Inevitable Road To Divinity

Chapter 379: Shhhh~~

Chapter 379: Shhhh~~

Most of the Rank E races here had the same situation like vampires.

Other than being used to fulfill the rules of this place, they were also used to relieve the stress as their attempts for survival were the weakest. It was easy to capture Rank E forces, but the same can be said about other ranks.

Shu! Shu! Shu!

Completely unaware of anything, the rank D race called \'Lightning White Bear\' were enjoying their feast. Not only they wholy swept their the rank E race, they also didn\'t get attacked by stronger ranks, so they were all lively and happy.

Days without life battles were the best.

Days full of pleasure and contentment were the best indeed.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Kill me! Ahhhhhh!"

"Hahah! Good, good! Scream, bitchhhhhh!"

This race was mutation as well. However, unlike vampires, the white bear race was lucky enough to be able to store a lot of power in their \'meaty bodies\'. All men were thick and their muscles were all exposed.

Still, they weren\'t high race as everyone, even the strongest D Rank White bear, had the white fur in few places and small, cute ears on its head.

Their human form wasn\'t cute though. But only for males!

And the days of pleasure aren\'t only formed by delicious meat from their victims, but also insides of their women. The pitiful ladies who lost their race were now used as toys to satisfy their desires, then probably later, the most beautiful ones will be used as payment for higher ranked races.

Such brutal treatment was everywhere, no matter which rank.

Completely engaged in such activities, the white bears had no way of knowing that corners of their caves were already infiltrated by the lightning vampires.

"Next target is vampire race. They barely can use any lightning and from all the environment, they are too weak to survive if we focus everything onto them."

"Yeah! Don\'t stain too much of the best quality women! We are going to negotiate for some time using their bodies."

"""Yes, leader!"""

Though in the middle of the pleasure, the strongest entities were talking as they kept exchanging their prays with each other. In this very place full of dirty and stinky smell, the voice full of killing intent rang out.

"How about you... become our first target?"

"Who- Arghhhhhhh!"

As Werks spoke, his teeth extended out slightly and immediately got covered by red like armor. Then, his mouth went wide in a flash as he sent those dangerous teeth into the neck of his first victim.

"You mother-"

The voice of vampire leader was the voice that ordered everyone to attack at once! There was no need for any other command in this place! The place that was filled with most males that had their rods inside other women was truly easy to attack.

Before the white bear leader could move his body, his eyes caught all his friends and tribe members getting assaulted by the vampires. Every vampire was much different from their past selves.

Healthy bodies, pale skin and hair that had luster. Their narrowed eyes were deep like perfect wine, ready to devour anyone. And those very red eyes quickly got enlightened by the blue lightning as they released it out from their teeth.

Casual and common attack of mutate vampires.

"Arghhhh! Damn bloodsu-!"

"Get out! Ahhhhh!"


Other than using their teeth, vampires also had the possibility of using their lightning through nails. Those were two main weapons of vampires, so it was normal that their bodies somehow would produce the lightning here.

Or at least give possibility to do so.


Using his elbow, the white bear leader sent Werks backwards and as the vampire leader suffered few steps back, his red eyes already located the big body of white beast going for him! As white lightning bear swung his thick arm down as though he wanted to chop off his head.

However, the long nails of Werks became even longer and red like armor quickly clad those weapons.


"What have you done?! What kind of race have you conquered?!"

Other than conquering, everything else was pretty much forbidden. There was no way for ranks to alliance as such thing definitely would be noticed by the \'system\' of Dragon Lightning God.

So white bear leader had nothing else in his mind other than various possiblities of vampire lucky chances.

"Didn\'t I say that you are our first traget?"

"So how?!"

Narrowing his eyes even more, Werks gave huge sneer towards white bear leaders that was one of many bullies. This smile angered the white beast even more, his body releasing huge amount of lightning.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

"You are strong... The blood art of saviour is already cracking. But that\'s me being weak, got it?"


Still in the same position, Werks focused everything within his body. The aura of vampire began leaving his body to enter the blood art only.

It was the best solution for males...

They couldn\'t have their auras mixed like women, so they could only do that for now. With their bodies strengthened by lightning, they became toughter. Then with blood art being on their bodies, their auras could be \'pure\' and utilized perfectly without only lightning distrubing their power.

"But it\'s not enough for you... I guess... I am still weak."

"Die! Just die, you fucking vampire!"

Ignoring the murmurings of Werks, the white bear leader utilized his thick body to the utmost limits. All lightning gathered in his wide body gathered in his one arm, that was being held by Werks, and legs.

Stomping the ground madly, his bear hand explode with lightning that gathered more and more lightning.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

"Aaaaaghhhhhhhh! Die! Die!"

"You... don\'t... have any chances of survival!"

Holding bravely against stronger individual, Werks solely put himself on the defensive. Pinning down this strongest individual of enemy race, the vampire knew that everything will end up with positive results for his race.

That\'s what his instincts and eyes said so.

And white bear leader kenw this very well.

He already could hear the screams of women of his own race. They were getting pushed hard by the women from vampire race that were much stronger and scarier than males themselves! The situation was bad, so he didn\'t waste any time talking with Werks...

Then, after mere ten minutes or so...


Another vampire joined his leader... Attacking from the side, he sunk his nails deep into thick body of white bear... The nails were likewise clad in blood art! Strong and sharp! Then, he also used a little of his lightning, but since they had to divide the two, it was only little boost.

"You damn... lucky... bastards..."

Shu! Shu! Shu! Shu!

The battle cries of white bears began getting lower and lower... And as this amount kept falling down, more and more vampires joined up their leader.

Soon enough, the ladies of vampire race helped their brethern and cleaned up the area.

Tap! Tap!

And the lady who was daughter of the vampire leader approached the white bear!

"Many of our women died because of your lust!"

Her whole hand was clad in blood art that was perfect mixture of red and blue color. It meant that her aura was perfectly blended with lightning magic! She took this hand back and quickly enough, it exploded with lightning that pierced through the thick body of white bear leader!


At this very moment, he knew that his heart had been taken out.

Seeing it with his own eyes was quite painful, so he raised his head up.

With trembling and slowly closing eyes, the white leader could see two figures standing up!

Their red eyes were like four red moons! Perfect and mesmerizing.

And as he saw their fingers covering their mouth in gesture \'Shhhh\' in rather joking manner, the white bear leader completely realized how lucky the vampires are.

All because his eyes saw the golden auras covering those fingers.

"Father! Nooo! Father!"

"Leader... Leader... No... Ahhhh!"


As white bear leader died, the last hope of white bear ladies diminished. Unlike the white bear males, the women were slim and beautiful except their scars that were from all battles. Their auras were usually wild and bold, but now, they were pitifuly crying out.


Then, Xue Ren and Maria popped out from the shadows.

"Mr. Xue Ren! We dit it! Hahah~~ We did it!"

"Why are you so happy? Your blood art was cracking like shit."

"Hahah~~ Don\'t be so hard on him, Ren~~"

Shrugging, Xue Ren looked down at the dead body of the white bear leader.

"Those who participated in killing him will get the weapons made out from his lightning."

"""Yes, thank you!"""

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