Ranking System

Chapter 127 Internet Forum: World Leaders Meeting

[No. 94: Is there beef between Charles and Felicia? I pray for Felicia\'s life in her next life.]

[No. 95: Charles got Felicia pissed. She is getting fucked over and can\'t do anything about it. What did she do to make Charles angry?]

[No. 96: @No. 95. I heard that Felicia tried to poison Charles. Rumors of this might be true, considering how ruthless Felicia is.]

[No. 97: @No. 96. Then she done fuck up. Does anyone want to build Felicia a grave?]

[No. 98: @No. 97. o7 I give her my salute.]


[No. 99: Holy shit! A skeleton man is walking around! I\'m not going to get used to this!]

[No. 100: Do you think there will be a sexy succubus? Creatures of the night are appearing! I gotta find a sexy succubus!]

[No. 101: @No. 100. Least horny man alive. But I gotta say, female vampires are my type.]

[No. 102: I got to say, those werewolf muscles are looking fine.]

[No. 103: @No. 102. My cock is also looking fine, heh.]


[No. 104: Look, there is someone in a black cat tribe up ahead! If I get one of them to marry me, I\'m going to be like Charles FrFr.]

[No. 105: Tsk. Look at him flirting with his girls. He totally fucking with the others.]

[No. 106: No. @105. Just become like Charles. You would get the same privilege if you had a percent of his powers.]

[No. 107: Look at these animal-like features. I want to touch them real bad!!!]

[No. 108: @No. 107. The only thing you need to touch is deez nuts!]

[No. 109: @No. 108. Fuck you!]

[No. 110: @No. 109. No. Fuck you!]

[No. 111: Those wolves are looking fine...]

[No. 112: This comment makes me lose trust in humanity.]


[No. 113: A nonaggression pact? I bet those grunts would attack us without a second thought.]

[No. 114: We have Charles here for the matter. Us Earthlings have leverage with Charles around. Even the second-place guy won\'t stand a chance!]

[No. 115: @No 114. What with these Charles dickriders? Yeah, he probably single-handedly invaded a world, but there are two more worlds combined with ours.]

[No. 116: @No. 115: I would ride his dick. Look how hot he is!]

[No. 117: @No. 116. o_O]


[No. 118: Look at the face that black cat is making! Even the people of his world won\'t follow his lead! Hahaha!]

[No. 119: @No. 118: For a second ranker, it\'s pathetic for the people of your world to abandon you. I can even see his fist clenching.]

[No. 120: If I were the second ranker, I wouldn\'t let them off.]

[No. 121: @No. 120. What can he do? Fight everyone at once? We might have a new second ranker in the future.]

[No. 122: @No.121. Press F to pay respect for Gram.]

[No. 123: @No.122. F.]

[No. 124: @No.122. F.]


[No. 125: Who would\'ve thought the second ranker would be Charles\'s maid\'s uncle? What a huge coincidence.]

[No. 126: I didn\'t think Charles would grab his maid\'s ass in front of his uncle. That disrespect would piss me off.]

[No. 127: I never knew Charles\' mouth would be so dirty, but I can\'t say I hate it!]

[No. 128: Charles, you madman! You\'re going to shake his hand after pissing him so much??? He\'s totally going to crush your hand!]

[No. 129: Holy shit! His hand!!!]

[No. 130: Charles!!!]

[No. 131: What the fuck!]

[No. 132: Disgusting...]

[No. 133: I knew it! Charles was a demon!]

[No. 134: How could he smile in a situation like this? His blood is flowing out. I think I\'m going to puke.]

[No. 135: Rest in peace, kitty cat. You won\'t be missed.]

[No. 136: L. Lost his head within seconds.]

[No. 137: Uh... Did his eyes just move?]

[No. 138: Well fuck! No wonder Charles could invade a world by himself. He\'s a fucking immortal! Charles! Let me be your lackey!]

[No. 139: The monsters he summons are overpowered! Now he has immortality??? How unfair is this world!]

[No. 140: @No. 139. Some of us are just born to the main characters of this world...]

[No. 141: Not only was he decapitated, but Charles was twirling his head, making him dizzy. The only good thing is that he couldn\'t puke from all of this.]

[No. 142: Did he just put his head back on? I don\'t think that is humanly possible!]

[No. 143: @No. 142. You can\'t compare Charles to a human. You saw how he lived with all those blood losses!]

[No. 144: Man, Charles really does hold a grudge. Even after beheading him, he is messing with him. Flicking an old man like him is a humiliation one wouldn\'t forget.]

[No. 145: They\'re going to leave! Now the drama is over. Even in a boring meeting, Charles manages to spice it up.]


[No. 146: With the three worlds fused, won\'t there be new things to see? I heard that there was a monster attack in a nearby city.]

[No. 147: I hope the nonaggression pact would apply to the weaker people of the other world. From what I see, they don\'t look educated. They surely won\'t be barbaric, right?]

[No. 148: @No. 147. I mean, look at the second ranker. He won\'t hesitate to kill anyone. There\'s your answer.]

[No. 149: I\'m going to find a hot succubus wife!]

[No. 150: @No. 149. Not if I find one first!]

[No. 151: @No. 150. These two posts above me surely are the least horny people alive.]

[No. 152: Does the other world have internet? The people of Winar surely don\'t, but maybe the people of Necropolis would.]

[No. 153: @No. 152. Do you think these night crawlers looking ass would have internet? Now that I think about they would. Hehehe.]

[No. 154: @No. 153. I bet these night crawlers would watch their videos at 3:00 AM]

"What am I even reading..."

Charles looked at the phone and wondered if he should keep reading.

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