The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 6 - Super Sam

"He is the one!"

"No way! He hasn\'t been seen in a little over a year, and you think our luck is that good that we will be one of the first set of people to actually see him…."

Two tech-geeky boys with snorts nearly escaping their nostrils, dressed in their usual attires of a pull up sweater, a jean, a backpack, a converse [all-star] footwear and finally the geeky glassed argued amongst themselves as they walked by, but when they eventually reached Sam\'s position, they froze...

"Damn bro, It\'s truly him!"

One of them blurted to his partner who walked over and looked at Sam\'s face;

"Are you Super Sam!?"

He asked batting his eyelids unbelievably…

"Super Sam!?" Sam looked at Third who simply stood there smiling…

"Tim!" "Jim!"

"Get your asses over here, you\'re late!"

Someone bellowed through the radio tied to these boys belt…

"One sec!"

Jim dipped his hands into his pockets and brought out a switch-blade and handed it over to Sam before going down on one knee, presenting his laptop over his head as he spoke;

"Can you please do me the greatest honor of carving your autograph on my laptop!?"

Sam who was still stunned by the entire charade that was going on held the knife in hand with a lost expression on his face;

"Just give the kid your autograph, everything will make more sense when we the meeting begins…"

Third smiled as he urged Sam, who thought was lost, still obliged and carved his autographs on the laptops of both kids, who were so happy, they ran into the firm to continue their duties, which was to upgrade the security and prevent external hackers from hacking into the entire firm\'s A.I algorithm…

"Here, Super Sam…"

Adam gave a wrist strip to Sam which seemed like some high tech bracelet, as Sam finally passed the first security checkpoint…

But from then on, Sam didn\'t see any other security guard, and just as he was about to ask, Third had already reached the massive double doors of the firm which had a panel to the right where Third placed his wrist…

Then after scanning the bracelet on Third\'s wrist, the A.I announced;

Scanning Bracelet…

Personnel Identified…

Name – James Corvinus Jr…

Status – Worker…

Department – Networking…

Clearance Level – Level 8…

"Welcome, Mr. Corvinus…"

The A.I announced as the transparent, massive, glass double-doors, slid open soundlessly…

Then the door closed just as he entered whilst he waited for Sam on the other side after gesturing him to do the same thing…

Sam walked up to the panel and slid his wrist beneath it, and just like with Third, a red laser-like light scanned the bracelet and the A.I announced once again;

Scanning Bracelet…

Unidentified Personnel…

Beginning System Registration…

Please, state your name…

"Sam Richter…"


Please, state your birth date…

"20th January 1986…"

Date of Birth accepted…

Age recorded at; 35…

Scanning Height and weight…

Sam was surprised by this statement and was really interested to see how the A.I measures his height and weight…

Suddenly a thin strip of aluminum metal detached itself from the arc of the entrance and shined a light down on Sam, and after it was done, the thin strip returned to its position and melded with the entrance like there was nothing there…

Then Sam found his body sink a little deeper into the earth, and being a veteran who had faced much life and death situations, Sam was able to easily tell the moment that happens…

"You are really the Super Sam, Mr. Sam!"

"Most people don\'t usually feel it at all when we take their weight measurements…"

"Jim is that you?"

Sam found the voice that just spoke to him through a speaker than looked more like a dispenser for hand sanitizers and asked…

But when he heard the voice whisper to someone very close to him;

"He remembers my name!"

It was subtle but Sam heard, and it was followed by a;

"No way!"

"Stop messing with me!"

and then an;

"I swear!"

"Tulip please bring up the voice recorder data of the last twenty seconds..."

Then after some additional ten seconds, a female voice could be heard whispering within the speaker;

"Dude, that\'s sick!"

Sam then smiled but was still curious as to why these youths were behaving this way towards him…

"Erm, guys!?" "I\'m still stuck out here, can you do whatever it is you do to open the door?"

Sam spoke gently but deeply through the speaker as the girl on the other side commented again;

"What a manly voice!"

"You should have seen his muscles and bulk!" Tim, the second geeky boy added;

"Where are men like him, when I need them!?"

The teenage girl at the other end revealed her innermost desire as the two teenagers blurted;

"Eew, don\'t taint our hero with that lecherous thought of yours!" Height and weight measured; 7 foot and 350 pounds...

The A.I recorded Sam\'s details, as a tiny finger length strip of plastic ejected itself from the panel where Sam placed his wrist followed by the quick jab of two extremely tiny needles which stabbed painlessly into the two veins present just beneath Sam\'s wrist, where a pulse is normally taken…

DNA and biometrics recorded…

Assigning Status… Status Assigned…

Assigning Clearance… Clearance Level Assigned…

Restarting Scanning Procedure…

Scanning Bracelet…

Personnel Identified…

Name – Sam Richter…

Status – V.I.P Visitor…

Clearance Level – Level 2…

"Alright Super Sam, can you allow me call you that!?"

"It\'s okay…" Sam replied…

He was beginning to understand how these geeky teens think, and was starting to develop a likening to them…

They were hardworking and talented coders who have been recruited right from whatever tech school they attended at a very young age and given the avenue to explore their passions to the fullest by bringing them to such a high tech firm…

Moreover, they are always people who find it hard to have a romantic partner because they always thought on a different level and having contrasting views about everything in comparison to an average person…

Thus their only best friends are tech geeks like themselves, junk food and gaming, with their only hobby being Sci-Fi and Superhero fanatics…

Thus, they were set of people who find joy in what they do and are very honest, and sweet once a person gets to know them very well…

"Alright Super Sam, command center normally grants new members or visitors of the firm an ordinary visitor tag which has only a Level 1 clearance identity…"

"But since you are our superhero, you have been given a VIP status with a Level 2 Clearance identity, which means you can visit anywhere from the ground floor, up to the twentieth floor, which is where we work should in case you are interested in seeing some of the cool stuffs we do here…"

Jim explained as the massive, transparent, glass double-doors slid open for him to enter…

"What status level were you given?"

Third asked curiously when Sam entered as Sam cleared his throat and adjusted his tie before saying;

"VIP brother… I was given a VIP status…"

Sam bragged jokingly to third who jabbed him on the harm before commenting with a smile;

"I see those little brats have grown to like you, after only a few minutes…"

He said as they walked deeper into this massive firm that stood proud on a 49 Square miles patch of land…

"What is there not to like about me!?"

"I\'m tall and handsome and hulky… Just like a superhero!"

"What status were you given on your first day?"

"I almost kneeled and begged before they gave me the VIP status with a Level 2 clearance..."

"You were given an ordinary visitor status, weren\'t you?"

"Tragically, yes... With a Level 1 Clearance..."

"They didn\'t spare me an extra look afterwards..."

"Haha, didn\'t you show them your sext white set of teeth..."

Sam joked as their voice and laughter became more distant as they both walked deeper into the ground floor of the firm which was like the mansion of an emperor from Ancient times…

This entire welcoming area radiated vintage and luxury from every angle…

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