Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 648: Soul Mate

Chapter 648: Soul Mate


Hours later, still shaking and sweaty, his body weak as a day-old kitten—weaker, if Elreth was anything to go by—they lay in clean furs.

The cave was quiet, though Aymora and Jayah had bedded down in the Great Room, and while Brant had returned to the Tree City, Reth knew Behryn had joined the guards for the evening.

He felt better watching himself, he\'d said.

Everyone was exhausted, especially Elia. And Reth was definitely disturbed by how weak he felt. It was an effort even to speak. But Aymora had given him herbs and a rich, nutrient drink that he\'d had to force down. And even if he still felt like he could be flattened by a gust of wind, at least he felt alive.


They were all alive.

Reth shook his head and smiled at Elia.

It was hard to believe they\'d almost lost each other—and Elreth—that day. He was still struggling to know how to feel about that. But he knew one thing, laying here watching his beautiful mate propped on pillows, feeding their daughter, was the most beautiful picture he\'d ever seen. And not just because of how close they\'d come to losing each other that day.

Elia, the cold gray of her skin from earlier entirely gone, face warm and pink now, her hair mussed and twisted into a braid, stared at Elreth, eyes wide with awe.

And Reth stared at Elia in the same way.

He inched close enough to touch both of them, raising his bandaged arm to let his fingers trail down Elia\'s arm, and stroke brush Elreth\'s head while she nursed.

"How does she know to do that?" Elia whispered, watching their daughter suckle.

"Instinct. The Creator gave them to us for a reason," he whispered back.

Elia smiled. "Yes, He did."

Neither of them spoke again for a time. It was as if they were both afraid to break the spell. But eventually Elreth slowed, then fell asleep.

Elia eased herself down to lay on her side, facing him, with Elreth swaddled like a fat caterpillar between them. When Aymora taught her how to swaddle their daughter, Elia had called Elreth a "baby burrito." Reth had forgotten about that horrible human food he\'d been forced to choke down in a school cafeteria. He had no idea why she\'d want to compare their beautiful daughter to that muck. But he\'d smiled anyway, because every word from Elia\'s mouth was a joy to him.

He reached across Elreth to touch his mate\'s face, thumbing her cheek.

Her eyes lifted from where they\'d rested on Elreth and she smiled, then put her own hand up to grip his.

"You need to rest," he rumbled quietly, his voice still hoarse from all that had happened.

"I know. So do you. But… I don\'t want to miss a moment," she whispered back.

"Me either," he breathed.

They stared at each other and Reth sighed heavily, his chest aching where Aymora had probably cracked one or two of his ribs. But he didn\'t want to close his eyes. They kept dragging back to Elreth\'s hair—it was bright red. He stroked it again, smiling.

"She\'s going to be a… what\'s the term in your world? A firecracker?"

"Yes, though even without the hair I don\'t think she had a choice about that," Elia said dryly.

Reth grunted. Then he looked at his mate again, reaching across Elreth to cradle her precious face. "Thank you, Creator," he breathed. "Both my beautiful girls safe… finally, safe." He shook his head as his throat began to close with emotions he couldn\'t describe—glorious gratitude and joy, and dark, dark fear of what might have been. What this hour might have looked like… for either of them.

"Promise me something, Elia," he said quietly.

Her eyes were beginning to drag close, but she smiled. "Anything."

"Promise me that no matter what comes… you\'ll stay mine. You aren\'t just my pair, Love. You\'re the other half of my soul."

Her eyes opened slowly to meet his and she nodded. "I promise. Now you."

He smiled. "I promise too."

"No more promises, please!" Aymora said softly, but firmly, from the doorway.

Reth groaned, his peace disturbed, but Elia giggled a little, then groaned, her stomach still very painful.

"I just came to see how our patients are holding up," Aymora said as she moved to the dresser to pick up a spoon and two bottles. "You first, Elia?"

"My pain is less than a couple hours ago," she said. "But it\'s still very hard to move."

Aymora nodded. "You can expect that for a week or more, I think. Some of your healing… I don\'t know how it\'s going to go. We\'ll watch for infection and pray the Creator performed a true miracle. Here, take this. It will help you sleep for a short time, but allow you to wake when the little one gets hungry," she said with a soft wink at Elreth.

Reth watched Aymora fuss over Elia for a few more minutes, trying not to resent her intrusion on their family time. But he knew Aymora was facing her own fear, her own near-loss. So he vowed not to stifle her need to be close to Elia any more than necessary.

By the time she circled the sleeping platform to look at him, Elia was already beginning to doze.

She put a hand out for his arm, and pulled the bandage up to check underneath. "Healing," she said slowly, "But not as quickly as it should. You are greatly blessed, Daddy Reth."

Reth sighed happily. "Yes, I am. I only hope I can do as well for her as my parents did for me."

Aymora snorted. "You already have, Reth," she said dryly. "You love. That is what will save your daughter from evil—even your own. Love is the greatest thing in this life."

Reth nodded, fighting tears again. For a moment he ached for his own parents, knowing the joy they might have experienced—especially his mother—at Elreth\'s arrival. "I miss them, Aymora."

She looked down frowning. "As do I," she murmured. Then she glanced at Elia before releasing his arm. "You know how close you came to leaving us today. All of us."

Reth nodded. But he would not apologize for it.

Aymora put a hand to his chest and he winced, but let her press and explore. Oddly her eyes kept drifting back to Elia. "Have you learned anything from this?" she asked quietly, turning back to him.

"I\'ve learned that I want to live a long life, to see my daughter grow, and watch my mate… blossom," he said. "I pray we can find true peace in the Kingdom to allow that to happen."

Aymora nodded, then glanced at Elia again, tipping her head as if checking that she was asleep. "Reth… your heart…" Her eyes came up to meet his and they were full of fear.

Reth\'s breath stopped. "What is it?"

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