All Time Marksman

Chapter 71 - If There Is A Devil Beneath There Will Be A Monster Above

After that day there was a knock on the door of the room that was designated for the 29th Squire Squad. Fang Shirong was the one who opened the door. After opening the door, he saw an officer so he snapped his boots to look like he is presentable at the eys of the officer.

After snapping his boots his hand saluted at the officer, the officer saluted back and said "give this to your squad leader this is the mission that is given to your Squad leader by the Deputy Commanding officer" 

Fang Shirong replied "Yes, Sir I will deliver this to our Squad leader" the officer saluted and Fang Shirong puts down his arm. Fang Shirong turns around and closed the door. After that, he walked towards Jin who was scrolling down on his tablet.

"Sir an officer is giving this to you." Fang Shirong looked at him, Jin grabbed the box and put his finger on the scanner and a hologram appeared. An officer wearing a white uniform and began speaking like an Artificial Intelligence voice

"29th squire Squad you are to be deployed in a search and rescue mission on 20th squire squad, it has been 4 days since the last contact with the 20th Squad Leader. And until now they are out of reach of our communication. The last contact location was Northeast of the Safe Zone Delta. A few clicks north of the previous deployment location you have been. Further information is inside this box." 

After that, the box opens and they saw files of data regarding the mission that the 20th Squire Squad has taken. Pictures and classes are all put into the box. Jin looked at Fang Shirong and said, "Call the team we are going into the location so let them be ready."

Fang Shirong nodded, But before he leaves "Wait-" Fang Shirong turns around and looked at Jin. "Are you sure you are okay brother?" Jin asked, Fang Shirong replied, "Yes, Sir I am alright like I said to you last time." 

After that conversation, Fang Shirong called the other members and Jin begins the briefing of the mission."Alright as all of you here are present we will start first with the location. The location is simple-" Jin pushes the button of the tablet and a hologram appeared in front of them. The hologram is colored as it was scanned from one of the guided satellite telescopes of N.D.A.M.

"Now it said on this location as you can see, most buildings are either ruins or destroyed in half. So limited cover if there are enemies. And we can see that if there are enemies there are only a few places to hide. So an ambush is not most likely. But the road towards this location is a long street of buildings and establishments. Here" 

Jin pointed the long road towards the directions, he also widens the view as he wants to zoom in on the location.

"Most of this, infrastructures are tall buildings and floor of houses. And those type of buildings is mostly the buildings to be expected that intelligent monster may set up an ambush. That is why right now I want to tell you this mission is one deadly roller coaster we will be going." 

"Peoples and individuals are set on your tablets to look into it, their Squad leader Sun Xue is an Assassin-type class player. She is one of the covert specialists leading in the course. She is fast and she can attack fast, flexible in times. But I want you to keep an eye on her if you see her face. Next after the location and people let\'s move onto the monster that they are supposed to kill." Jin looked at them with a serious gaze.

"Last 2 days of satellite imagery the location of the 20th Squire squad is like this" Jin swipe the next picture at the hologram. "These red dots are monsters, 30 known red dots are monsters, next is the last 4 days" Jin swipes the screen again. "And this picture is today, No red dots. How so and what happened, that is also one of the missions.

It is also added that the location of the boss monster is not far from this location." Jin swipes the screen and a picture of a Silver Rhino. "This is the Boss monster they are going to kill sadly the reports say that this monster is still alive and roaming this area. We are also tasked to neutralized this known threat."

Jin looked at them and crossed his arms, "We need to be ready to refill all the things we need to refill, sell the things we need to sell." Qiao Jiao then raised her hand. "Sir after selling all of the things we have acquired from our last fight we have gathered 34000 Gold."

"Alright divide the money to each of us with 6800 Gold," Jin said as he looked at Qiao Jiao. Qiao Jiao nodded after transferring all of the money all of them moved to gear up.

"Open Market" Jin whispered and a blue tab appeared in front of him ``It looks like this sale in the market is surely a big lively one. There are also designs, I am surely going to look into this system that the ULTIMA CHANGE has given to all humans on this planet.``

"I need to buy bullet and as the same bullets I need… ah here it is" Jin tap the buy and inserted the number [200] on the other side is the cost of the bullets [6800 Gold] and Jin did not think twice and bought the Bullets he bought last time. ``Let check the magazine count`` Jin looked at the mainframe of the FXR-Raven [Magazine count 70/70]

After 30 minutes all of them are all geared up. Jin and the others entered the Humvee and Jin goes up at the turret.

[Radio: T1 Check Radio Communications over.]

[Radio: T2 Clear and Ready T1]

[Radio: T3 Clear checked and continue communications T1]

[Radio: T4 Rock and Rolling T1]

[Radio: T5 Ready or not T1 we are heading]

[Radio: This is T1 to EYES we are departing]

[Radio: This EYES to T1 you are good to go, always open communications and Goodluck.]

[Radio: Copy that EYES over and out]

And Han Zian drove out the Humvee out of the Safe Zone Delta. Qiao Jiao grips the handle of her sword, Han Zian\'s eyes were focused on the road. Jin whispered "Zero Eye Blue Bullet" and then a blue tab appeared in front of him [Zero Eye Blue bullet has been activated by the Bullet Heir] After that his left eye changes into a cross-hair-like eye and it glows soft yellow. And now he was able to see through walls, He can also see heat signatures both humans and monsters. And he was able to see from a 3-dimensional viewpoint. With a 360 degrees visible and 20 km radius. 

``Now I want my squad to be safe,`` Jin whispered to himself as he thought of that. And a blue tab appeared once again. {The Bullet Throne has commended your brains in suing the Blood Bullet Skills. The Bullet Throne has gifted you a title, the Commander.] After that Blue tab, another blue tab appeared.

[Tittle has been generated.]

[Title: Commander]

[Stats Effect:+50 to all stats,+20 for Elemental resistants]

[Other benefits: Charisma in ordering increased, Persuasion skills have been updated, In the heat of battle all members will receive an added damage to their weapons.]

``What the hell are these kinds of benefits from the title. The Throne is one of a hell kind of chair`` Jin was stunned at what is the effect of the title but at least as of the moment it can help the squad to decrease the risk in taking missions.``

And when Jin goes back into looking into the glass opening at the turret and rotate the turret he can see multiple monster signatures and they are increasing in numbers. Jin look down and said "Han Zian focused on driving and keep driving, Qi Meili if there are enemies on your side you are free to fire arrows." 

"What is happening Squad leader?" Han Zian replied. And Jin looked down and said, "I have a bad feeling this road is the road I am saying at the briefing." And as Jin said that they then heard a shrieking roar not far from their location. "Alright Keep driving Han Zian."

Jin started firing warning shots at the heat signatures he can see. The bullet that is inside of the turret is one of the bullets that has only have +10 damage to every bullet that is being fired and able to be fired towards the enemy. 

"I can\'t heat them they are really behind a wall they are hiding," Jin whispered to himself. "Sir there are many ghouls ahead and it\'s getting dark" Han Zian exclaimed as he felt a bit nervous as he was in the driver seat.

"Continue driving and don\'t worry too much," Jin said as he wants to make all of his squad members remain calm as possible. He then whispered,

"LifeLine Blue Bullet" After whispering that a blue tab appeared in front of him [Life Line Blue Bullet has been activated by the Blood Bullet Heir] his eyes earlier change now it is both eyes and not only the left eye. Both of his eyes change in a crosshair-like retina but the cross-hair is orange. And from there he can see the weaknesses of each monster. 

"Time to eat some bullet, you damn ghouls!" Jin shouted as he pressed the trigger of the turret machine gun. *RATATATTATATATATTATA* *RATATATTATATATATTATA* *RATATATTATATATATTATA*

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