My Wife is the Asura Empress

Chapter 219 Madame's Order: Eerie Shadows & Sinister Whispers

The blue orb charged in his palm, and gradually Rio\'s ninety percent mana was used to increase its intensity with [Obliteration of Heaven].

When he was done, he directed his battle art technique toward the platform, sending a blue orb that traveled in the direction of the jackal.

The glowing small sphere moved steadily through the air, its aura pulsing with power compressed within as it closed in on the Grimclaw.

The Horned Kraken spotted the approaching pulsating object and quickly retreated underwater, disappearing from sight.

The Grimclaw, on the other hand, lazily opened its eyes which widened in surprise as the blue orb drew closer.

Suddenly, the buzzing illuminating sphere vanished into thin air, leaving the Grimclaw perplexed and confused. It looked around frantically, trying to determine where the orb had gone but found no trace.

Instead, detecting its enemy running in the distance, The jackal was ready to chase Rio but a bright light appeared behind Grimclaw, colliding against its tough skin with incredible destructive force.

The light enveloped the beast\'s body and spread outwards, encompassing the entire platform. The resulting explosion was deafening, accompanied by the sound of water splashing and buzzing.

The force of the explosion was so powerful that water was sent flying in all directions, drenching everything around the platform. A rainbow was formed by the splattering of water particles in the air as this happened.

The black blood of the Grimclaw vaporized into black smoke, and the creature collapsed lifelessly, falling into the lake.

The Horned Kraken, who escaped underwater, was also not spared from the attack either.

As it remained underwater, it was electrocuted by the thunder battle art technique attack and felt a sudden dizziness. Its robotic hardware got affected by the shockwave and thunder as the creature  struggled to stay afloat in the water, trying to regain control.

Soon,  the Kraken special beast decided to escape outside from this buzzing water and emerged from the churning lake, its bruised shell gleaming in the sunlight.

Rio, who had retreated to a safe distance, watched as the Horned Kraken surfaced and was caught off guard by a blazing black spear that suddenly pierced its metal frame.

The black spear had been summoned by drenched Nyla, who had been carefully observing the battle from afar. She had been biding her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

With pinpoint precision, she hurled the spear at the Horned Kraken, catching it off guard and dealing a devastating blow.

The Kraken howled in pain and tried to shake her off, but Nyla held on tight and continued to strike with her spear.

As the Kraken\'s movements began to slow down, She summoned a swirling yellow fire around her. The flames danced around her body as her spear blazed with a yellow flame, enhancing her weapon.

With a fierce glint in her eyes, she charged toward the Kraken, the yellow fire danced around her as she thrust her black-stage spear\'s tip deep into the beast\'s body.

Nyla\'s black spear was embedded in the Horned Kraken\'s body as it let out a final shriek of agony before collapsing onto the ground with a thudding sound.

She stood over the defeated beast, breathing heavily as she tried to catch her breath. Previously, she had to run at full speed as she saw her time had come to take the battle stage.

Her eyes were locked onto the creature\'s body, watching as the black liquid gushed out from its wound and its life slowly slipped away.

As she was staring at the Horned Kraken, she couldn\'t help but remember how it had been first electrocuted by the [Heaven Destroyer], a powerful battle art technique that Rio previously used.

And then, as if that wasn\'t enough, she had burned it with her yellow flame, leaving it weakened and vulnerable. But it was her sharp black spear that had dealt the final blow, piercing through the beast\'s thick skin and putting an end to its misery.

As the yellow fire that had once swirled around her now dissipated into the air,  Nyla let out a triumphant gesture, raising her arms in victory after turning around to face Rio.

Her green eyes interlocked with the boy, her gaze filled with excitement and joy.

"We did it, Rio! we defeated the two special beasts!" Nyla exclaimed, her voice was lively.

Rio looked at the girl with adoration in his gaze. "I didn\'t expect your yellow flames to be so mighty."

Nyla felt a sense of pride swell within her chest at Rio\'s words, her eyes sparkling with happiness, "Thanks Sweetie,"

They both stood in silence for a moment, basking in the afterglow of their victory.

He said, "You know, I wasn\'t sure if you were strong enough to handle these special beasts alone at first. But after facing two in a row, it\'s clear that even if you faced a fully healed special beast, you would be able to defeat it with your current strength."

Nyla\'s eyes widened in surprise. She had been so focused on the fight that she hadn\'t even considered what Rio just said.

As the girl was lost in celebrating her joy, Rio continued, "We should rest for a while then we will leave this place. We also have to find clues for other puzzles."

Nyla nodded as they both went to rest under a tree and ate their food.

After an hour, they started leaving the place from the dark tunnel which they had used come. Rio carried the girl on his back as her vision was limited in the dark and he wasn\'t planning to waste their time by crossing the long path just by walking.

For the next ten days, Rio and Nyla spent carefully navigating the island, hunting, and solving puzzles for the Special Beast.

They were cautious to avoid the Wind Slyphs that hovered in the sky and the occasional group of students that came too close to their area.

Whenever they desired, they retreated to the safety of the Wondrous Forest realm, a place where they didn\'t have to worry about the dangers of the island.


The moon hung in the sky, emitting a pale light on the darkened beach. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore was the only noise to be heard, save for the hushed whispers of the conspiring students.

Their conversation was sinister, as four figures were discussing something, the fire flickered, casting eerie shadows across their faces as they spoke in hushed tones.

"It\'s been twelve days and that Havenglow brat is still alive."

"Maybe She was lying to us."

"Don\'t be foolish, if Madame finds out you even said that, you won\'t live to see the next day."

"Sorry, but we\'ve been attacking Golden Seal students left and right, and still no sign of him."

"We have to find him. Our time is running out."

"We only have eighteen days left to complete this mission."

"And if we fail?"

"Madame said we can always hide in the Land of Asura. But I\'d rather not take that chance to make her unhappy."

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps interrupted their conversation.

"Byran, I\'ve found more Golden Seal students."


"They\'re camping near the special beast location."

"Excellent. Get everyone ready. We have work to do."

As they prepared to leave, dozens of beasts came out of the dense forest, the five sinister students looked pleased as they commanded the creatures to follow them, their eyes glinting with a twisted sense of power.

Among the beasts was a massive three-meter-tall boar, Its body was sculpted with bulging muscles, rippling with power, giving it an appearance of being invincible. Its presence was daunting and commanding.

The rest of the pack consisted of sleek and stealthy shadow cats, their eyes gleaming in the moonlight. Their lithe bodies moved with the grace and precision of a predator and their fur was a glossy black, blending seamlessly into the darkness of the night.

It was eerie to see the way the students controlled the beasts as if they were mere puppets under their command. The group set off into the darkness, their ominous presence spreading a foreboding shadow over the island.


Nyla and Rio rested atop the same mountain where they had first seen the elusive silver fox. The view was nothing short of breathtaking, with the sun setting on the horizon and spreading a warm, orange glow over the landscape.

The serene atmosphere was a welcome respite after a long day of hunting. Rio lay beside Nyla, his eyes closed as he took in the tranquility of the moment to relax.

The girl sat with her knees pulled to her chest, gazing out at the view. She took a deep breath of the fresh, crisp air and closed her eyes, reveling in the peace and quiet.

Suddenly, Her  eyes flew open, her body jolting upright as if she had been electrified. A sudden urgency overtook her as she peered down the mountain. Her gaze was sharp and focused, honing in on something moving below.

Rio, sensing her sudden shift in energy, a look of concern creasing his forehead, "What\'s wrong, Nyla?" he asked, his voice quiet and concerned.

Nyla\'s breath was coming in short, shallow gasps as she said, "Look, Rio."

As she spoke, her hand darted out, pointing down below in the darkening landscape.

His eyes followed her gaze, searching for the cause of her distress, Rio\'s expression shifted from concern to alarm as he saw what Nyla was pointing at.


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Edited By: TheWhiteSnow

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