Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 834 - Vol V Chapter 194

Sui Xiong got the trainees who were utterly exhausted to walk slowly along the running track and to recover a little as they waited for those who were not tired enough.

As a result, the wait was extended to another half an hour.

Among this group of trainees, there were quite a few who had amazing endurance. Though they were not as strong as the others, their level of endurance was so high that it was beyond imagination. While everyone’s training intensity was similar, they could somehow just manage to persevere for almost twice the time.

This meant that if everyone were to fight each other, perhaps they would not be able to gain an edge within a short period of time. But so long as the fighting lasted long enough, when the battle developed into a protracted war, sooner or later, they could rely on their endurance to wear down their enemies. At the same level of combat, the advantage they had in endurance was almost invincible.

Sui Xiong kept their training habits and physical conditions in mind. Then he began the first round of training for them.

The training program was, of course, according to the experience provided by Leonard.

The first was to use his Divine Power to wash their bodies. This would be a little painful, after all, as there was not a single follower of Sui Xiong among them—Sui Xiong had purposely made the selections as such to avoid making any mistakes in the stage of using Divine Power to wash up. For humans who didn’t believe in Sui Xiong, if their bodies were to be washed with his Divine Power, it was probably equivalent to having their muscles pricked by several thin needles—perhaps not as strong, but at least it would be somewhat similar.

After a wash, the fatigue was gone. But most of them were drenched to their skin, as though they had been fished out of the water.

It was painful.

I’ve still used too much force. I’ll have to reduce it next time.

Sui Xiong made a mental note to himself. Then he urged them to soak themselves in a medicated bath, as well as to drink something by the way.

This was where he was different from Leonard. Sui Xiong did not completely agree with Leonard’s training method. And he did not want to train them into elite soldiers where just one of them was worth a hundred soldiers. Instead, with the help of training, he wished to help these mid-ranked warriors break through their own bottlenecks and push their strength up a notch.

So as compared to the wide variety of training, he paid more attention to the combination of work and rest, as well as appropriate nutrition and supplements.

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The medicated bath was prepared in an artificial hot spring. The sulfurous smell of the hot spring masked the medicated smell, leaving the mentally exhausted trainees completely unsuspecting of the water they were lying within. Similarly, their drinks were also specially made. The magic infused into the sugary saline would be absorbed by them. This would improve their physique.

An hour later, the rejuvenated trainees began with the second part of the training program. That would be the training of array formation.

Although he had no intention of training an army, Sui Xiong was still agreeable with the training of array formation. “Discipline” was necessary for everyone, especially for these warriors who were likely to grow up to reach a high level. Discipline training would be able to strengthen solidarity among them. In the future, they would become more loyal to their work and to the country.

These warriors were born with stronger innate abilities as compared to those soldiers. Training in array formation was not difficult for them at all. But seeing the neat formation they were in, Sui Xiong could not help shaking his head.

They did not truly foster “team” bonding, but rather, with their abilities of outstanding observation and rapid response, they managed to portray the image of a team.

This is really unexpected. The item that I had thought to be the simplest turned out to the most difficult!

Sui Xiong did not say much. He just silently came to the decision that he had to strengthen the training in this aspect.

He once heard of a very reasonable line which roughly meant that people who were not good at studying were defective goods, people who were not in good health were wasted products, and people who had bad character were dangerous goods. For these warriors who were likely to grow up to attain a high level, they would definitely reap results in “learning,” and they would definitely have healthy “bodies.” But only when it came to the aspect of “character,” Sui Xiong was not so confident.

Even though none of the people he chose belonged to either the evil camp or the chaotic camp, the division of camps was in truth, not always that reliable. It was not uncommon for people from the orderly camp to do things that people from the chaotic camp would do, or people from the evil camp doing things that people from the good camp would do. If one were to think that the camps could be the deciding factor for everything, that person was definitely a nerd.

Sui Xiong did not pin all hopes on the different camps. Instead, his intention was to go by way of training to instill a sense of belonging to a community and to the Republic of Northwest in these trainees. And then he would cultivate their morality on the premise of their sense of belonging.

Because of the poor training results, the training on array formation lasted for a very long time. It only ended at nightfall that day.

There wasn’t a sumptuous spread for dinner. The taste of the food was just so-so, but the quality was good. More than a few trainees who knew how to discern between superior and inferior ingredients were pleasantly surprised after taking a bite. And then, without discrimination, they wolfed down as much as their bellies could contain in a most desperate manner.

Sui Xiong looked at them and smiled to himself. All the food was made from magic objects as raw ingredients and contained a rich amount of nutrients, as well as an abundance of energy. Not only could they greatly supplement the consumption of training, but they could also boost the strengthening of blood vessels. In this world, the strengthening of blood vessels meant the enhancement of strength. And it was not only an enhancement in one aspect but a comprehensive enhancement, which could even be regarded as an essential enhancement.

The vast majority of people would achieve their breakthrough from mid-rank to high-level by tapping into the strength of their blood vessels. There were very few people who could be independent of the strength of their blood vessels and merely rely on their own talents to break through this limit.

Generally speaking, it was often easier for people who could step into the high-level based on their own talents to step into the Legendary Realm. To put it bluntly, they were competent enough. That was all.

These people that Sui Xiong had selected belonged to the group of people with latent ability. But for a variety of reasons, they had not been able to unleash their full potential. What Sui Xiong wanted to do was to unearth and tap on their potential. He also wanted to help them to ascend higher and step up to levels that were even higher than where “unleashing their potential” could originally lead them to.

This job was destined to take a long time, but Sui Xiong found it interesting.

Being a teacher and guiding students was like a craftsman making an instrument or a painter completing a painting. It gave people the feeling of “creating” a sense of achievement.

As a painter, Sui Xiong liked this sense of achievement. Though he had yet to find students who could inherit his painting techniques, it was not that bad if he could find trainees who were able to inherit the Earth-style fitness training method.

Time passed as the days went by. In the blink of an eye, half a year flew by.

And not too long after that, from this training class under Sui Xiong, the first trainee to achieve a breakthrough from the initial bottleneck to advance to the high-level emerged.

This greatly influenced the other trainees and made them train even harder. They pushed themselves to the extent of wishing they could practice to their deaths. As a result, Sui Xiong had to reiterate the need for them to stop this obsessive behavior lest they hurt themselves.

Seeing how things were in full swing at the training ground with the trainees burning with ardor, Sui Xiong could not help smiling.

Perhaps the vast majority of these trainees would be able to step into a higher level...

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