Rebirth Of The Villainous Crown Prince

Chapter 296 - The Third Princess Of The Wu Kingdom

Ye Tian Yun couldn\'t help but think of the struggles he had to face against that one single woman.

It was not that he needed to kill her - in fact, everything was a bit complicated.

At first, he wanted to target her because she was one of the core members of God\'s Legion. But later, he found out the truth was not what he had actually imagined, and God\'s Legion, as a matter of fact, was her partner.

Even though Ye Tian Yun made up his mind to kill her in secret, just so there wouldn\'t be variables in the future, but in reality, the main reason was that he wanted to cut off God\'s Legion\'s backup plan.

Unfortunately, all his plans were drained to nothing when he found out a bit more about her - this princess was actually in love with one of the people he didn\'t wish to hurt.

Jun Xie.

In his previous life, even though Ye Tian Yun hadn\'t interacted much with Jun Xie, and there were even a few instances where Jun Xie had created troubles for him by working with the God\'s Legion - despite that, Ye Tian Yun still chose to forgive him.

It was not out of pity but rather because of his background.

Ye Tian Yun didn\'t consider anyone his brother. But, had it not been for fate playing a twisted game on Jun Xie, Ye Tian Yun was sure that they both could have been pretty close friends, if not sworn brothers.

This was also one of the main reasons why Ye Tian Yun, even with his cautious nature, let Jun Xie know about the existence of the Sword Intent and the fact that he was the hidden genius whom Sect Leader Su was looking for.

Fortunately, Jun Xie kept his promise and didn\'t reveal anything to anyone - a right bet by Ye Tian Yun here.

\'But to think this mission is how Jun Xie and the Third Princess of the Wu, Wu Qiang, would meet.\'

Ye Tian Yun couldn\'t help but let out a smile, \'Let\'s see how things change now that I am here.\'

The Third Princess of the Wu Kingdom was one of the very few talents in the whole Lower Heavens who reached the peak without any help from the Tokens or Emblems.

At first, there were indeed some rumors of her being a Token Holder. However, there was no proof. And thus, the rumors were concluded to be pretty much baseless.

Ye Tian Yun was also sure that Wu Qiang had no Token or Emblem.

What she had were sheer will and immense talent.

Unfortunately, the world wasn\'t fair. And just these two weren\'t enough to become the most powerful cultivator.

Maybe if she had a Token or an Emblem, things would have been pretty different for her.

To identify if someone is in possession of a Token or an Emblem isn\'t really hard.

Well, it\'s not hard if you know what to look for. However, there are indeed some Tokens that can\'t be easily discovered.

For example, it\'s pretty easy to discover Emblem of Time due to its time reversing ability; however, one can\'t identify the Token Of Truth.

Token of Truth allows the person to know what everyone around them thinks about them.

This token is pretty rare and wasn\'t in possession of anyone in Ye Tian Yun\'s previous life.

\'Its Token Holder either died very young, or he just didn\'t reveal himself.\'

But it definitely wasn\'t the Third Princess of the Wu Kingdom, Wu Qiang.

\'If she was the target last time, then how did she escape?\'

In his previous life, even though Ye Tian Yun had received a pretty good report on the mission because it was here when Xiao Ming first used the Token Of Fate. But he didn\'t get much info on who the target of this mission was - except for the fact that it was someone pretty important from the Wu Royal Clan.

What he did know was the outcome of this mission - it was a miserable failure.

The Gracious Sword Sect lost almost all of its disciples, and they couldn\'t even get close to the target.

\'There was a third party involved, and maybe they will come this time too.\'

Ye Tian Yun did have a guess on who this hidden party could be - he only needed a little confirmation.

\'I will be able to confirm as soon as I step in Silver Mist City.\'

But what if the enemy attacked before they reached their destination?

That was most probably improbable. 

Mainly because, under Crown Prince Xin\'s instructions, they had diverted from the original course and went to the Old Royal Palace ruins for the meeting.

No one knew about the new root, and the only spy in this entourage was Shu Xian, whom Ye Tian Yun was disguised as.

This meant they would easily reach the Silver Mist City without any problem and most probably even settle down to prepare for the ambush.

\'Who should I help in this battle?\' Ye Tian Yun mused.

At one side was the Gracious Sword Sect, the other was Wu Qiang, and the third was the Devil Sect.

These three parties, though he wanted all of them dead, there was still some use.

\'I need to eliminate all the disciples anyway, or else my whole objective will be at risk.\'

\'I can\'t play along with the Devil Sect since I am in disguise as Shu Xian, and they will kill him - most probably before anything starts, just so Shu Xian doesn\'t alert anyone else.\'

\'This leaves me with the Wu Clan… but I won\'t be able to make any contacts with them before the ambush begins…. I won\'t be able to get close to Wu Qiang.\'

\'I need to think of the best way to get the most benefits out of all this.\'


A/n: We will increase release speed from next week (coming Monday) and will release 3ch/d.. I will start preparing chapter stockpiles from today. 

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