Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 495 “Cook for Her

Feng Shen didn’t see any light at first when he came before the specified room, but he soon learned why. Upon pushing the door open, the first image that welcomed him was that sleeping girl with her head clamped between the books.

She must be really tired after reading those boring papers all day…..

He’s fully aware of how lazy Ling Yue was. Though the girl owned quite an establishment back in Da Xia, she had never once personally looked over the account books on her own, let alone balance the ledgers.

After giving it some careful thought, Feng Shen turns at the guard outside the doorway, instructing him to tell Mr. Mu of postponing the dinner hour.

With that done, he readily closes the door behind himself and slowly strolled up to the desk.

As a well caring man, there’s no way the boy wouldn’t notice that drooling face, followed by that novel picture of dotted inks all over the bandages. He wanted to laugh, that’s the first reaction he had. However, the urge swiftly changed to a frown when he noticed how uncomfortable that posture was when lying against the desk and books.

Wanting to remedy the problem, Feng Shen immediately went to work removing the obstacles from the girl’s possession. But as his hands moved and moved, something unexpected occurred – the girl’s hand suddenly made a grab for his own and turned it into a pillow!


Unable to take it back now that it’s come to this, the boy could only accommodate the naughty patient by leaning down from his standing position. By doing so, their faces are almost touching each other, making the situation breathtaking in the literal sense because their breaths were actually puffing against each other’s skin.

They’ve only known each for no more than a year, yet Feng Shen had the strange delusion that they’ve been acquainted for a very long time.

As the minutes wore on, Mr. Mu too had arrived outside the room with several of the maids carrying the food boxes.

“Take the food boxes away. Also, tell the lady cooks that they can rest early tonight and not have to leave any sugar soups behind.” Whispering to the servants behind himself, the elder knew this was no time to be intruding.

Alone again, it was hours before the girl woke.

Ling Yue didn’t sleep well to begin with due to the incident with the Sacred Maiden. Therefore, the nap this time around was exceptionally deep, leaving her unaware until deep into the night with the moon hanging high.

“You are back, why didn’t you wake me up?” Rubbing her eyes, she could vaguely make out Feng Shen’s contour.

But that drowsiness didn’t last too long because she soon realized what she has done. Not only did she drool all over the man’s sleeve, the way she said the sentence even sounded awkward to her own ears like a wife complaining to a husband.

“I didn’t want to disturb you after seeing how comfortable your face was. Come, you must be hungry by now.” All smiles in his face, Feng Shen went ahead to place the account books down from his hand in order to smooth out the girl’s messy bed hair.

It’s as per the boy guessed, Ling Yue was really hungry right now.

Due to how busy she’s been going over the account books, she didn’t even bother to eat lunch, nor dinner for that matter after taking a peek outside the window. Then turning back to the boy beside herself, it didn’t take much to guess the boy didn’t either seeing how she was able to drool all over that sleeve.

“What do you want to eat? I’ll go to the kitchen and have them prepare it for you.”

“It’s already the middle of the night, don’t be too troublesome and just cook some porridges or scrambled eggs.” All muffled from the drowsiness of sleeping, Ling Yue randomly threw some food ideas out from her head without a second thought.

For the boy, he would of course be happy to oblige that request. Getting up, he went out alone to carry out the task of getting the cooks from the kitchen.

Several minutes later….

Fifteen minutes later….

Half an hour later, Feng Shen still hasn’t returned yet….

That’s when Ling Yue went out as well in search of the lad.

As keen of a worker as she was about going through the account books, there’s no way she wouldn’t be bored after waiting so long. Who’s she kidding? It’s a perfect excuse to get out of the stuffy room for a stretch after spending all day in there. Furthermore, a sense of worry was slowly starting to bud within that fair maiden’s heart of hers. After all, it’s not the first time something bad has come across the boy like when they first met.

Sadly for Ling Yue herself, it’s a very dark night indeed. Searching right, searching left, it soon dawned on the girl that she’s lost within the long winding corridors of this slumbering manor.

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But not all hope was lost of course. Using her keen senses of the ear, she soon picked up the faint sound of someone rummaging through some tools. Regardless of who or what was causing this sound, she knew this was her best chance to get some directions.

Fortunately fate was kind. Through pure dumb luck, the faint glow of the kitchen lights had eventually come into her view. But rather than being elated at her discovery, Ling Yue was more alarmed by the loud crashing sound of the pots falling to the ground and the silhouette of a man tending to the stove.

Turns out the fire had long been snuffed with the cooks fast asleep. So, who was tending to the flames right now?

Obviously it was Feng Shen himself.

The boy’s afraid the girl would go hungry. Therefore, in order to avoid such a misfortune, the lad took it upon himself to cook the porridge using his inexperienced hands.

Turning around upon noticing the presence behind himself, the boy’s ear instantly burst into a cherry red after seeing his legs littered with various broken pots and pans. Some were so bad that it was unrecognizable even.

“Just a bit longer and you can eat, but before then don’t come in, there’s no room for you to sit.”

In response to seeing this new side of the boy, Ling Yue simply couldn’t resist a chuckle. According to her memories, Feng Shen was a very capable young lord. To see how the simple act of cooking could turn into his shortcomings was a flaw that’s both surprising and amusing.

Hmm, Wu Chong’s cooking skill is so good, I wonder what would happen if the two of them were to merge together into one. By then, they be invincible. The thought only lasted for a brief second because the very notion of such an idea sent fear down her spines.

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