Dragon Maken War

Chapter 54 Dragon Demon Prince (1).


Rulain Kingdom’s Capital Ruledia.

In the twilight of the Nadick Empire, this kingdom became an independent country. When Duke Rulain became the founder king, he made the Rulain castle that he was residing at the time the royal palace. Afterwards, he expanded the capital city, so it would befit the dignity of a king. The city had become much more lively and beautiful as time passed.

A squad of troops exited the royal palace. There were 20 knights and 3 magicians. Moreover, the group also had 2 healers. The composition of the party made it unlikely that they were going out for a patrol.

They left the capital and out in the open for the night. Then, they headed towards their destination.

The middle-aged veteran knight who was leading the party spoke.

“We’ll be able to join up with the princess’ party in the afternoon without any complications.”

“I believe so.”

"Personally, I have great expectation about this meeting. I don’t know why the Dragon Sword Duke has come here, but...”

“It’s the same for me.”

It wasn’t only the knight who had answered. Every one of them shared the sense of anticipation. They weren’t talking about it, but their eyes sparkled when ’Dragon Sword Duke’ was mentioned.

These men were sent out by the throne to go greet the Dragon Demon Princess Arrieta. When they received news that an unsavory group had tried to kidnap her, they sent out enough manpower to be able to protect her.

Arrieta wasn’t expecting such a welcoming party.

As she was about to arrive at the capital safely, she decided to send a brief explanation on what had happened in recent days. However, from the throne’s perspective, they couldn’t help but be appalled by the news.



The horses ran at a languid pace as the knights conversed with each other. However, their expressions hardened as they heard the sound of an explosion from afar.


It wasn’t just one explosion. Consecutive explosions rang out. The veteran knight asked the question.

“What do you think is going on? Is there a unit that’s training nearby?”

No matter where one went, troops trained with magic. This was why one could occasionally hear sounds of explosions in passing.

The mage replied.

“Please wait here for a moment.”

He used a Far Seeing Magic. The origin of the explosions was too far away, so it was impossible to get a detailed account on what was happening. However, one could get the gist of the situation.

Soon the magician’s complexion changed.

“I don’t think the army is training right now. The sound is coming from the road.”

“Oh no! Is it perhaps the princess’ party?”

Arrieta’s party, whom they were travelling to meet, might be under attack by the enemies again. The veteran knight let out a shout.

“Everyone run at full speed!”

“Yes, sir!”

They galloped at full speed towards where the sound of the explosion had originated. As they were getting closer, the sound of the explosions continued.

Kwah-kwang......! Kwahng......! Kwahhhhng......!

One could tell from the sound that a fierce battle was occurring. As they approached the location, the magical shock wave from the explosions made their senses tingle.

‘Who is fighting whom?’

The veteran knight became very anxious. He was a Quadruple Master, but the power of the explosions were something that he couldn’t handle with his power.

However, when they frantically arrived on the scene, they couldn’t help but be confused.


Two people were standing a small distance away from the explosions. One of them was a beautiful girl with white blonde hair and yellow eyes. It was the Dragon Demon Princess Arrieta. Her young maid was by her side, and they were looking at the battle in a relaxed manner.

“Mmm? Aren’t you Sir Veran?”

Arrieta recognized the veteran knight and was puzzled. The veteran knight Veran quickly got off his horse. He was too taken aback, so he forgot about the manners he had to keep towards a royal. He asked her a question.

"I’m sorry, but what’s going on here?”

“That’s the question I want to ask you. Why are you guys here?”

“We are here to escort princess’ party to the capital.”

“Ah. Was it because of the message I sent ahead? It seems I caused you trouble for nothing.”

Arrieta couldn’t help, but laugh. She had sent her news without putting much thought into it. Of course, this would be the move made by the throne in response.

Veran carefully asked the question.

“Princess. What’s.......”


At that moment, the sound of an explosion was heard again. The surprised Veran looked towards where the sound of the explosions had originated.

He heard Arrieta’s answer from the side.

“It’s my party members. Sir Azell and Duke Tarantos is in the midst of a sparring session. You aren’t in any danger if you don’t get too close. You don’t have to worry about it.”

“They are in the midst of a sparring match?”

Veran asked the question, to which Arrieta nodded her head.

“That’s right.”


Veran lost the words he was about to say. This was happening within the view of Arrieta. Moreover, the action happening in front of them exceeded anything he could have imagined.

‘That? That’s a sparring session?’

This was too intense and grandiose to be called a sparring match.

“You are as slippery as always!”

Kairen yelled with an annoyed voice. At the same time, his dual swords danced fiercely. In a blink of an eye, he had swung his swords over 10 times in mid-air.


The empty air was shredded, but the person who should be letting out a cry wasn’t there. He was sure he had attacked the real body, but the smirking illusion had disappeared. Then, a dangerous presence appeared from his side.


Sword clashed against sword, and a clear sound rang out. However, this lasted only for a moment. The resistance he felt at the tip of his hands disappeared as if it was a lie. Kairen couldn’t help it as his stance faltered. In a flash, a red-colored hair young man named Azell appeared behind him.

Kairen let out a cry of indignation. He stabbed without even looking backwards.

“How many time are you going to use the same method!”

“Until it doesn’t work on you.”


Kairen was taken aback. He was sure he had caught the real body, so he had thrust backwards in an acrobatic move. So why was Azell’s voice coming from the front?

Then, a sword was placed on Kairen’s throat. Azell spoke with a triumphant air.

“Hoot. I’ve won today.”


Kairen’s expression crumpled.

“I destroyed your three-layered clones. Did you create a 4 layered body clone? Are you some kind of a child? You keep adding another layer every time I break one? ”

“Uh-huh. You shouldn’t complain after losing in that fashion. Moreover, it wasn’t a 4 layered body clone. You are very far from the right answer.”

“What? Then what the hell did you do?”

“Of course, it is a secret. You should think about it and come up with your own answer. Maybe if you win next time, I’ll tell you. With this match, I’m up 3 victories on you. I’m going to collect a fat reward when I get to the capital city.”

Azell whistled as he sheathed his sword.

After the first sparring match of the sword, Kairen and Azell sparred everyday on the road to the capital. They had even started using the Dragon Demon qi and Spirit Order.

Of course, this was a sparring session, so they set various parameters beforehand. Still, the aftermath was quite scary. This was why they only sparred with simple swordsmanship near a town. They also agreed not to use techniques that would cause too much damage to the surrounding.

Currently, Azell’s record was 7 win, 4 loss, and 2 tie. He was ahead by 3 wins. Kairen sheathed his dual swords while grumbling.

“My reputation as the Dragon Sword Duke has taken a huge hit. Of course, no one would believe it even if you told them you won.”

“I guess so.”

Azell smiled as he thought inside.

‘My friends would have never believed it if I told them I had lost 4 times.’

Even if Azell was in his weakened condition, this was a great accomplishment for Kairen. Moreover, Azell couldn’t get smug about being ahead of him. In terms of pure swordsmanship, he held the edge. However, once they started using their true powers, it was hard for Azell to overcome the difference in strength. He achieved victory today by using all the various tricks he had hidden up until now.

‘If this was a real battle... Mmm. I would give the current me the odds of 3 to 7 in his favor.’

Azell made a cold assessment regarding the difference in battle capability between him and Kairen. This showed how highly he regarded Kairen.

Azell became overly chatty.

“Well, I don’t care if they don’t believe it. It isn’t as if I’m doing this so the Duke loses face.”

“You little shitheel.”

The two of them sparred after they agreed to a bet. They mutually agreed that one would grant a request if the other won. The request had to be within reason. Veran and the knights were all appalled, their mouth open as if their jaws would be dislocated.

“Hmmm. Did you come from the throne? I’m Duke Tarantos. Kairen Taratos.”

“I...it is an honor to be able to meet you, Dragon Sword Duke.”

Veran was barely able to collect his thoughts, then he gave his greetings.


After joining up with the escort sent by the throne, it took the party 4 days to arrive at the capital Ruledia.

The capital couldn’t be compared to the other cities. It was much larger in size and quite grand. Azell was a bit impressed.

‘The size wasn’t comparable, but the exterior appearance of the city was about as good or better than the old cities.’

Before Azell went to sleep, the Nadick Empire had almost unified the continent under the great empire. Moreover, they had been quite meticulous in making the capital to have a dignified appearance. It had been quite a striking city.

Moreover, he realized this city was much larger than the cities he had seen before. He couldn’t help but enjoy himself as he looked at the lively city. The thing he liked the most was all the people were overflowing with energy.

‘I bet the Nadick Empire would have become like this after I went to sleep.’

After the Dragon Demon war ended, a deep scar had been left behind. Azell remembered the people. They had gained a hope for the future, but the majority of the people had struggled to live on.

The party received glances from the residents of the capital city. Moreover, people shouted from joy at the sight of Arrieta.

“Arrieta! Arrieta!”

“The Kingdom’s Valiant Flower!”

Embarrassing praises were thrown at her from the surrounding. It didn’t matter if the person was male or female, old or young. He found out that she was a universally loved existence.

Azell slyly asked her a question.

“...so this is the reason why you dressed up?”

“If I walked around the capital with a shabby appearance, it would basically stain the throne’s reputation. It is annoying, but I have to endure it.”

Truthfully, they could have arrived at the capital yesterday night. However, Arrieta insisted on staying at a town a bit off from the capital. She had delayed her schedule, and when she came down from her room in the morning, she had dolled herself up. She said she had the duty to show the people that greeted her a beautiful appearance.

Azell asked her a question.

“Jeez. What would you have done if you didn’t have Ms. Enora?”

“Mmmm. Well.......”

When she set off to visit the Western border guards, Arrieta had insisted on leaving behind Enora. However, she had lost to Enora’s tenaciousness. As they travelled, Enora had found out Arrieta was terrible at dressing herself.

Arrieta let out a bitter laugh.

“I wouldn’t have been put in a tough spot, but I’m sure it would have all worked out.”

“...I don’t think it would have worked out.......”

“If it hadn’t work out in the end, I could have borrowed a maid from a noble nearby. I’m not as hopeless as you think.”

Arrieta started justifying herself.

Azell looked at Enora. She didn’t say anything, but she had put strength into her shoulders as she preened.

“I guess being a maid to the royal family is quite the achievement, Ms Enora.”

“Of course. It isn’t something anyone can become. Do you see me a little bit differently now?”

“I’ve always thought Ms. Enora was amazing. Haven’t you realized that yet?”

“Oh my. You are almost comparable to a veteran knight at speaking flattery.”

Even if she spoke that way, he could tell Enora liked his flattery.

Arrieta returned with a dignified appearance, and it notified the people of the capital that she had returned safely. When the people heard that she was returning, they had vacated a part of their schedule and were ready to greet her.

As they were on their way to receive an audience from the monarch, Azell asked Giles a question.

“What’s wrong, Sir Giles?”

“Ooh. Mmmm?”

“You are acting uptight like a new recruit given his first assignment.”

“...Am I really acting that way?”

As a soldier, it was a metaphor that truly appealed to him. Azell spoke.

“Yes, you are. Why?”

“Ah. That’s... I can’t help but become nervous when I think about the fact that I’ll have to meet his majesty.”

“That’s a normal response. If anything, Sir Azell is the weird one. How come you are so unaffected?

Boar asked the question. He was part of the Royal Knights, so he had experienced meeting with the monarch. However, when Boar met the monarch for the first time, he had been more rigid than the current Giles. In contrast, Azell was completely relaxed.

Azell spoke.

“Mmm. I don’t know. It is a great honor to have an audience with a monarch, but we aren’t the leading characters. We just have to stay next to the princess. After standing still, we’ll just withdraw.”

“I guess so... Still, I can’t help it.”

“Well, Sir Azell acted this way even when you met the princess and the duke. I’m not sure whether you are daring or fearless.”

Giles let out a bitter laugh.

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