The Great Thief

Chapter 691: Getting Closer

It would be difficult to kill them normally – after two minutes, the Vine would Revive itself.

This meant that the players had to clear waves of monsters while fighting the Boss.

"Sprinkle this at the roots of the vines. Sprinkle more than you think we’ll need. Don’t be afraid of touching them," Lu Li instructed as he handed some gun powder to Water Fairy and Cain’s Left Hand.

"Won’t it draw its aggro?" Water Fairy asked.

"Relax. These Vines have really low detection, so as long as you don’t attack them and they aren’t commanded by the Boss, they won’t attack. They’re actually just like real plants," Lu Li said calmly.

"That’s right; the Detection of plants are very low," Deep Watersong nodded. It wasn’t clear if he really did know or if he was just pretending to be wise.

The three Thieves then crept around and scattered the gunpowder onto the ground. The area was soon filled with the pungent smell of sulphur, but fortunately, these plants were not sensitive to smell.

There were about 17 plants in the area that were all level 40.

Being vines, they also had high Evasion and variable defence due to their slender ’arms’ that had an attack range which covered the entire cave.

However, their weakness was obvious – their roots were the most important thing keeping them alive.

Lu Li piled up some gunpowder at the root of a vine, fixed the lead, lit the gunpowder, then turned and ran. He wasn’t playing around – it was a real explosive and could hurt the player.

He didn’t get very far when he heard a muffled thump behind him and a wave of heat rushing out of the cave.

Lu Li was staggered by the explosion and ran into Water Fairy who was in front of him, but she managed to catch him.

He quickly rolled to one side in shock. If the System misunderstood, he would have been in trouble. There was a protective system for female characters in this game, and if the System determined that a situation was indecent, lightning would strike him, regardless of whether the female consented or not. The death wasn’t that bad; it was the public report later that was the problem.

The System would make an announcement that someone had done something indecent to someone else.

The other players would then come up with a myriad of stories for what had happened. This would especially be the case if the names were Lu Li and Water Fairy. That alone would be enough for their imaginations to run wild.

When the two ran into each other, they were both wearing leather Armour, so it was unlikely that they had felt anything. However, it was impossible to play it off like nothing happened, so things became slightly awkward between them.

"Go inside and watch for movement. Maybe we blew up the Boss!"

This was the naïve Hachi Chan. She was the only one who didn’t think much of what had just happened.

Cain’s Left Hand was squinting his eyes; it looked like he had fallen asleep.

Deep Watersong wasn’t very good at hiding his emotions and was just staring at Lu Li and Water Fairy. It seemed like he was almost going to ask the question directly.

"Keke, the Boss wouldn’t die so easily. Watersong, get ready to take on the Boss," Lu Li said, pretending to remain calm.

Deep Watersong saw that Lu Li and Water Fairy were both fine and began to think that he was just making a fuss about it. Shaking his head, he obediently ran into the cave.

At this point, the smoke in the cave had not yet dispersed.

The low-quality gunpowder was indeed quite powerful – it had completely destroyed the vines and even burned away their roots. However, this was quite an ordinary thing.

As for farming monsters this way...

This idea was just wishful thinking. Without even considering how you would pile gunpowder at a monster’s feet, monsters that were killed without entering battle did not drop EXP or items.

As for the Boss, Vyletongue, it had been bombed and appeared charred, but its HP was untouched.

The Boss was similar to the monsters in this way. It hadn’t been damaged because Lu Li and the others hadn’t entered into battle with it.

Still its pride had evidently been hurt, because the moment Lu Li arrived, it fired multiple arrows at him. After firing the arrows, it Blinked towards Water Fairy and began attacking her.

Not only did Vyletongue use multi-shot Hunter skills, but he also used Mage skills like Blink.

There was not much to say about this monster, so they just took their normal three-point formation around it. There weren’t very many Thieves who could transform into Druids like Lu Li.

"Why is it shooting arrows?" Deep Watersong didn’t understand.

He realized that Lu Li had quite a deep knowledge of this area. As long as he asked, he would get an answer.

"It’s like a ranger," Lu Li said, then thought for a moment before continuing, "Like the Naga, the first Satyr was once a Night Elf, but since then, there have been other races that joined the Satyrs..."

In fact, the origin of the Satyrs went back to an ancient battle that was quite an epic story.

Among the High Elves, there was a Kaldorei named Havves who was the closest and most trusted advisor to Queen Azshara. Havves was one of the main driving forces behind bringing the Legion into Azeroth, but as the ancient war carried on, he brought more and more suffering to his own race.

He was finally defeated in his encounter with the young Druid Mafurion Stormrage, who completely destroyed his body.

Havves paid the price for his defeat and Sargeras tortured his lost soul for a long time, but eventually, he decided that Havves was still of some value. As such, he rebuilt a body for him with split hooves, gruff goat legs, goat horns, razor sharp claws and a lion’s tail.

Later on, Havves died once again at the hands of Malfurion.

This poor child had made the mistake of fighting Malfurion again, but his master was omnipotent and allowed him to be revived once again using the plague.

As part of his corruption, Havves now had the ability to use a demonic curse to turn other creatures into Satyrs. This was why the second, third and many following Satyrs were born.

"Can a player be turned into a Satyr?" Hachi chan asked. She always had a way of thinking that was different from the others.

She was the first person that Lu Li had met that was interested in the strange Satyrs. Could it be that the beauty standards had changed dramatically from what he had remembered? He had to make sure to keep his sister away from her.

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