VRMMORPG: Dragomancer Reborn

Chapter 267 Slight Mistake And Spell Synergy

Chapter 267 Slight Mistake And Spell Synergy

The Key Spear stabbed just behind the left shoulder of the Hammer Head Ox, which reduced the amount of damage that could have been dealt.

[-21% HP]

"Shit!" But this was not the end of it.


Arthur was hit by the horns of the Hammer Head Ox, and couldn\'t dodge in time due to Dietrich being stuck in the beast.

[-18% HP!]

"Ugh!" Arthur held his waist, as throngs of pain shot through it.

He had been hit by the horns and been thrown away. Thankfully he managed to mitigate any further damage by landing properly. His increased stats as well as the armor had helped him withstand most of the impact, and as such, he was not that injured.

"Will have to be more careful," Arthur said as the pain dulled by a bit.

However, he was now in a condition where he didn\'t have his main weapon. It was lodged in the side of the Hammer Head Ox.

"It\'s good that I got the spells too." Arthur though didn\'t mind it, as he knew he had other methods until he got the Spear back.

"Fire bolt!" Arthur used one of the spells that he had bought in the city before.


A long bolt made out of fire shot from his hand, and accurately stuck the face of the Hammer Head Ox.

"MOOO~!" This caused the beast to get disoriented as its eyes were affected by it.

[-12% HP]

>Hammer Head Ox has been temporarily blinded!<

"Brambles, Horn Lift!" he shouted.

"KIIIII!" Brambles deactivated Carapace Shield so that he could move and use Horn Lift.

Since the Hammer Head Ox had already been brought to a halt, the beetle didn\'t need to use Carapace Shield anymore.


Brambles took the chance and slid his horn under the Hammer Head Ox, before lifting it into the air!


The large ox was tossed into the air and reached a height of about ten meters, before finally the gravity pulled it back down.

But Arthur didn\'t miss this chance to deal extra damage.

"Stone Bullet!" Arthur used another spell, launching a barrage of stone shards at the beast.

[-1% HP]

[-1% HP]

[-1% HP]

[-1% HP]

The damage wasn\'t that high, but it was enough to change the orientation of the beast a bit.


The Hammer Head Ox landed on the ground at an awkward angle due to the previous barrage of Stone bullets.


A sickening crack was heard, as one of the legs of the Hammer Head Ox broke!

[-34% HP!]

>Hammer Head Ox\'s has broken a leg!<

>Hammer Head Ox\'s mobility has been reduced!<

>Hammer Head Ox can no longer use the Skill Wild Charge!<

Since different skills require a functioning body part to use, the loss of those body parts would lead to the skill getting disabled. The same had occurred here and would be a grave loss for the Hammer Head Ox.

"Not much longer now. It\'s already below 30% HP." Arthur checked the stats of the beast while rushing towards it.

"Fire bolt!" He used the spell on its face once more, to prevent it from accidentally hitting him when he got close.

[-5% HP!]

The spell ended up hitting the horn of the Hammer Head Ox, which didn\'t lead to much damage, but it did tilt its head in the other direction.

"Got it!" But that was exactly what Arthur wanted.


He pulled Dietrich out from the Hammer Head Ox\'s side and re-equipped it.

"Rapid Thrust!" then without missing a beat, he attacked again.

[-6% HP]

[-4% HP]

[-7% HP]

The spear struck the beast thrice, bringing it to the edge of its HP.

"Fire Bolt!" Arthur used the spell to end the life of the beast.

[-8% HP]

[Fatal Hit!]

>Player Arthur has killed the Hammer Head Ox!<

>Player Arthur has obtained 20% Experience!<

>Player Arthur has leveled up!<

>Player Arthur has obtained 10 Free stat points!<

>Dragon Horn Beetle has assisted in killing the Hammer Head Ox<

>Dragon Horn Beetle has obtained 14% Experience!<

"Phew~ That was a little hiccup," Arthur said, as he took a breath of relief.

This was a reminder to him that, even if he had plenty of experience from his past and better stats now, it didn\'t mean that he could apply them to all the enemies he would face. Not to mention, there were always chances of things going wrong.

Morpheus Online was a game of infinite possibilities, which also applied to mistakes, mishaps, and death.

"Let\'s rest for a bit, Brambles," Arthur said, wanting to check his stats after having stored the corpse of the Hammer Head Ox in the Night\'s Abyssal Cape.

It took about 10% of his mana to store the corpse, as it was rather large.

The level up had restored his drained HP as well as Stamina and MP, thus he didn\'t need to use meditation to restore them for now. But that didn\'t mean Brambles didn\'t lose his MP and Stamina. The beetle still needed to recover them.

\'I\'ll add the free stats. Need to consistently get stronger. The 50 points for backup will be enough in most cases.\' Arthur thought to himself before clicking on the window.



Name: Arthur

Level: 25 -> 26

Class: Dragomancer

Title: 1. Dedicated Kestrel Village Adventurer

2. One who uncovered a secret

3. Saviour of Roran Town

4. One who survived 10 days (Current Stat bonus: 4%)


HP: 100%

MP: 90%

Stamina: 100%

Hunger: 100%

Experience: 0%

Free Stat points available: 60 -> 50


<Physical Stats>

Strength: 50-> 54

Toughness: 40 -> 43

Agility: 41 -> 44

Dexterity: 40 -> 42

Vitality: 40 -> 43

<Non-Physical Stats>

Wisdom: 40 -> 41?(+3)

Intelligence: 30 -> 31

Will: 35 -> 36 (+4)

<Hidden Stats>

Synchronization: 78%


Arthur added free stats to all five of his physical stats for now, as they were the most critical to him.

\'Though the spells are also coming in handy. The combination of physical attacks and spells is quite good to overwhelm the enemy and take advantage of their flaws.\' Arthur was now understanding.

He hadn\'t used many spells in his last life, and as such wasn\'t used to them.

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