Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 253: Alpha vs. Alpha

Chapter 253: Alpha vs. Alpha

LERRIN - Anima

Reth\'s eyes widened. "You stood for Elia?"

Lerrin sneered. The memory twisted in his gut now. "When she gave her story, yes. I saw the vision of what you hoped to achieve. I am ashamed to say I urged my father to caution in moving against you. I can see now what a betrayal that was to my people."

"No, Lerrin, that means we can find our way through this. You and I, together—" Reth took a step forward, but was stopped by Behryn grabbing the back of his shirt.

Lerrin dropped his chin and let every ounce of hatred he felt for this man shine in his eyes, until his wolf tried to return. "The only way I see through this is over your grave, cat," he snarled.

"I know you\'re angry," Reth said in that patient tone that felt like fur rubbed the wrong direction to Lerrin. "But when this shock passes, remember, I never take the first strike, Lerrin. You know that. You\'ve seen that in me your whole life."

"I don\'t give a shit who started the fight. You ended it, Reth. When you took my sister, you took the last of my pack. I will hunt you to any corner of the Creator\'s land, but I will take you—"

"For the Creator\'s sake, don\'t do it, Lerrin!" Reth cried, his hands up, palms towards Lerrin. "Don\'t align yourself and your word with something you\'ll regret. You can still hunt me. But don\'t paint yourself into a corner by vowing it. Listen!"

"I am FINISHED listening to you!"

"Even your father knew that listening to your enemies was never a futile effort, Lerrin," Reth growled. "Now, listen: Your wolves are on edge, erratic and violent. As angry as they are, their aggression will be coming out whether it\'s directed at me or not. And with Lucine\'s example taking Elia… Don\'t forget that if they\'ll do it with you, they\'ll do it to you."

"I can\'t decide if you\'re foolish enough to believe you actually understand my people better than I do, or stupid enough to think you could intimidate me with them." He leaned forward, eyes locked with Reth in the primal challenge of predator to predator, yearning to bite out the cat\'s throat. "The difference is, they love me. They serve me by choice."

Reth sagged, shaking his head. "You have held the Alpha power for what, hours? Trust me, Lerrin, you will learn the value of a measured consideration. You showed that you have it when we discussed the attacks on Elia. I know… I know this has been a difficult time, but please hear me: Should you ever discover you have reason to question this conflict, or your people are… reaching for things you do not wish to take, get word to me. I will listen. We could end this together. Without bloodshed."

There was a low noise from Behryn behind him and Lerrin let his lip raise in a sneer. "Your Captain thinks you\'re very unwise to say that." He smiled the smile of the hunt. "For once, I agree. But don\'t listen to me. I\'ve only been ruling for minutes. What would I know?"

"Less than you think, clearly," Reth snarled.

"Then we\'re even. You know nothing about the wolf tribe. Nothing!"

"I know more than you think, Lerrin. And until now I have held your secrets because they belong to you, not the Pride. But now—"

"ENOUGH!" Lerrin shook with pure fury. "ENOUGH! Shut your fucking mouth, Reth. You betrayed your people—all of us! But especially my sister and my tribe. We will not let a traitor stand on the throne. You broke Lucine, then buried her. And I vow you will pay!" He rushed to the front of the boulder, everything in him yearning for a way to get his hands—his teeth—on Reth.

For a moment he was poised there, on the edge of the rock, teetering, about to leap and take his chances—his beast snarling to come forward and take them. But then something flashed.

Before Lerrin could find the source, Reth, half-crouched in the water, screamed "NO!" and threw up an arm, blocking Behryn as he moved.

Lerrin hesitated as Behryn bellowed in frustration and the metallic flash of whatever weapon he\'d thrown dropped impotently into the water twenty feet away.

Lerrin, shocked out of his anger looked first at the rippling water, then snapped his head to find Reth, who had one arm gripped on Behryn\'s wrist and the two were glaring at each other—almost on the edge of violence between them.

Had the cat just saved his life?

Was that possible?

What an utter, utter fool.

Lerrin, his mouth still open, shook his head. "Weak," he said. "That was your chance and you defeated it yourself?"

"I do not make the first strike, Lerrin. I told you. If you ever wish to speak with me, send a message. I will listen."

Then, dragging a livid Behryn with him, he started for the opposite bank, keeping his eyes on Lerrin the entire time until they climbed up the dirt and grass and disappeared into the forest on the other side.

For a moment, Lerrin considered diving into the water and crossing, going after them. Tracking them. He knew he could do it. But he also knew they would be in beast form now and moving far faster than he\'d be able to call his pack back to follow.

So, with a snarl of rage, he turned back to the trail to find the second fist that had gone ahead. When he caught them, he would cuff them like cubs for following a decoy trail.

But as he ran, he shifted into wolf form.

Something about that moment with Reth, that interaction left him… shaky.

Refusing to give mind to anything that might soothe his rage towards the traitor King, he ran on.


RETH - Anima

The glare Behryn gave him as they climbed out of the creek and melted back into the forest would have singed his mane if he\'d been in beast form.

A second later, unwilling to hear what his Second thought of his decision, and shuddering with weariness, he gave over to the great lion and started after Behryn, who set a punishing pace…

The forest stank of wolves.

The prey that was Pride, ran with singular focus.

The other inside groaned with the weariness that he felt.

But the King would not rest.

He yearned to turn back, to flee in the other direction, back to his Mate. But the other insight fought. And fought.

Despite his exhaustion.

Despite his pain.

He fought on until they could scent the place that stank of humans and habits. Of fire, and blood.

The beasts ears pricked at that, but the other inside snarled again and he flattened his ears against his skull.

And he ran on, dodging wolves and serpents and even birds.

He ran on. And on. Until he wondered if the Creator might take him.

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