Silent Crown

Chapter 715 Three Fronts

Chapter 715 Three Fronts

In the Privy Council of Avalon, a pungent smell of burnt cigarettes filled the closed conference room.

Bluish-gray smoke floated in the air, stinging one\'s eyes.

Small hills had piled up in the ashtrays. The ministers who had been well-dressed in the past were presently unkempt, and God knew how many days had passed since they last bathed.

Everyone silently gazed at the sea chart hanging on the wall, and the staff officer from the military department was explaining it to them. "Since four o\'clock this morning, the lookouts of the Observatory have been sending reports of the Asgardians beginning their war preparations. After six hours of preparation, at 10:30 in the morning, they began to advance towards Anglo\'s territorial waters.

"After Gungnir attacked Avalon, having to maintain homeland security, Her Majesty was unable to divert her attention to other matters. After we lost our initial local advantage, they no longer intend to continue to pestering us in the northern waters.

"According to our observations, the Asgardians have divided their fleet into three formations according to the characteristics of the ships. The first formation consisting of ships with high mobility has departed from the Stronghold on Sea at the moment, and they all carry musicians of the school of modifications who specialize in fluid elements. Under the constant propelling and operation, the speed of the vessels far exceeds our expectations.

"According to the analysis of the Military Staff Committee, their mission is probably to get past our defenses and block our supplies from reaching our fleet. Moreover, after completing the mission, they will begin to carry out guerrilla warfare and harass us at sea, blockading our waters.

"The second formation consists of defensive warships loaded with a large number of shields for warships and aether instruments of harmonious melody. They flank the Stronghold on Sea and are sailing straight for Avalon under the lead of the Stronghold on Sea.

"And finally, the third is a mixed formation which consists of more than half of the warships of the original fleet. It has separated from the formation led by the Stronghold on Sea and begun to sail southwards..."

"Starting wars on three fronts at the same time." The ministers inhaled their cigarettes forcefully, and their expressions ugly.

The Asgardians had hit the weakness of the Royal Fleet right on. After the Battle of Leviathan, the severely damaged Royal Fleet entered a new war without a buffer period at all. Although the formation was still maintained, at its lowest point, its numbers had been reduced by more than half. At the moment, the vacancies still had yet to be filled, and many warships were directly converted from merchant ships.

The Royal Fleet could still put up a fight in clustered battles, but once it was split up... then, simply put, their attacks would be equivalent to sending warmth and comfort to the Asgardians.

Even though a large number of the warships in the Asgardian fleet were transformed from merchant ships as well, it was Asgard that drafted the former maritime convention. Before leaving the factory, the merchant ships of those *ssholes had been directly manufactured according to the specifications of warships. With just a few modifications, plus a few aether cannons and instruments of harmonious melody, they would become ready-made small warships.

"Three formations..." Ye Qingxuan murmured, thinking silently. He looked up and asked a layman\'s question, "Which one is more threatening?"

The expression of the newly appointed Lord High Admiral immediately turned resigned. He opened his mouth to explain the logic within to Ye Qingxuan, but soon, he understood what Ye Qingxuan meant.

The focus at the moment was not on the purpose and specifications of each fleet, but on how to solve the problem as quickly as possible. Therefore, it was actually the easiest to directly consider the worst possible consequences that the three formations could cause.

"The third formation." The Lord High Admiral did not even need to think about it.

"It all comes down to speed." The staff officer gave a detailed explanation, "The first formation consists entirely of light, small warships. Although they are the fastest and can pass through our defenses, other than harassment, they cannot cause any more damage by themselves in the short term.

"Meanwhile, although the second formation is equipped with a large number of heavy weapons, they are the frigates of the Stronghold on Sea. They can deal the most damage, but their speed is the slowest. Even if we do nothing, they need four days to travel to Avalon from their current position.

"The third formation is the hardest to deal with. Without the Stronghold on Sea dragging down their speed, they are equivalent to an independent fleet. Furthermore, according to our prediction of their route, they will cross the territorial waters of Burgundy, then sail along another route, travel a long way about a big circle, and attack Avalon from the side. And in the course of the voyage, they will pass by four industrial cities and granaries of our country, as well as more than six important ports.

"If the mission of the first formation is to harass, and the mission of the second is to fight directly, the mission of the third formation is to destroy."

Even though it was expected, but when the truth was put forth so straightforwardly, everyone\'s face still turned a little green.

Imagine a complete, elite fleet armed to the teeth beside and behind you, staring greedily at your own hinterland, while you face the attacking enemy...

Ye Qingxuan snuffed out the cigarette in his hand. "I understand the specific situation." He said calmly, "We need not heed the first formation. Strengthen the defenses at the ports and leave them to their own devices. They don\'t have much time anyway.

"The Navy only needs to take care of the problems caused by the second and third formations. Later, I will ask Her Majesty to grant me the authority to wake the Royal Fleet of the first generation. After the maintenance of the Mountain of Nomadism is complete, I will return to the frontal battlefield, and I will solve the problem of the Stronghold on Sea.

"As for the rest, I\'ll have to leave it to you all. "

The Lord High Admiral looked at Ye Qingxuan in a surprised manner. "You mean... make it a fast battle?"

"Seven days." Ye Qingxuan gave a number from estimation. "This time around, I\'m afraid that both sides have realized it. The war can\'t be dragged on for a long time, it must be resolved promptly.

"If I haven\'t guessed wrong, I\'m afraid that it will be over within seven days."

He paused and looked at the stunned look on everyone\'s face, saying calmly, "In other words, we either annihilate the Asgardian fleet completely or Avalon will be burned to ashes by the Asgardians.

"There will be no third outcome."

Half an hour later, Ye Qingxuan walked out of the closed conference room, took his coat from Lola, draped it on himself, and strode out of the Privy Council.

"Where are you going next?" she asked.

"To have an audience with Her Majesty." Ye Qingxuan gave a wave of his hand and said, "Go and contact Shi Dong, ask the fella to speed up the maintenance of the Mountain of Nomadism, I want to depart from the harbor before 6 o\'clock tomorrow, and..." He paused and his expression became firm. "No matter what method you use, contact Watson and tell him that I will give him five more days at most.

"After five days, if he has not succeeded, then Anglo may not exist anymore."


"Before tomorrow morning?" In the workshop, Shi Dong took off his goggles and sighed resignedly. "Actually, for the creatures termed as \'boss,\' after having tasted the sweetness of exploiting their subordinates, they will treat their subordinates less and less humanely, no?" As he said so, he looked beside him. "Your Excellency, this thing, can you finish installing it by tomorrow morning?"

Beside him, the middle-aged man who was so burly that he didn\'t look like a priest looked at the behemoth outside the suspended ladder and thought for a moment amid the rumble. "I can."

Apart from the two words, he mentioned nothing more. He was very economic with words.

"You hear it? Just report back to His Honor the same way." Shi Dong waved, motioning for the subordinate to retreat. Finally, he turned back and looked up at the heavy steelwork that was raised from the ground by derrick towers. Countless cables hung from many of the connectors on it, making it seem just like a weird jellyfish.

On the cracked upper deck of the Mountain of Nomadism, a huge space had been cleared out. Dozens of musicians prostrated themselves on it, combing out the alchemy array intensively, opening up new slots and gaps for the equipment to be installed.

"It\'s just that this thing is really big." Shi Dong gazed at the huge weapon on the derrick tower and sighed softly. "It\'s really hard for me to imagine, Your Excellency, is it really as powerful as you said? Removing the Petitioners and use this to replace the main battery without conducting any tests, it feels a bit reckless no matter how I think about it..."

"With the Net of Aether to support it, there will be no problem." The prelate\'s voice was flat, with no ups and downs. "Bishop Shi Dong, you need not worry. It is the war weapon that we have recovered from the records before the Age of Dark. It is the most suitable weapon for the Mountain of Nomadism."

Shi Dong laughed. "I am afraid that Your Excellency is the only one at the moment who still remembers that I can also be considered as a bishop."

The prelate did not speak but simply looked up silently, gazing at the huge weapon above him. The weapon was forged out of steel, with black gold as its core, made of countless precious materials and alloys, and named after the pagan god of flames—Hephaestus.

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