Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 855 - Vol V Chapter 215

Upon seeing this, Clito and Asner smiled in relief. However, Sui Xiong and Wenner shook their heads as they watched this battle unfold in the sky.

“That won’t work,” Wenner said.

“The real battle has just begun,” Sui Xiong added.

These two gods’ foresight of course exceeded that of humans and even Legendary Masters. They could tell that this dragon could not be considered a normal dragon, and maybe not even as an animal. According to their recollections, meat that was combined together by magic could not be considered a real animal.

Towards such a creature, using typical attack styles was not useful. To really hurt or destroy it, one needed to destroy the magic that held the creature together. Merely inflicting wounds or cutting the physical body of the creature into pieces was useless.

If the magic holding the creature together was not removed, no matter how damaged the creature was, it would still be able to recuperate at a rapid speed. Normal injuries would not faze such creatures, and it would be able to harness its healing powers and explore its strength. For example, currently, after being sliced in half with the sword, the dragon realized a bit more of its own strength.

Such a move was enough to kill most animals. However, in this case, the cut activated some chaotic souls within the dragon and caused it to regain full consciousness.

Of course, even so, it was no longer like its original state when it had been formed and sealed under a demon statue as a red dragon. Now, it had become a half evil, magical dragon after being polluted by the aura of the abyss and having its soul melded with that of patron saints.

This dragon’s flesh had originated from Baron Hauss. This mere body of course did not contribute all the flesh. The remaining flesh had been created by magic. This body had originally belonged to a mid-level knight and had been altered by patron saints, nearly crossing into the advanced level. With more magic, it evolved and entered the Legendary Realm.

Even so, this body was not strong enough to stabilize the powers inherited from the spirit. Just as how children aren’t strong enough to lift up and wave a sledgehammer around, a body that had just entered the Legendary Realm would not be able to activate its true powers, which were equivalent to that of gods.

The dragon was thus able to withstand Clito and Asner’s several attacks and now, Leon’s attack.

However, this was all about to end.

After a few seconds of regained consciousness, the evil dragon’s first reaction was to let out a ferocious roar of anger. At the same time, powerful magic exploded out from its body. This magic was extremely troubled and chaotic, rendering one speechless and causing one to be full of hate. With the explosion of magic, there was a tremendous shockwave that knocked Leon over. This shockwave was like a tornado that could sweep up seas, sprawling and destroying in all directions.

Leon’s eyebrows furrowed, and he waved his sword, creating a shaft of light that acted as a shield for Asner and Clito. As he repeatedly waved his sword in the air, the explosive wind was separated, and a path was created to a safe city.

As for the aristocratic knights, none of them had the protection of a Legendary Master and thus had to use their own strength to defend against the dragon’s violent winds. This proved to be futile, and their attempts to create magic pathways and armor were easily dispelled by the wind. Their bodies were promptly whisked away along with their souls.

Of course, souls could not be destroyed even if they were massively attacked. The base particles of the soul would be returned to Sea of Souls. In this case, however, the massive damage to the souls would be hard to revive even with Divine Power.

Furthermore, with the explosion of the evil dragon, the floor began splitting apart, and sand began swirling in the air in waves. A gust of smoke shot up as well and, accompanied by the dragon’s roars, rose several meters and could be seen from faraway places.

“You should leave first,” Leon cautioned as he glanced at the dragon engulfed in wind and smoke. He did not flinch but instead waved his hands at his two disciplines to command them to seek shelter. After a moment of thought, he added, “Evacuate everyone else who is present and notify Master Satan about this situation. If possible, request for him to join me here. I may need his help soon.”

Clito and Asner had just witnessed the ferocity of the dragon’s roar and how it could send several knights flying. Such a shocking scene unnerved them, and the severity of Leon’s warning only served to increase their anxiety.

They were not the kind of people who procrastinated and dawdled in such situations. Clito and Asner immediately nodded and used their remaining strength to create two paths of light, tracing back to where they had come from. Within seconds, they disappeared from the scene.

Leon and the dragon were left fighting one-to-one on this now empty field. The ground continued splitting until a giant crater appeared in the ground.

“I have never met such an opponent before...” Leon’s eyes were wide open, and he activated a bracelet of some sorts on his left wrist.

With the waves of magic, an elegant set of armor appeared on Leon’s body. Azure blue pieces were spliced together to form a dense armor covering Leon’s entire body, and each piece had a gold rune etched onto it. If one observed closely, each rune was different and pieced together; they formed a unique magic array, giving the armor much power. As long as one wore this armor, even children could relax on the battlefield when arrows and bullets were raining down on them. Furthermore, if the wearer of this armor was able to fully utilize its strength, a Legendary Master could even be comparable to that of a demigod.

That was not all! The armor’s cloak was even more special. The outer layer of the azure had movements of wind and clouds, making it look like the blue sky in the day. The inner layer was pure black, and it shone brilliantly like the night sky. When the dragon’s created tornado blew in front of this armor, the armor absorbed it. Instead of being blown away, Leon’s cloak shone even brighter now.

Right after he donned the cloak, Leon waved his hand, and with a shaft of light, an intricate and exquisite helmet appeared. He put it on, and with the protective cover that came with it and shielded his face, it seemed like Leon’s entire being had been protected. While he stood on the spot, he seemed semi-invisible and untouchable.

Finally, he pulled out his own sword.

It seemed simple and ordinary but was actually extremely sturdy. On the sword’s two sides, there were several gems that formed a wonderful balance with the runes on his cloak. With the power of this balance, it could enhance Leon’s original powers into horrifyingly stunning attacks.

This was the full set of armor that had been created for him personally by Sui Xiong. This set of full armor was so comprehensive and strong that it was named by Sui Xiong as “Void Mask Legacy.”

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