Age of Cosmic Exploration

Chapter 466: Final War!

Creator’s particle...

This is a type of subatomic particle that will be discovered by space civilizations when they become level 2. Although, in reality, some level 1 space civilizations had encountered this particle, and they referred to it as "God’s Particle" or something of that sort.

In fact, the existence of the creator’s particle had created a new world in the sense that it had completely shifted how war was fought in space. There were no longer landslide victories between space civilizations from the same level. Specifically, during a war between a new level 2 space civilization and a peak level 2 space civilization, as long as the level of the warring parties was the same, then even the peak level 2 space civilization wouldn’t have a landslide victory.

Results like the landslide victory the US had against Iraq back on Old Earth was no longer possible. The US’ technology was only at most a decade more advanced than Iraq’s. One decade was definitely not enough to cause a difference in level for space civilizations. Both parties should belong in the same level bracket.

The element that caused this drastic change was the creator’s particle, a miraculous particle that could conceal all the electrical signals and communication signals of all low tier space civilizations. When the creator’s particle covered the whole battlefield, both parties were practically blind. Under such circumstances, no matter how powerful the long distance weapons were, they would be useless. The creator’s particle leveled the playing field unless it was a war between space civilizations of differing levels, such as the plasma weapons and shields of a level 3 space civilization and the electromagnetic weapons and shields of a level 2 space civilization. Such a difference couldn’t be bridged by the creator’s particle. Under other circumstances, it was merely a fight of numbers.

In such wars, if a party had trump cards that were beyond the civilization’s level, like humanity’s gravity cannon, then the tide of the war could be turned in an instant. Regardless of the enemy’s numbers and strength, this was a cross-civilization killing machine. Furthermore, warfare didn’t need great advancements in technology. It was, at the end of the day, a contest of firepower. This was why Bo Li and Yue Xuan were so determined on creating the psychokinetic floating cannon. If the cannon was created, then it would solve the issue of lack of manpower in the City of Light Moon.

In reality, other than these three war methods that ignored the creator’s particle (one, the difference in civilization level; two, the overbearing power of trump card weapon; three, the weapon firepower), there was one more war tactic that ignored the creator’s particle. In fact, this element turned the creator’s particle to good use, in the sense that it only affected the enemy but not allies!

This tactic was the use of the Anima, one of the rarer type of Homo Evolutis. They could use a special kind of method to sense the presence of all lifeforms. This method was something science couldn’t explain yet. The lifeforms that they sensed would appear in their sensory organs in a different manner. Normal lifeforms would present themselves as small orbs of fire and Homo Evolutis would be fireballs, but the exception was Yao Yuan. He appeared as the sun for all the Anima. These representations were also something science couldn’t explain.

When an Anima used their power, they would act as a super-radar that ignored the creator’s particle. So far, the limitation of the strongest Anima, Nian Xi Kong, still hadn’t been discovered. She could easily detect the presence of human beings at the edge of the New Solar System and maintain communication with them. This communication went beyond light speed. With a focus of her mind, the message could be sent across the distance, defying all types of limitations. It was a communication mechanism and surveillance mechanism that surpassed the creator’s particle!

The research on how to employ the Anima’s power in war had started about 10 years ago. All the military personnel, even the newest cadets, knew that when a space civilization had the power to ignore creator’s particle, it would greatly benefit the civilization so much so that... this troop could challenge an enemy from a higher space civilization level!

However, there were plenty of limitations to this research. The most obvious one was the lack of Anima. Currently, there were only five human Animas, and among them, only Nian Kong and Zhang San had the ability to communicate through the soul web. The remaining three could only see the soul web fuzzily. The difference in personal talent greatly limited the militarization of the Anima.

When Bo Li and Yue Xuan were working on the psychokinetic floating cannon, Xi Kong was escorted to the lab. Currently, the City of Light Moon’s political scene was maintained by three forces after Yao Yuan and Guang Zhen, the two main leaders, left. The three forces were the House of Representative, the government officials, and the military. The hidden leader for the military was actually Bo Li.

"I’m sorry to have called for you at a time like this."

When Xi Kong arrived, Bo Li didn’t even raise her head to acknowledge her. She focused on the circuit before her while she talked to Xi Kong with her back turned. "But we need you here... I need you to use your power to check the location of the vanguard unit and the main fleet. Then achieve communication with them, best if you can find the strongest Black Star Trooper."

Xi Kong nodded silently. In reality, she was slightly afraid of Bo Li. Perhaps it was because she had a crush on Yao Yuan, or perhaps this was simply her nature. She would feel diffident around Bo Li. Regardless, she followed her orders obediently and closed her eyes to enter the soul web.

As Xi Kong entered soul web to look for the battle units, Bo Li and Yue Xuan had their backs turned to her. Both of them were busy with their heads lowered. In fact, if anyone had seen them at that moment, they would realize that their faces were incredibly white, their hands were shaking imperceptibly, and their faces were covered with cold sweat. It was obvious that they were reaching the limitation of their Homo Evolutis power and they were close to collapsing.

In fact, when Yue Xuan said she had finished the design, she really meant the design part was done. She had only the design foundation and design model. The prototype, especially one that could be used on the battlefield, hadn’t been tested yet. One reason was because she lacked the speciality support from Bo Li’s expertise. Be it the energy systems, weapon systems, or material circulatory systems, they all hadn’t been created yet. Secondly, she didn’t have a high tech lab like Bo Li did. Both of these reasons greatly limited her Whisperer power. The fact that she needed to finish the psychokinetic floating cannon on such short notice was exhausting both Bo Li’s and her life!

When Xi Kong found the Black Star Trooper nearest to the vanguard unit, she suddenly heard Bo Li’s voice say, "The design is all here. All the parts and materials needed are on it. Build it following the design closely, use the alien plant alloy...

"Also, send both me and Yue Xuan to the hospital... to the emergency rooms for overexertion of Homo Evolutis power..."

After that, Xi Kong heard several crisp sounds like something heavy had fallen to the floor. She jumped with shock and left the soul web. She opened her eyes and saw Bo Li and Yue Xuan collapsed on the floor. The several workers in the lab immediately rushed forward. The situation was chaotic...

Xi Kong stood there dumbly, she was stupefied. After some time, she remembered the orders Bo Li gave her. With a grit of her teeth, she returned to the soul web. However, she didn’t know what to say. She was too stunned to do anything.

She was surrounded by an empty space, endless, filled with darkness and loneliness. In this darkness, there were orbs of fire everywhere. She was surrounded by them, and among them was a small number of fireballs. The fireballs were about several million times more intense than the orbs of fire. They were the normal people and Homo Evolutis in the City of Light Moon...

With a turn of her gaze, she "looked" further. Several ten thousands orbs of fire were heading towards the City of Light Moon speedily. Occasionally, some orbs would blink out of existence. There, she saw more fireballs, and some shone so brilliantly.

But... the light of these fireballs added together was no brighter than the burning sun that was shooting through space. The sun lit up almost half of the dark cosmos. It was so glorious, so bright. Its presence was like hope. The sum of all the human orbs of fire and the fireballs barely reached 1/10000 of its brightness. That was... Yao Yuan!

As Xi Kong focused on that sun. Suddenly, a female voice, no, two female voices appeared in her soul web.

"Yun Si, you’re still alive? [Sob] you’re really still alive..."

"Yao Yuan... this is Bo Li."

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