Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 77 - First Totem, I Wont Separate Family

"Look, since neither one of us can do it, then what If I try to find you a male of your own species or at least something close? I don\'t know how successful I will be, but I will try, and that is the best that I can do," I said, and Veronica\'s expression brightened a bit.

"Really, you would do something like this for me?" Veronica asked me hopefully, and I nodded my head. ​​

Now, time to get what I want, as horrible as that might sound, which was a trade of services.

"Okay, so I will do this thing for you, but I need help, and it will probably make your lives easier. How can I get Jessabell from here? I need to take her back to Mex\'s Keep, but I can\'t just scoop her up and run off with her, right?" I asked, and Veronica lifted an eyebrow at me.

"Why not? The Master must have told you about her. Jessabell is Omniphobic, and a Hypochondriac, so you will need to either knock her out or cover her up completely. That will be the only way that you will get her out of here," Veronica explained to me, and now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"I am not knocking her out, but will a sheet really work?" I asked.

"That\'s what we do when she starts to have a panic attack; a blanket is the only way that you will calm her," Candice explained as she walked up beside her sister.

I was surprised that Candice was willing to give me any information, but I guess if I was willing to help her sister, I wouldn\'t be that bad. I guess that I would just have to take their word on it.

This could also just be some kind of trick, but something told me that we were past that. I think that now I might even be able to consider Veronica a friend, if not her sister as well.


Suddenly, I felt a thump in my chest like a force was forcing me to push my chest out, and I lost power in my legs. I dropped to my knees, only able to look forward to Veronica, but she was now glowing blue.

"What is going…." I tried to say, but A message window cut me off, and I understood what was going on.

[Totem: Water Sphinx] Confirm: Yes/No?

Yes. I understood now; this was my Class, the Shaman. I looked down, and I could feel the mark as it appeared as three circles that made a sort of triangle.

"What did you just do to my sister?!" Candice said, trying to step towards me.

Veronica pushed her head into Candice to stop her and let out a low growl.

"I choose this, leave him," Veronica growled and then looked back at me with a warm smile. "I guess this isn\'t quite what I wanted, but you are very strange, in a good way, and I lend you my strength."

I smiled and nodded back to her; this was different. It wasn\'t like I could read Veronica\'s mind, but I could feel that she was happy with the way things had turned out.

"I appreciate that, and I will try to use the power you have lent me to the best of my ability. Now, though, I really need to get this girl back to the Keep. I have a lot more I have to do with the girls and other things and people I need to do," I said and was about to turn when Veronica turned back to her sister.

"Give it to him!" Veronica snapped at Candice, and she took a step back from her sister.

"Fine, you are his little pet now, I get it! HERE!" Candice shouted at me before she turned her head back to grab a package that I hadn\'t seen before.

Candice turned back and tossed the bundle to me, and I caught it. When I looked down at it, I realized what it was right away, and I looked up with a smile.

"Thank you, both of you. I know that we didn\'t get off on the right foot, but I think that we can change that. I know that you like Mex, but I just want to be able to be civil around each other since I am more than likely going to be seeing a lot more of your sister. Where do you two normally live when you aren\'t watching the Maze entrance?" I asked, but Veronica shook her head.

"We don\'t have a home besides this place. We mostly wandered before Mex found us. He saved us from being killed but a part of demons that were coming to kill us. Since then, Mex has mostly taken care of us as long as we watch the maze and Jessabell. So, I am not sure what he will do with us now that we don\'t serve a purpose," Veronica said, but her voice had gotten a lot softer as she finished speaking, and I could understand why.

I was sure that someone who would leave people in a brainless drooling state was a problem, and not many would like that. Looks like I was going to have to ask Jilly to do some more building when I got back.

"The Master won\'t just leave us!" Candice said, trying to cheer her up, but that just made Veronica\'s mood even worse.

"No, He won\'t leave you, but now that I serve no purpose, why would he keep me around or give me a home? I am no use to him," Veronica said, but that is when I stepped in.

"Listen, I have a place in Mex\'s courtyard, a house that Jilly, the Oomukade built. I will ask her to build a place attached to the house today, and you girls can be my escort back to the Keep. I will give you a home; all I ask is that you don\'t ask me any riddles that could turn me into a drooling vegetable, okay?" I asked, and both the girls\' eyes lit up with happiness, but then Candice froze.

"You just mean my sister, right? Since I already have the Master to take care of me?" Candice asked quietly, but I smiled at her.

"No, I mean both of you, I won\'t separate you girls, the two of you are family. Now, come help me with Jessabell. The sooner we are done here, the sooner I can get back and get Jilly working on your new home!" I said with a smile, and the girls nodded excitedly.

Now, if only Jessabell could go this smoothly, but something told me I was asking for too much. That meant that I was more than likely about to pay for my greediness.

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