The Hidden Myth of Ji Dara

Chapter 10 - Mr. Roy

"Fantastic!" Sam blurted when he began apprehending Tim, Jim and Kiki\'s level of ingenuity…

"Haha ha, wait till you see what those kids are truly capable of…"

"You haven\'t seen anything yet…" Third added from the side with a proud grin…

"Really… you seem more stoked about this than I am…" Sam sneered jokingly at Third;

"Well, Jim and Tim are twins and Kiki is my niece…" Third said with a proud and smug grin…

"How come none of us knew this side of your life?"

Sam was still stunned and still found it a little too incredulous that Third\'s family had such level of wealth and connection, but still ended up in the military, and though, Third had told him the reason why, and he believed it, but he just didn\'t believe that there are some silk-pants in this life that actually have the confidence and determination to do such a thing…

"Well, it is not like I will go around announcing to everyone within the entire base about my family and their wealth…"

"Plus, I have told you why I joined the military…"

"Yeah, I know… It\'s just that, I have never been in such a massive and successful firm before…"

"Furthermore, to actually even know the grandson of its co-founder!?"

"Everything just seems too surreal at this point…"

Sam voiced like a kid who was just finding out that Santa doesn\'t actually live in the North Pole but only a few busses away from his home…


The elevator swung open, and Sam\'s socks were blown off into another multiverse by what he was currently seeing…


"Hehe he…"

"There is no soul who has ever been here that didn\'t have this same reaction…"

"Even the CEO himself couldn\'t believe what he was seeing when he first saw this place…"

Third laughed at Sam\'s expression which was like that of a poor orphan who was adopted by the wealthiest soul on the planet, and was finally seeing his new home…

Except that, Sam could never live here even if he wanted to, because, this place, was the abode of the current CEO of Aeon Consults…

This place was massive, vintage, luxurious, serene and finally, a blissful place…

It was like a masterpiece created from the combination of the top ten greatest minds on the planet…

It\'s idea was multidimensional, and its level of ingenuity was otherworldly…

It was like they separated the three top floors from the rest of the structures and built a three story tall mansion within…

Whilst it looked like a mall, because these three floors were joined together to form a single floor, rather than being separated into three levels by a ceiling, it was also like the outdoors of amazon due to the natural vibe this place gave one…

There were several flowers decorating everywhere and even beautiful and sweet smelling vines stretching and twisting all over the protective banisters on the indoor bridge…

There was flowers and little trees everywhere, and there was even a fountain at the center of these structure that flows into an artificial river which ran across the room to the outdoor pool…

That way, I someone wanted to pick up something on the inside and was at the pool, all they need to do is to have some place that thing into this artificial river and the water would naturally carry it to the pool…

In fact, it was like a massive jungle of beautiful and sweet-smelling flowers and the way they brought the jungle vibe and merged it with the idea of a futuristic, tech-filled mansion, made this place a masterpiece artwork of the eon…

"Are all these…"

"Yeah, they are all natural... Shipped in from various parts of the world…"

"Including some wild and dangerous jungles and forests…" Third explained when Sam asked about all the flowers and trees…

"When we are returning, remind me to show you the 99th floor…" Third said with a smile…

"Wait… How many floors are there, and what is on the 99th floor?" Sam asked from a jumbled brain…

It seemed like his brain had yet to completely comprehend what he was currently seeing, so it was having difficulties doing every other tasks…

"There are 155 floors in total, with the top two floors made completely out of solar panels, wind turbines, our satellite receivers and other stuffs…"

A voice echoed from the corner, as a middle aged man in blue kimono, blue flip flops and a cup of coffee in hand appeared in view with a smile…

He was tall, athletic but slim, 6 foot tall, light and supple skinned which bore testimony to his level of wealth, and finally wrinkle free…

His figure radiated deep serenity, calmness, kindness and purity…

"Hi, I am Roy…" The figure extended his hands to Sam before turning to hug Third;

"Little James, how have you been… It seems you have completely forgotten your Uncle Roy and his family…" The man named Roy said with a smile…

"That\'s never true Uncle Roy... You know I like to come here every free time I get… But I also have to work…" Third replied with a smile…

"Oh, where are my manners… Uncle Roy, this is Sam…"

"The same Super Sam? Wow!" Roy blurted as he almost choked on his coffee…

"Where are my manners too…"

Roy said as he cleaned his hands on his robes to give Sam a proper handshake…

"Don\'t worry Little James, I will handle everything from here…"

"Moreover, Tulips has not seen you in a long while, so you will have some explaining to do…"

Roy smiled as Third face-palmed himself, seemingly apprehensive of what he was about to face…

"Are you the CEO of this firm?" Sam asked subconsciously…

He was finding it hard to believe that the owner of such amount of wealth, respect and influence was this free living man…

He was expecting a proud, arrogant and no-nonsense person who radiated fear and a bossy aura…

Maybe because he was in the military for a very long time, he didn\'t know, but this person in front of him looked like he couldn\'t even swat a fly without puking…

"Ugh, that\'s just a title…"

"Hmm hmm, a title billions would die for…" Sam snorted in his mind…

"Please, may I request something from you…?"

"I know it is rude to do that, especially since we are meeting for the first time…"

"But I will owe you a favor if you can do that…" Sam was stunned speechless at first, but he still managed to force out; "Anything…"

"Anytime you are around me, feel free… talk freely… walk freely…"

"Just live your life the way you will live it if you were in the comfort of your home…" Roy pleaded which only seemed to furtherly stun Sam…

"Just that?" Sam blurted in surprise…

He was expecting something ridiculous or impossible, like, take off your prosthetic leg and walk around the place, or let\'s do a staring competition...

But this… He didn\'t know what to make of Roy\'s request

"Yeah… I am tired of being treated like a boss or something… It\'s exhausting…"

"I like to be treated and seen as a normal person, and the only ones who give me that at this point are my family and Little James\' family…

"I mean the family he was born into…" Roy said as he took a sip from his cup…

"So, having a friend or anyone who could see or treat me as such would be a blessing to me…" He added…

"Can you do that for me?"

"Sure thing buddy!"

Sam gave Roy his stance on the matter through his words and action which involved patting Roy on the shoulder as they walked forward and discussed on…

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