Song of Adolescence

Chapter 201 Like a Spring Breeze

Chapter 201 Like a Spring Breeze

The two snake chiefs led the three of them on board the boat. From a distance, the cedar longboat had seemed titanic, but now that they were fully surrounded by the real thing, there was still a feeling of wonder and awe.

"Close your mouth a little. You’re such an embarrassment," Xiao Se said coldly.

Lei Wujie still exclaimed in awe, "I was born in Jiangnan. The largest boats I’ve ever seen are the dragon boats in the lake. Can’t you just let me enjoy the moment?"

Tang Lian coughed softly. "It\'s not so bad to have an idiot as a foil."

The three of them were brought all the way onto the deck. A breeze blew across the deck, carrying a faint smell of the sea. Xiao Se pulled his cloak closer and coughed softly.

"Are you okay?" Lei Wujie asked.

"I’m fine." Xiao Se took out a pill from his robes and put it in his mouth.

"Gentlemen, please wait here for a moment. I’ll relay the message," One of the snake chiefs spoke softly, and at the same time, he hastened his steps and headed into the ship’s cabin.

"He’s kind of a big shot." Lei Wujie pursed his lips.

Tang Lian looked around and saw that the deck was full of warriors armed with blades. There was also a faint but strong aura coming from within the ship’s cabin. He frowned slightly, and whispered, "There are martial experts on board."

Xiao Se shook his head. "The Mu family is the richest family in Qingzhou. Since the person on board is travelling on this priceless cedar longboat, he’s naturally a person of some importance in the family. It’s not surprising that his bodyguards include martial experts."

"The three of you, this way, please." The snake chief emerged and stood to one side, showing the way inside.

"Is all this mystery necessary?" Lei Wujie complained, and entered the cabin with the other two. As soon as they walked in, all three of them were taken aback, and even Xiao Se was a little surprised. The cabin was indeed a whole other sort of paradise.

The floor was covered with white tiger fur, and there was an incense burner in the corner emitting tendrils of smoke with the scent of sandalwood, overriding the salty scent of the sea. There were also bookcases all around, and on a desk, rows of brushes, ink, inkstone and paper were placed neatly on top. A skylight was opened on the roof of the cabin, and sunlight poured in, illuminating the entire cabin. In fact, it didn’t look like a cabin at all. It looked as if someone had brought an entire study room onto the ship. A tall man dressed in fine brocade clothes stood with his back to them, and standing next to him was an armoured warrior armed with a spear. At first glance, there was something extraordinary about that imposing warrior.

"Three young heroes, well met." A voice carrying a smile sounded, and the man in fine brocade clothes turned around. Although he was tall, he was extremely thin, and the fine clothes he was wearing appeared a little loose on him, revealing his delicate collarbones. A person who was born from a rich and noble family would actually look so frail, but the slight smile on his face and the gentle and refined manner in his gestures made Xiao Se and the others relax a little of the guardedness they were feeling.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mu Chunfeng." The man put down the book he was holding and said slowly, "I’m the third son of the Qingzhou Mu family and I’m passing through here on the way to the open sea to harvest some medicinal ingredients. Actually, I heard that this fishing town has quite a few snake catchers but the results of the past few days have disappointed me. The arrival of the three of you has given great relief to my urgent need."

"The third son of the Mu family?" The three of them glanced at each other. They’d already expected the identity of the person on the ship would be precious, but they did not expect he’d be the third son of the head of the Qingzhou Mu family. For them to allow such an important person to go on this highly risky trip to the open sea, were the snakes on Three Snake Islands really that valuable?

"I have spoken openly and told you my name and background. However, the three of you do not look like fishermen from the seaside. I wonder if the three of you can tell me your names?" When Mu Chunfeng spoke, he was exactly like his name, giving people a gentle and soothing feeling like a breath of spring breeze.

"I’m Xiao Wuxin," Xiao Se nodded and replied.

"I’m Lei Zhenyu!" Lei Wujie said immediately.

"I’m Tang Shisan Shao!" Tang Lian also babbled nonsense.

There was a sound of low laughter, and the three of them looked up. The face of the armoured warrior carrying a spear was covered by his helm, and he looked extremely rigid. But, his entire person trembled slightly as he was obviously trying to stifle his laugh.

"Oh, you three." Mu Chunfeng sighed, "Even if you want to lie to me, can you spend a little more effort thinking up your names? See, even my guard can’t help but laugh."

Lei Wujie had always wanted to travel the martial world on his own by being forthright and open. Upon hearing Mu Chunfeng\'s candid words, his pride immediately rose. "My name is Lei Wujie."

Xiao Se thought to himself, I was already using a fake name, why should I make up another one? He immediately added mildly, "My name is Xiao Se."

Tang Lian paused slightly and said, "My name is Tang Mohe."

Lei Wujie and Xiao Se looked at him with disdain but Tang Lian shrugged, and thought to himself, I’m not like you guys. Your names are unknown in the martial world. I’m the head disciple of Snow Moon City, and I’ve come out on top in many consecutive years of the Heroes Banquet. Who in the martial world has not heard of my name?

"They’re all good names." Mu Chunfeng nodded, "I wonder why the young heroes have come to this seaside town?"

"The three of us are from the same sect. I’m their shixiong, and I’m slightly older than them. This time, I was ordered by my teacher to take my two shidi travelling. Besides, I’m also keen to see the summit of the highest mountain and the ends of the seas," Tang Lian answered. "So we came here with the intention to borrow a boat to go out to sea."

"The sky floats above the wide blue sea, like entering the clouds at the summit of the highest mountain. This brother’s words are quite literary," Mu Chunfeng praised. "But, if you want to see the ends of the sea, the boats in this fishing town will not satisfy the three of you. I have this cedar longboat, and I\'m going to Three Snake Islands on the edge of the North Sea. It’s just as well the three of you can come along with us."

"Oh? With you?" Xiao Se smiled slightly. "Don\'t we have to catch some snakes for Mu-xiong in order to earn our boat fares?"

Mu Chunfeng shook his head and said, "This brother’s words are mistaken. Meeting the three of you feels like meeting old friends. If the three of you are willing to help me out, of course that will be a huge relief. But, if you’re not willing, then, you should know that my Mu family, which is the number one family in Qingzhou, are not just wealthy but also very generous. It’s no matter if we take another three people. You’re most welcomed on board."

"Now that you’ve put it like that, it would seem that we’re quite petty." Lei Wujie patted his chest. "Mu-xiong, please speak, what do you need us to do."

Mu Chunfeng nodded and said, "Very well. Since Lei-xiong asked, I don’t mind telling the three of you. I’ve had a weak constitution since I was young, and practically grew up in a medicine vat. Treating this long illness has made me a good doctor and furthermore, my family’s main business was always in medicinal ingredients. So, after so many years, I’ve done quite a bit of research on pharmacology. Recently, my eldest brother fell ill and after searching many doctors, we couldn’t find a cure. I finally read about a cure in an ancient book, and it required three types of medicinal ingredients, which are the snake galls of three types of snakes: gold line, silver banded, and iron crystal. So, although the purpose of this trip is also to harvest precious medicinal ingredients for my family, the main reason is because I wish to cure my brother’s illness."

"May I ask what illness your eldest brother is suffering from?" Tang Lian asked.

Mu Chunfeng hesitated for a while. Then, he sighed and slowly recited, "Behind the dias was all the peach blossoms under Heaven, why would there be a need for proper marriage? Under the brocade covering was a stormy union, returning a drop of favour from the peach blossom was in vain."

"Good poem, good poem." Lei Wujie praised first, but was still confused. "What does that mean?"

Xiao Se looked a little embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said in a low voice, "What this Mu Chunfeng wants to prepare is a male aphrodisiac."


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