I Hate Systems

Chapter 329: Pre emptive Strike

Chapter 329: Pre emptive Strike

Irrespective of what it was, whether it be a natural calamity or the mysteriousness of DNA altercation, everything was data that could be fed into a computer and computed for results.

Various simulations could be conducted. Billions of variations that happened within a cell division which would affect the overall function of a physical body, even that could be computed.

This was the functional superiority of a technological society, Earth\'s Silicon Era.

The information related to Systems, his goals, etc. were made public on Carburettor Island. There was a wave of problems following that, but a word from him and everything was treated to be normal.

This was the effect of the Young Master System Fragment. It was also how Jionerd trained his people to become terrifying experts by making them face life and death tens of hundreds of times.

So, once he passed on the information, the people of Carburettor Island treated it as a fact and then proceeded on with their lives accordingly.

And now, research personnel were analysing the stats of various System Hosts. Computers calculated the input data about their capabilities while those with brilliant minds worked in devising countermeasures against the foes.

This practically reduced most of the brainwork that Compass Carburettor had to do. All he had to do now was to look at the results presented and then work on a plan from there. His life had become easier.

It was like he had thousands of minds to help him, which was practically what he had been gunning for from the start.

Among the data collection, Grisha\'s notes helped a lot. After all, she had the experience of 48 loops, able to perceive the truths related to most abilities of the apocalypse world. She was a great judge in regards to that.

So, her valuable inputs were then used as a reference by the team of research personnel to analyse various abilities.

"Sir, calculating based on all your abilities, there are only three enemies you have to be careful about." The head researcher said, "Straxia, Shyvern, and Ianon. The other System Hosts, though powerful, fail to pose a threat to Rhizen. Only these three have a chance at claiming his life."

"So, only those three, huh." Compass Carburettor nodded, asking as he sat on a hilltop. The entire conversation was happening through telepathy, so they weren\'t able to see one another. At least, the head researcher wasn\'t able to.

Compass Carburettor was able to see everything that was happening in his Dimensional Space as he said, "So, the remaining System Hosts aren\'t a threat to Rhizen. So, even if I don\'t target them, nothing would change, is that it?"

"Yes," The head researcher said before taking out a tablet that played an animation. It showed the various ways he could deal with the three, "The best option would be to target three System Hosts, capture them in Anthozoa and target Straxia with that first. Based on the statistics, the likelihood of her System\'s level being greater than 10 is at 80 percent."

"So, she possesses the greatest threat apart from Shyvern. And since Ianon is our ally, there is a possibility of this working." Compass Carburettor nodded as he listened to the rest of their plan.

He then continued to listen to the abilities, characteristic traits, and behavioural patterns of the System Hosts, also gazing at the recorded video compilation of the same to get a clear understanding.

\'As long as these three are alive, there\'s a threat to Rhizen\'s life. But, with them gone, it could be said that I\'ve basically solved the Coincidental Luck System\'s request. It would definitely wish for the other Systems to remain and target Rhizen, because that would nurture his growth better.\' Thinking as such, he contacted the Coincidental Luck System, informing it of his plans, requesting its assistance.

All he wished was for the instant death immunity of the System Hosts to coincidentally fail. The Coincidental Luck System was reluctant at first before accepting the deal. It was apparent that every time it assisted him, it was expending a lot of Mental Energy.

In the end, it wasn\'t gaining anything much. But, Compass Carburettor didn\'t care about that. If he wished, he could make some fortress to pray for the Coincidental Luck System instead.

But, he didn\'t do anything of the sort. If the Coincidental Luck System wanted something like that, then it could ask Rhizen.

His goal was only to use it enough so that he could grow strong enough to save Stencil in the end. Their relationship was only a trade relationship.

And, considering a System\'s means, especially one at Level 92 that had authority in the domain of luck and coincidence, Compass Carburettor refused to believe that it was facing any losses.

In fact, even with Destiny Luck breathing down its neck, it should still have enough leeway to grow stronger than its competitors.

\'Before the Elf returns, I should put an end to this.\' Thinking as such, he began to prepare, training his various abilities. Though, since there was a chance Destiny Luck was watching him, he had to be discrete enough in his actions.

Thankfully, he had stared through a portal before, aware of what it showed. If it focused on him, it showed things from his point of view. It wasn\'t actually synchronised with his eyesight.

And, since he had a similar portal, Grisha experimented with it, allowing him to notice that this point of view was fixed to his face and not his eyes.

This meant, he could do things away from his line of sight. As long as he saw through the sides of his eye, he would be able to see things that weren\'t reflected in the portal\'s point of view.

That\'s what he used while training with Dota\'s powers. A month passed in such a fashion as he accumulated a million Mental Energy in his Dimensional Space and caused all his mutated beasts barring Dota to possess five horns.

And as for Dota, he observed it with anticipation, jumping in joy when its second horn finished growing. Immediately, he could feel all the related powers strengthening in response. With that, his preparations were done.

With 12 days left before the System Hosts targeted him, Compass Carburettor took action first.

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