Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 563: Chaos In Da Xia – The Revolt Of The Hongs

The state had originally set up three arenas for this Imperial Contest to house the mult.i.tudinous contestants.

On the seventh day, half way through the contest, only one arena was needed, as many contestants were eliminated. The rest of the two were simply ornaments.

But when Hong Shisan and Hong Mingyue finished their duel, the place, where the central arena used to be, was replaced by a giant crater in the ground of dozens of chis deep.

The crater was so enormous as if it was. .h.i.t by a huge meteor!

Now one might begin to perceive the enormity of power in Hong Shisan\'s finger trick.

Seeing the crater, various expressions appeared on the onlookers\' faces. And no one dared to put up a challenge before Hong Shisan any more.

The contest was still on, yet everyone knew already who the winner was going to be.

Hong Fang glanced at his elder brother, Hong Shizi, who sitting at the near distance. Sweats poured down his moment-ago shiny and radiant face.

Hong Fang sneered in contempt. He knew why Hong Shizi was like this.

This elder brother of his had always been condescending. Hong Fang had heard that his Casino of Splendidness had set up a gambling game on this Imperial Contest and Hong Shizi was the dealer. He had secretly put in most of his family\'s money on Hong Mingyue.

To Hong Fang, Hong Mingyue\'s lose would only render a loss of face. But to Hong Shizi, it was something that could completely destroy him.

Now it was almost certain that his elder brother would do something extreme.

Hong Fang stared at Hong Shizi with a piercing look, waiting for the right moment to give him a fatal blow.

Hong Shizi, immersed in the thought of his enormous loss, did not notice at all the calculating look in Hong Fang\'s eyes.

Such a great loss this time! Hong Shizi had an impulse to beat that good-for-nothing Hong Mingyue to death.

Thought that this woman was really capable! But she had really failed him at the most pressing moment!

Hong Shizi calculated his loss in his head, eyes blaring with anger. Everything he had bet on Hong Mingyue had evaporated.

Fortunately, it was not completely hopeless. So long as he killed the Xia Emperor and made himself king, the whole country would belong to his family. A few million liang (a unit of money) was nothing then.

With this crossing his mind, Hong Shizi eyed the several warriors standing on the side of the arena.

The four warriors exchanged a look with Hong Shizi subtly.

Now all was ready. Now as soon as my father came out from his secluded cultivation…

An old servant from the Hong family walked up in haste. It was Uncle An, the servant of Hong Qingyun, their father, and whom Hong Fang and the people present all knew.

The old servant whispered something to Hong Shizi. Hong Fang was only able to make out a few words.

"Master…broken through…do it."

Hong Shizi was unable to conceal his excitement.

Hong Fang felt a.s.sured. He knew it crystal clear that Hong Qingyun must have broken through now.

Then, a sneer appeared on Hong Shizi\'s face.

An hour later, the results of the contest was announced.

Hong Shisan, Hong Mingyue, Ye Liuyun and another seven took the first ten places.

The top three was Hong Shisan, Hong Mingyue and a warrior called Luo Kang.

Xia Emperor was greatly impressed that he received them in person.

"Warriors, you are all talents of my Da Xia. If you are willing to serve the country, I will surely a.s.sign you weighty positions." In order to show his kindness, he walked down his throne and came before the ten warriors to offer them his awards.

"Thank you for the solicitude, Your Majesty. I, your servant Luo Knag, am honored to serve the court." Luo Kang in the third place bowed and offered his allegiance, immediately having heard the emperor. Though the Xia Emperor was happy for this, he saw that Hong Shisan, whose allegiance he wanted the most, did not move.

Hong Mingyue on the side was also poker-faced.

The Emperor was somewhat discontented. But he kept up his smile and walked in front of Luo Kang.

Just at this moment, Luo Kang, whose face had shone with loyalty, suddenly changed his look, turned his wrist and, taking out a sharp dagger, he plunged it into the emperor\'s chest.

"An a.s.sa.s.sin! Protect the emperor!"

Midway through the thrust of the dagger, it was suddenly knocked astray. The crown prince, Xia Houqi, descended from the sky. As he spread forth his spirit power, the a.s.sa.s.sin felt a sudden numbness in his arm and was already flying in the air.

Just as the a.s.sa.s.sin was leaping forth, the warriors who was standing by also leapt towards them.

Several shadows sprung towards the Xia Emperor and Xia Houqi, as if moths leaping to put off a bonfire.

Among the spectators also sprung forward many warriors in plain clothes. Chaos broke out on the drill ground.

Xia Houqi, with his eyebrows locked, stood in front of the Emperor. Though his spirit power and his cultivation was not bad, these a.s.sa.s.sins were obviously well-prepared, for they had deliberately dressed up as contestants, hid and waited for so long, and came forward to give the most lethal strike.

About a month ago, one day in the study, Xia Houqi found a secret letter accidentally.

The signature was the Ghost Sect\'s. And the letter was a reminder of the family Hong\'s plan of a coup and their intention to kill the Xia Emperor at the contest.

Though Xia Houqi was unsure of the accuracy of this piece of intelligence, he kept an eye on the Hongs. He had been secretly observing them during today\'s contest and had noted the secretive exchange of looks between Hong Shizi and several contestants. He was then on his guards.

Ever since he came back from the Star Cave, Xia Houqi\'s spirit power cultivation had reached the level of an Eight Cauldron Alchemist.

So at that moment, his spirit power quickly consolidated into a wall, fending off the attacks from all directions.

But with the Emperor behind him, he could have the room to defend.

Just at this moment, Hong Mingyue, who had, before this time, been expressionless, changed her face.

"Your Highness, I\'m coming!" The jade flute in her hand transformed into a green shadow and in a whistle of wind, it swept through the warriors.

Xia Houqi was still somewhat stunned. Seeing that Hong Mingyue was trying to protect the Emperor, he felt more a.s.sured.

But just at this moment, Hong Mingyue\'s wrist turned. The jade flute, which was flying towards the a.s.sa.s.sin, emitted a gush of piercingly cold Yuan energy that instantly pierced through the Emperor\'s neck.

"The Emperor! The Emperor has been a.s.sa.s.sinated!"

There were shouting and more chaos on the scene. The spectators on the stand ran away in a frenzy.

"Hong Mingyue! Are you going to revolt?!"Xia Houqi felt that his heart was going to explode.

"Your Highness. Your family, Xia Hou, has been on the throne for thousands of years. It is time that you give it up for the capable." Hong Mingyue\'s eyes were cold and grim. All around her, the power of reincarnation rippled and dashed onto Xia Houqi\'s spirit wall, smashing it to pieces.

Hong Shizi, seeing that the Emperor was killed, was thrilled and was just about to say something when he suddenly felt the flowing of a gust of ravenous power. Before he realized what it was, a string of thunderous sound exploded in multiple places of the drill ground.

Hundreds of mines buried under the drill ground exploded at the same time. Instantly, clouds of smokes rose and b.l.o.o.d.y limbs and stubs rained. The Imperial Drill Ground was turned into a h.e.l.l in flame.

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