against the creature. The ominous feeling was so strong as he looked at the creature, it was suffocating him in some way, but his anger was taking over him more.

The eyes of the statue that Xiao Chen was staring at gleamed with a dangerous glint of red light and in response, the eyes of Xiao Chen gleamed with an azure light. Adhalia, Draegh\'ana and Grogus wondered what was going on as their chieftain looked like he was having a staring contest with the statue.

Everything spun around for Xiao Chen as he felt like he just drunk too much and he was now suffering its side effects. All the things that he looks at were spinning. They were being stretched to lengths that seemed impossible no matter what happens. Fragments of memories assaulted Xiao Chen as he was dragged to somewhere that he didn\'t belong to.


The smell of fresh and pungent blood wafted through the air. Blinding rays of both sunlight and moonlight cascades down, revealing the scene of carnage and brutality of the battlefield. Weapons, armors, and the blood of the hundreds of thousands of corpses reeked of the scent of death. Smoke and dust filled the air. While groans and curses play the background music for the glorious death of all those involved. It was a battle between two powerful races. The Divine Beings and the Creatures of the Abyss.

"Trample upon those Abyss Dwellers!" Shouted by a winged creature who was hovering in the air. She was one of the leaders of the beings that exuded a golden light. She was one of the Avariels, the first and the chosen of the Elven God to guard his chambers while he slumber.

"Kill! Kill!" Crazed bloodlust appeared in the eyes of every Creature of the Abyss as they brandished their sharp claws and revealed their fangs. Every time their tall figures moved, the wind would whistle while the ground would shake. Clearly showing their high innate physical strength.

"Support the left wing," A clear and melodious voice sounded. Suddenly, a burst of azure light flashed from a Divine Being. Instantly, a phantom of Azure Titan Orc appeared on the battlefield. It was about hundreds of meters tall and a dozen or so meters wide. The phantom gave off an oppressive feeling, as though everything must bow before it. It was the avatar of the Queen of Battle, Drekkai and her title was well earned.

Suddenly, a shadow as dark as a moonless night floated in the air and landed in front of the phantom.

"Charge!" it shouted in a chaotic voice that was hard to understand. Its slender finger pointing towards the direction of Drekkai. A series of unintelligible screams followed up as the Abyss Dwellers became more wild.

The army with Drekkai held their weapons and charged towards the incoming enemy army. Clearly expecting a frontal confrontation. In response, the black shadow looked behind it and said, "[email protected]@$ **@"**@$¢%". It was a command in a language that even Xiao Chen wasn\'t able to understand.


A huge part of the enemy army headed towards Drekkai who was having a great time slaying any form that comes too close to her. Her green skin emitted a metallic sheen. "Kill!" The battle was at its climax.

Both armies were clashing against each other, but there was no definite winner just yet. Xiao Chen watched the ensuing chaos with confusion. He was so confused why was he here on this battlefield with no good reason, he just popped out of nowhere and the place that he popped up at was one of the unluckiest place to be at, which is the center of two opposing armies. Rolling on the ground a few times to evade the strikes that were intended for him.

Xiao Chen spent most of his time just evading and distancing himself from the armies of both sides. He already had an assumption of what was going on, but he can\'t jump to conclusions without proper verification or else he might risk fighting against his supposed to be allies.

On one side were the creatures that looked like they would even scare the darkness of a moonless night away. The other side was filled with warriors of different creatures. There were orcs, humans, elves, dwarves and other creatures, and even creatures that he thought didn\'t exist were there. They are fighting for their lives and for whatever other reasons they\'ve got. The winged creatures dived, then soar up once again into the skies. Xiao Chen\'s eyes were glued to the Avariels and the powerful Drekkai who were easily thrashing anyone in her path.

Upon noticing the presence of Xiao Chen in the middle of the battlefield, both sides suddenly stopped what they were doing as they looked at him. Xiao Chen was like a sour thumb as he was the only one who didn\'t exude a golden or dark aura. Both factions seized all their actions as they tensely stared at the odd creature who was among them. He wasn\'t a Divine nor an Abyss, but he was there among them. The entire battlefield become deathly still.

While everyone was busy looking at the odd creature who was among them, a figure suddenly landed in the center of the deathly silent battlefield.


A resounding crash awoke those who were staring blankly at Xiao Chen. The figure dropped on top of the black shadow who was commanding the Creatures of the Abyss with such force that it created a wide and deep crater at where he landed at. The impact evaporated hundreds of the Abyss Dwellers and created a mushroom of dust.


A gust of wind swept by, taking the dust off the battlefield and revealing the dumbfounded faces of those who were around. The sudden event halted the momentum of both armies.

Their battle intent diminishing. Confusion was written all over their faces. It was especially the case for Creatures of the Abyss who were known for their muscle brain and just a Ted in their primal instincts.Without exception, everyone stared at the center of commotion where an old man wearing a black loose robe stood. On his hand was a wooden staff that was so simple, much just like that of a shepherd\'s.

"Cough! Cough!"

Violent coughing reverberated on the silent battlefield as the old man fanned away the surrounding dust. He was more than two meters tall, his skin was as white as snow, on his forehead was a forest of wrinkles. He looked handsome and neat, but just old, very old. Although his figure was slightly slender, one could see his well-trained muscles. His long white hair dangled around his shoulders and his white beard freely hanging down his chin as he stroke it with one of his hands.

"Go on! Don\'t mind this old man. Let me adjust for a few moments and settle my upset stomach." the old man muttered in a voice that was so carefree, like he was just out on a picnic with his friends as he strolled away to one corner of the battlefield.

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