What The Luck!?

Chapter 296 - 296. Accuracy

"That\'s an...interesting power you have…" Asher wasn\'t really sure what to say to the man with the looks of a monster in front of him. 

"I might be ugly. But I can crush just about everything." The monster like man in front of Asher started to laugh. Or at least that was what Asher thought was laughing since the expression on the things face didn\'t change. 

"The quarter finals match is about to begin. At the whistle, you two will have your match. Remember that you must stop at my command. If this rule is broken the offender will face the law and disqualification from this tournament forever." The referee was looking the monster like man. 

"War god! War god! War god!"

The chanting caught Ashers\' ears. "I guess I know the nickname you go by then." The overbearing nickname with the appearance of the man was a little over the top. "But I refuse to let that make me lose." 

"Puny words from a puny pebble." The nick named War god thumped two of his fists in to the other two of his hands. 

"Haven\'t you ever heard that a single grain of sand can start a rockslide? What do you think a pebble can do?" No sooner had Asher spoken did the whistle blow and the audience lost itself in shouts and cheers. 

The previous brutal matches had War god a massive following. The audience was here to see matches. And they were getting some of the most intense and brutal matches ever. The referees had forcefully stopped War god last time and now they were even more prepared. They only hoped that the kid that was facing War god would survive. 

"I heard that you are one of those school kids that think you can fight with adults. Don\'t worry. When I beat you I will teach the other kids a lesson too." This was not a wise move by Wat god. Asher was not someone that would let his friends be threatened in any way. 

"You really wanted to be my enemy? Huh?" Asher fell in to his rag doll stance fully. It was the first time in the tournament he had done so and the audience thought he was giving up and waiting for War god to beat him. 

"Weak mind. I knew a kid wouldn\'t be able to handle my might. I will end this." War god gloated as he moved forward to strike Asher. Art, who was watching the match after rushing from his own match, focused on the television. He wasn\'t sure how Asher\'s tournament was able to progress so fast but he knew that Asher was getting serious finally. 

Jane shivered as she saw the perfectly calm and serious look at came in to Ashers\' eyes. She couldn\'t hear that War god had threatened all of Ashers\' friends. However, she knew that whatever had been said was enough to warrant Ashers\' full attention. It was the same look Asher got when he focused on his goals to become a powerful hero alongside his friends. 

War god wound up a single punch to end Asher and take the victory from his already given up opponent. However, when he made contact he found that none of the force seemed to affect his opponent. Instead, he found that Asher had spun and a terrifying kick was whipping towards his rounded and sunken head. 

The sudden movement was too surprising for War god to understand and he felt a force equal to his punch hit his rounded head. "You brat! You hit me? You actually hit me?" The kick appeared to have had almost no effect on War god But Asher could feel the bruise forming in his leg where it made contact. 

Asher bounced in place for a meant letting his limp arms swing. The movements made some in the crowd wonder just what style this was and if Asher was somehow trying to use his super power. Most were just confused but still expected War god to crush him. And so did Wat god. 

War god rushed forward annoyed and sent multiple thrashing punches at Asher. Asher fell side to side and twisted dodging the punches at strange angles making the entire audience feel as if they were watching an unsteady marionette fall to a frow in an odd dance. All the while Asher was constantly landing small hits on the exact same spot on top of War gods\' head. The damage was building up but not enough yet. 

"It just tickles! Do yourself a favor and... And give...gi-ve up!" War got had a strange feeling that he was not used to eating away at his head. It was not normal and confused him even more than before when Asher had actually landed a hit on him. 

War god finally reach a hand up to his head where the strange feeling was coming from and found that a small bit of red coated his fingertips. "I\'m bleeding!" War god fell in to fury and his entire body turned slightly red. His rage was pointed at Asher and the referees all prepared themselves to restrain War god. 

"Huh, you really chose to be a generic enemy. Whatever." Asher\'s voice was the only calm thin in the arena. His movements shifted and the barreling War god missed him. 

Asher was still moving though, he was falling backward but suddenly twisted with his leg and hips. The resulting kick aimed at War god\'s already damaged head shocked every single audience member. 

The crack that echoed and silenced the entire arena was mirrored by the limping of Asher. The referees screamed for the medics to come. They had just witnessed a gruesome attack at full force against an opponent. But this attack wasn\'t from War god!

Asher ad managed to fully crack the skull of War god by continually hitting the same spot. The blood coated War gods\' face and Asher just wobbled off with his leg while War god collapsed. The medic that came to Asher immediately started to use a healing super power. Asher felt warmth overcome his bruises as they faded away. 

The referee finally understood what had happened and announced that Asher had won. The announcer was also stunned but managed to report what had happened and show the cut video of each hit Asher landed. The count ended up hitting fifty three hits with the fifty fourth knocking War god out completely. 

Asher\'s showing had radically shaken up the entire tournament bracket. Now one of the top contenders was crushed and unable to even stand. Many bets and predictions were failing because Asher had revealed himself as a hidden beast in the tournament. 

"That was awesome!" Jane was the only one in her waiting room and shouted in joy as she saw Asher winning and letting the medics heal him without any arguments. Jane knew that Asher could have been stubborn and tried to work it out himself since he wanted to win. But the medics were there to make sure he could keep going and she remembered that he was prioritizing winning for everyone. 

"Alright. I can go for my next match!" Jane splashed water on her face and moved toward the arena after splashing water on her face and focusing. She was ready to show off her full power if she needed to. At the very least she would get more serious. 

As she entered the arena again he noticed a few other participants had procured sunglasses thinking they were the perfect way to block Jane from using her super power. But Jane knew that she had the speed and technique to knock off th average pair of unfitted sunglasses. This didn\'t phase her at all. 

What did phase her was the fact that there was a familiar golden mane lion shifter standing in her ring. It was her next opponent and they were already in their full form ready to fight. "Took a nice slow walk to make it here. These are the quarter finals. You should take this more seriously. Your pride is on the line." The pun was definitely unintentional but Jane still struggled not to laugh. 

"Sorry, was just looking at everyones\' new shades. You don\'t seem to have them though. Any reason?" Jane was curious why the lion shifter might not see her super powers as a threat.

"Who needs armor or sunglasses? I will win with my strength and ferocity. Some small power will not stop me." Jane wondered if the lion shifter was reading directly from a video game. It was too edgy and generic that Jane knew for sure that it had to be an act. 

The referee was even shaking his head and folding his arms while waiting for the two to finish their dialogue. "This is the quarter finals match. You two will fight according to the rules. Please prepare yourselves." The lion shifter growled slightly and started to shift fully. The mane grew in strength and claws became sharper. Jane realized she would need to be much more serious than before. Her opponent was brutal and one hit could take her out of the tournament. 

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