All Time Marksman

Chapter 82 - BARRAGE

"That many already what kind of monsters are they fighting at that outpost?" Han Zian looked at Jin. "From the reports say, most of the monsters that were attacking were Naga Slaughterers and Rowan Crawlers, Alpine Snakes. And then from earlier this morning, there is also a report of Reptillian humanoids." The others were stunned because some of the monsters were not fully known yet. 

"Everyone, Stay focus, stable with teamwork coordination and lastly discipline. that is all we need to survive this battle." 

[Radio: This is Dino we are in the region of outpost Blitzkrieg.]

[Radio: This is T1, copy that Dino, proceed to the main target location.]

[Radio: Copy that T1 we are going in hot.]

And when they arrive at the outskirts of the outpost there was a place where there are human refugees. "What is that?" Han Zian said as he peeps at the small window that overlooked the outside of the APC.

[Radio: T1 to Dino, please verify on your left it\'s a Black market?]

[Radio: this is Dino to T1 we are not sure if it\'s a black market but if this is the Outpost Blitzkrieg region we are able to seize that black market over.]

[Radio: We are going back to that place proceed to the main target location over]

[Radio: Copy that T1 over and out]

"Qi Meili, go contact Communication headquarters Towers Eyes if we are allowed to dispose of the illegal run-down market in the region." Jin turned his chair to the left as he said that and looked at Qi Meili. Qi Meili responded with a nod and then grab the communication box. She then typed and inputted the necessary access codes and an artificial intelligence voice-activated.

[Welcome to Communication line to Delta.]

[Access Granted]

[Connecting to controller EYES]


[Radio: EYES his is T2 do you copy?]

[Radio: Proceed T2 this is EYES.]

[Radio: Our convoy has spotted illegal black markets, in the region are we allowed to destroy it? And if not we can send the location and coordinates of the position of the black market?]

[Radio: T2 as of now proceed to the target mission and send us the coordinates of the illegal black market and we will send a different squad to handle it.]

[Radio: That is all EYES.]

[Radio: Copy that, over and out]

"Sir, EYES said that we proceed to the primary target mission. And I am sending the coordinates of the location of the black market" Qi Meili stated. After that Jin noticed that they are being tailed as he turned the turret 180 degrees. ``this won\'t be good``

[Radio: Dino this is T1 be advised we are being tailed by 3 unknown fast bikes, please contact rear that they might engage with an enemy over]

[Radio: Copy that T1, relaying your message to rear. Over]

And then a single gunshot fired from the back. And the rear truck that was supposed to be carrying the other 2 support squads stopped. 

[Radio: this Able 1 we are hit I repeat we are hit by the 3 unknown fast bikes over.]

[Radio: Dino Halt convoy, I repeat Halt Convoy and prepare to engage over.]

"Fang Shirong, Qiao Jiao, and Han Zian. Move at the rear and check the support unit we don\'t wanna lose people in this kind of battle it will be worrisome.  I will try and cover as much as possible" Jin exclaimed and Qi Meili opened the door. Qiao Jiao was the first one to get out of the APC and sheathes her long claymore swords.

Fang Shirong fancied with his two daggers as he unsheathes both of them. "Wanna play with the daggers, Ill give you a dance" 

Han Zian coughs as he gets out of the APC. All three of them rushed towards the back which the last truck of the convoy is located. 

[Radio: This is T4 we got a lot of company, they were coming from the Black market from earlier. Estimated enemies around 100 full combatants, and it looks like they are people who don\'t have player capabilities or user capabilities]

[Radio: Copy that T4, I will be letting out a covering fire from the turrets over]

[Radio: Dino make a Horizontal maneuver so I can fire my turrets over]

[Radio: Copy that  T1 maneuvering the APC]

After maneuvering the APC, Jin opened fire at the horizon south of the convoy *Brrrtttttt* *Brrrtttttt* *Brrrtttttt* ``They are quite a lot of them this time. this might be not good`` After that he click the trigger of the turret gun once more. 

*Brrrtttttt* *Brrrtttttt* *Brrrtttttt*

He let out a few sprays which made a delay of the charge of the combatants towards the APC that was moving forward. But sadly the combatants also retaliate by opening fire on them.

*CLING CLING CLING* the bullets were heard inside the APC as it was being fired with weapons used by the rebel cell. Such as machine guns and rifles that have bullets that is able to injure players and users. 

"Qi Meili, I ordered you to call EYES and tell them that we are engaging with over 100+ combatants and because of these enemies flocking on this convoy, we can not proceed to the target location.

Request for a BARRAGE ASAP" Jin exclaimed as he pressed the trigger and once again let out a spray of bullets at the horizon where some of the combatants were firing. *Brrrtttttt* *Brrrtttttt**Brrrtttttt* 

Qi Meili nodded and quickly connected once again in the communication box.

[Welcome to Communication line to Delta.]

[Access Granted]

[Connecting to controller EYES]


[Radio: EYES his is T2 do you copy?]

[Radio: Proceed T2 this is EYES.]

[Radio: We need an open barrage coordiantes are being sent we are being over run by 100+ combatants which players and users, we need a BARRAGE, I REPEAT WE NEED A BARRAGE]

[Radio: Copy that T2 we are on it.]

Meanwhile, at the back, Qiao Jiao was leading the first squad of support units as they are full of Swordsman, mostly of support units were swordsman classes due to support enough strength capabilities and its high defense skills.

While on the other hand, Fang Shirong has 2 Assassin like him and 2 Archers and a Swordsman but sadly the swordsman was being cured by Han Zian due the swordsman was shot on the shoulder with live ammo of the combatants. 

[Radio: T1 we have a problem some of these combatants are players and there are also users over. We really need some extra support here]

[Radio: Got it over]

[Communication Headquarters tower.]

"Sir, the 29th squire Squad is asking for a BARRAGE air strike on their location because they are being surrounded by enemy combatants on their location."

The control officer puts the coordinates that connected at the large monitor and then it  played as it was inputed. The control officer played the current situation on the ground.

"What the heck is that, that is not only 100 enemies on the ground I am seeing over 100+." Deputy commanding officer said as he was stunned to what he is seeing. As the number of red dots increases and rush towards the white dots. 

The Deputy commanding officer looked at the control officer that was beside him and said.

"Call for the Air Defense Corps, tell them we have an OPEN BARRAGE order! FASTER" the Deputy commanding officer relied upon the orders to the control officer that was beside him. 

The control officer nodded and quickly called the office of the Air Defense Corps. 


[Radio: This is Tower one Secured line. I repeat LIMA  INDIA TANGO TANGO HOTEL ECHO MIKE UNIFORM PAPA]



And then the sirens started to sound all over the facility, And the Commanding officer of the Communication Headquarters Tower, was furious as he entered the room as there no authorization that has been given to conduct such OPEN BARRAGE orders but when he entered.

He saw at the large monitor what is happening all of the control officers were looking at the monitor. They were stunned on how the 29th Squire Squad was able to hold out for that.

After the siren sounded all of the pilots scrambled, and each of them has been given a flight command of the air over the region. Which means they can use any firepower they have on the plane on the location given. 

[On the ground]

  *Brrrtttttt* *Brrrtttttt* *Brrrtttttt* Jin sprayed some bullets on the horrizon and he was able to kill 3 combatants. 

[Radio: This is V Authorization on the ground OPEN Barrage has been ordered please verify.]

Qi Meili looked at Jin, and Jin looked at her and he nodded 

[Radio: This is T2 our coordinates has been sent to you, verification has been cleared.]

[Radio: This is V verification acquired OPEN BARRAGE is now in Green Light.]

"Call Qiao Jiao and the others to retreat near the truck," Jin exclaimed. And Qi Meili nodded.

[Radio: this is T2 relying message from T1 be advised to all units retreat beside the trucks over.]

[Radio: Copy that T2, retreating.]

"All of you retreat enar the trucks and take cover!" Qiao Jiao shouted at the same fang Shirong retreat with the Squad 2 of the support unit. 

And at the exact moment of their retreat. the explosions followed   *KABOOM* flames and explosions were continuous. They saw the bodies flying. The body was being ripped apart.

The fire that was being dropped on the location was too much as if from afar you can still feel the heat from the bombs that were dropping. The Hawk Birds, and Blazing Eagles bombarding the location. 

"Damn that\'s an open Barrage, that is really deadly." Qi Meili stated as she was looking at the window. "That, is also in need of many verifications before that happens.. Because it will sure escalate to many things."

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