I Got Reincarnated And Mistaken As A Genius?

Chapter 10

---Arakawa Shūichi\'s Perspective---

Tatan! Tatatan! papapapapa.......

I heard the sounds of gunshots from within the command vehicle, lit by the dim red light of the gunfire.

It seems that the facilities will be completely put under control soon.

I pull out a cigarette from the pocket of my combat uniform and light it.


Watching the smoke float upwards, I thought about the reason I came here today.

The main cause and origin is the 『Arakawa Treaty』which came into effect January of this year.

This treaty declared that all countries of the world must leave 『Arakawa Kouki』alone and allow him to freely live his life, and give each country time to devise methods of incorporating him into their nation.

Whether their intentions are just or not.....

Miki happily accepted this outcome but I wasn\'t exactly thrilled by it.

As expected, there were various insurrectional parties that were opposed to the treaty and wanted to exercise force against Kouki.

「They won\'t lay a single finger on Kouki!」

I said loudly, crushing the cigarette filter.

Right now the group that we are suppressing is the largest group among the insurgents, A religious cult organization who declared Kouki as a 『Demon Child』want to take custody of him and they seem to be getting funding from somewhere.

Someone from their organization seems to have a mole in the government who is leaking information on Kouki.

I should crush something like this pretty quickly without much worry.....

Maybe I can increase the time I can spend at home?

While thinking that, one of my subordinates entered the command vehicle.

「Reporting! Currently, party A is seizing the entirety of the building. C and D are both moving to clean up the stragglers」

Eris made her report.


As expected it seems to be going well. but, what about party B?

「Eris, what is the party B\'s situation?」

When I asked that, Eris began manipulating the information terminal on her arm.

Then she turned her eyes to me with an astonished voice.

「My name is Claire, I\'m Eris\' twin sister」

She said. A delicate atmosphere floated about the command vehicle in which no one could say anything.

I see, this is Claire huh.

I guess i\'ll remember by how Claire was the one who held Kouki as a baby, and Eris wasn\'t.

「So Claire, what is the current position of party B?」

「party B is currently searching the underground passages found in the building. They have been slowly proceeding while disarming any traps and mines they come across」

Party B\'s commanding officer should be Louise....

If it\'s him/her, they should be fine, but I have a bad feeling. Should I send backup? (Fraiziar: Gender unspecified, and he used a name that can be male or female! Dammit author!) (Fraiziar: Thanks to RezaStillAlive for clearing up this confusion)

「Send part of party C, and some personnel from party F that is currently protecting the command vehicle and have them chase after party B.」

「I\'ll have it arranged immediately.」

For now I\'m just going to have to observe the situation....

But I can\'t get rid of this nagging feeling of uneasiness.

After going through four more cigarettes we received communications from party B.

「This is party B! We\'ve made contact with a number of hostiles in the underground passage, and are currently exchanging fire. We\'ve taken on many casualties! Requesting Reinforcements! 」

Damn it! My gut feeling was right....

What should I do?

Should I immediately call for retreat, or send more reinforcements?

There\'s no time to lose, so I\'ll go with both.

「Party B is to retreat immediately. Also inform all other parties to maintain only minimum personnel, and send all available units to reinforce party B.」

Next to me, Claire communicates the information with a calm expression.

If I don\'t calm down.....

The commanding officer cannot go on-scene, even if their subordinates are having a crisis, I can only make commands and then sit and watch. Despite wanting to give into my emotions and hit the display, I hold back. Now we wait. Crossing my arms and silently praying for good news, another communication came through.

「This is party A, currently extracting party B. Once we regroup with the other forces we will attempt to eliminate the targets again.」

Yosh, we managed to avoid meaningless losses. Now all we have to do is sweep away the enemy....

But why are they resisting at this point?

In the current situation, we hold an overwhelming advantage so why aren\'t they surrendering? Is there something I\'m missing?

At that moment, a communication came that resolved my doubts.

「This is Party A! We have discovered a missile silo in the interior of the passage, They are preparing to launch!」

A rocket!? So that\'s it! Were you resisting for the sake of the rocket? I don\'t know where you intend to fire that rocket, but I definitely have to stop it!

「Use all of your power to stop that launch. If possible, take control of their control center and obtain their Intel」

As the sound of me yelling command rings out, I sit down in my chair and shut my eyes......

Please, let them be successful. I pray to the gods that I normally don\'t believe in.

「Control room successfully captured, Intel is being sent to my terminal. Currently, I am analyzing their objective」

Claire reported it in a businesslike fashion. Now all that\'s left is gaining control of the rocket itself huh... Looks like things will turn out well. I felt somewhat relieved while waiting for the report.....

「Preventing the launch has failed! I repeat, Abort Launch has failed! The rocket boosters are currently igniting.」

「Intel analysis complete. The rocket is confirmed to be a ballistic missile. Target is Japan, the Next Generation Research Laboratory」

The worst possible situation was reported. The『Next Generation Research Laboratory』? Miki and Kouki are supposed to be visiting there today.

In haste and panic I rush out of the command vehicle.

Reflected in my eyes, I see the missile cut through the sky and fly away.....

---Arakawa Kouki\'s Perspective---

「Alright everyone, are you all ready? Once we are inside, please carefully listen to the person in charge」

I hear a resounding 「Hai!~」and 「Fuhii!」in response to my mother\'s voice.(Fuhii is supposed to be a pig squealing)

This weekend, Together with my mom I was visiting the『Next Generation Research Laboratory』.

The reason is due to what Saitou-kun said.

「Hey Arakawa, I really want to see the developmental stage of the power suit」

...Is what he said.

Due to the issues with the examinations, at the time I wasn\'t really considering his words properly and promised to show him without thinking. Later on I was worried over what to do.

In the end, I consulted my mother about the situation, and surprisingly I easily got permission. My mother explained:

「You made a promise to your friend didn\'t you? In that case it can\'t be helped.」

Or so she said but, is「It can\'t be helped」really enough of a justification? Well, it turned out fine so I guess it\'s okay but...

When I told Saitou-kun that we got permission, he was delighted. And although I didn\'t mention it before, but I invited Alice-chan as well so it ended up becoming a workplace tour field trip.

「Please leave your personal devices here」

A security guard asked with a smile. Oh, is it a matter of secrecy and confidentiality? Understanding that, I am conviced, but the security guard explains anyways.

「We ask for security reasons.」

He said. Since there is no particular reason to refuse, I obediently follow his instructions...

My mother doesn\'t remove her device since she is an employee.

「Are you Kouki-kun?」

The security guard asked when I handed over my terminal.

「That\'s right.」

When I answered them, I suddenly started receiving a lot of praises.

Apparently my mother has been talking to various people about how proud she is of her son. While feeling embarrassed, I heard the voice of a man wearing a white lab coat in the back.

「Welcome everyone. I will be acting as your guide today, my name is Ozaki」

Ozaki-san huh? He seems like a kind person to me.

Please take care of us today.

Everyone said that and we entered the laboratory.

When entering, the first thing I noticed was the state of the art machinery.....

Of course, as expected of the『Next Generation Research Laboratory』. Not only Saitou-kun, but also Alice-chan felt tense.

When we were introduced to the department, a researcher-looking person from the back came up to us.

[This is not a place for children to be coming to. What are you doing here?](Fraiziar: normal brackets [] are used in the raws to show Russian.)

A, hhaaaaah!? He spoke in Russian! This is a chance for me to show off one of my good points to Alice-chan! Thinking that, I replied while trying to avoid speaking with an accent.

[I apologize, we are students of the Institute of Technology who have come to visit. It was permitted because my mother Arakawa works here](Fraiziar: Is he not worried over how he technically was never taught Russian?)

After I replied he showed a surprised expression, and then explored around with his eyes.

[In that case, you are Kouki-kun, are you not? I\'m surprised you understand Russian. I am Nikolai, Pleased to meet you.]

Yes! I was able to properly communicate. I glance towards Alice-chan, and see her looking at me in admiration.

As for Saitou-kun.......

he was staring at the production line.

Oi! Show a little interest in me, just for a bit!

Nikolai-san vigilantly answers our questions as he introduced his research to us.

Fumu, it seems to be research concerning new drugs for incurable diseases. Alice-chan listens intently while Ozaki-san translated.

But Saitou-kun, what are you looking at so much? Since I was worried, I stepped over to him to check it out.

Ah, isn\'t this part of the power suit? There was something Mother brought home before like this.

While watching it and remembering that, Nikolai-san spoke,

[But really, Kouki-kun can understand the words of my mother country. Although I knew Professor Arakawa was proud of you, I thought it was just because you were her son. Your language learning skills are really amazing.]

No way, I just remembered it from my previous life.

Not being able to reply back, I just smile bitterly......

At that time my mother was called by some other researcher, it seems they want to confirm some research result or something.

My mother turned towards us.

「I\'ll be leaving for little bit, okay? Be sure to follow Ozaki-san\'s and Nikolai-san\'s directions」

while saying that, she walked somewhere else.

And so we went and visited other departments as well......

Human Organ Research, Aeronautic Development, there was also an interesting department that deals with developing new metals and alloys.

Though we were restricted from looking much at the Weapon Development Department, we were allowed to look at some new weapons that have recently been deployed.

The person in charge of the prototype power suits was impressed by Saitou-kun\'s enthusiasm, and allowed him to try out a power suit, after which Saitou-kun began cheerfully running around the test center.

「Fuhi......, Fuhihihihihihi!」(Fraiziar: again, pig sounds)

To say he was at MAX spirit levels is a terrible understatement.

Not just Alice-chan, but everyone present in the situation was considerably drawn in..... (Fraiziar: had issues phrasing that. lol Fraiz-ing.... I\'m sorry)

When I started thinking about what I should do, Saitou-kun\'s movement stopped. Oh I see, the battery ran out.

A researcher went to collect Saitou-kun with a slightly tired expression. Before going to the next department, we went to the dining room for lunch.

「What do you think about this laboratory?」

Ozaki-san asked while we ate lunch.

「It\'s very interesting. I was particularly interested in the drug research department. I also want to work in that area in the future」(Alice-chan)

Hearing that, Nikolai-san joyfully said while laughing that he would welcome working with a such a beautiful young lady.

「I thought the weapons department was fun! I was deeply moved when I was able to wear a military suit for the first time.」

Saitou-kun said happily while eating his pork bowl. Now that he mentions it, this is the first time I\'ve seen Saitou-kun this happy, I\'m glad we came here today.

「So how about you Kouki-kun? Where did you think was most interesting?」

「I thought the department that developed new metals was interesting. The new metals, particularly the ones with high Moh\'s hardness, were extremely interesting.」

As I answered Ozaki-san, for some reason everyone had a complicated expression.

There\'s no need to say it, I get it. 『Uwah, that\'s kinda...... I\'m not sure what to say, he chose such a strange department』is what you are all thinking, right?

No, but really it\'s amazing!

They are a department that creates metals that don\'t exist on earth you know!

What\'s wrong with that.... Geez, these people just don\'t understand romance.

Nnn? The people in other seats are looking at me with sparkly eyes.

Ah! Those are the people I met earlier from the Metal Development Department.

It\'s okay guys!

I understand the greatness of your research, so please continue to do your best in the future.

「Well then, shall we be going now?」

Ozaki-san said after making sure everyone was done eating, and continued our tour.

「Here is the department that studies the global environment.」

Instead of Okazaki-san, The person in charge started to explain to us.

I see.... They are doing things like measuring atmospheric pollution with unmanned machines, and studying ancient earth\'s environment by drilling into Antarctica, that\'s nice.

Are they trying to unravel the mystery of how living creatures have evolved? The moment I was about to ask that question, a person burst through the door into the room.

「There\'s an emergency.」

That\'s what the skinhead said when he entered the room.

What are you doing here? I wanted to ask, but he began to talk.

「A ballistic missile has been fired from one of the Eastern European countries. Its target is here, The『Next Generation Research Laboratory』」

Ha? eh, wut? Why is a missile coming here?

Both Alice-chan\'s, and everyone else\'s faces turn blue. I was also panicking, but I asked the skinhead,

「What should we do?」

「Unfortunately, we failed to intercept the missile mid orbit. If we were to evacuate outside now, we would not be able to escape the blast radius. The only way to make it is to hide in some sort of basement and wait it out.」

He expressed the hopelessness of the situation. Even if we were to go underground, the laboratory would still be blown away. What should we do, seriously what should we do?

Alright, calm down me, At times like this I should consult my mother. If it\'s that genius then she should manage somehow! When I tried to give my mother a call, I noticed.

I don\'t have my terminal with me right now!!!

I forgot that I gave it to the security guard when we entered.

This is bad, This is seriously game over. As I thought that there was no way out, I noticed a stationary terminal placed at the end of the room.

\'Let\'s send mother a message with that\' I thought, and ran in front of the terminal.

Fortunately it has power. Something was already displayed on the terminal, but right now is an emergency. Even if some research documents were to disappear, no one should complain.

I operate the terminal so that I can begin communications.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn\'t return to the desktop!

Is there a Ctrl-F I can use?

Why isn\'t this terminal like the normal ones?

With me in such a hurry, the screen suddenly displayed a bunch of numbers that I didn\'t quite understand, and then the word 『Error』appeared and it stopped functioning.

It\'s over......

\'We\'re all gonna die here\' I thought, but then the Skinhead spoke.

「Destruction of the ballistic missile confirmed」(Fraiziar: lelwut)


eh, did something happen?

Cheers rise all around me, and Alice came and embraced me.

Her breasts are soft..... Wait no! that\'s now I want to say!

Why is Nikolai saying,

[Amazing, for you to be able to do that in such a short amount of time] to me?

This is concerning.

Saitou-kun and Ozaki-san also spoke.

「Arakawa-kun is a genius after all...... amazing」

「As you\'d expect from the one and only person that Arakawa-san boasts about. I salute your incredible mind」

No, wait, have they misunderstood something?

I was just using the terminal to contact my mother.

Eh? No, I\'m not trying to be humble or anything, I\'m serious!

So seriously guys, can someone please tell me what\'s going on?!!!

Why am I so misunderstood?

---Ozaki\'s Perspective---

When it became evident that a direct hit from the ballistic missile was unavoidable, Kouki-kun ran to the drone control terminal in the corner of the room. I tried to take Kouki-kun to safety since I knoew it was useless to try anything, but I was stopped by the Skinhead.

「He seems to have an idea」

He insisted that I should watch attentatively. I understood as I looked at the big screen that connected to the terminal in the wall that he was using.

「He\'s changing the drone\'s course?」

It couldn\'t be, I mean, why would he do something like that?

The missile is falling from outside earth\'s atmosphere, are you planning on trying to collide the unmanned aircraft with the missile, when the drone is only 5 meters across?

That\'s impossible..... something like that is just impossible.

However, the person in front of me is the son of that 『Arakawa Miki』.

When I think about it, with the words『A ballistic missile has been fired from one of the Eastern European countries.』, It may be possible to precisely predict the missile\'s trajectory and velocity.

But something like that is absolutely impossible without advanced missile defense technology.

There is little possibility to do something like that with a persons mind alone and succeed.

My eyes chased the blinking light on the screen that showed the drones position feeling wishful....

And suddenly the light went out.

「Destruction of the ballistic missile confirmed」

Even after hearing those words I couldn\'t understand what just happenned.

Your\'e kidding me right?

The chances of him succeeding were near zero.

He managed to make the drone collide with a missile that was falling over 20 times the speed of sound.....

He managed to accomplish a feat that would normally require mechanical assistance, using only his own strength.

『Genius』is truly the only word fit for him.

\'It\'s a coincidence\' , geez, humility is also one of his virtues huh.

『Arakawa Kouki』, the one recognized by 『Arakawa Miki』, I wonder what kinds of feats he will accomplish in the future?.....

I don\'t think I\'ll ever lose interest.

---Arakawa Shūichi\'s Perspective----

「Destruction of the ballistic missile confirmed. It appears your son manually piloted the drone into a collision course」

Claire reported in relief.

Seriously, I\'ve always thought this about Kouki, but as always he\'s doing things flashily. How on earth does one shoot down a ballistic missile with a drone!

Damn it!

My son may have made up for my mistakes, but I still have something to do.

「Is the suppression all finished?」

「Yes, we are currently preparing to transport the POWs」

I\'ll make you regret laying your hands on my son.....

I\'ll absolutely find the mastermind, I\'m prepared to chase him down to the pits of hell.

「Do let me help you with that.」

Claire said as I muttered.

「After all, I\'m a member of the Arakawa family too」Claire said laughing.

「Even if you say that, you better not make my son into your husband!」

When I said that, Claire left the command car with her face bright red.

While staring at the beautiful sky, Claire heard the sound of a gun\'s hammer from behind.(Fraiziar: Dun Dun DUUUN)

(Author\'s note: I won\'t translate the first part of the note word for word, but basically he\'s telling the readers he will try to cut down on perspective changes, he will try to describe the setting/ background more, and will try to add more dialogue. He also asked his readers to tell him what they like because it\'s better for him to write what they like.)

(author\'s note cont.)

This time, rather than Kouki, his father was the one who dealt with some unexpected struggles. And one final thing-- the title 「Ore nanka kanchigai saretenai?」 only lasts to here, it lasted for a while didn\'t it? (Fraiziar: He changed the title of the novel at this point I think.)

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