Supreme Grandpa

Chapter 383: Rescuing Xiang Lige

Chapter 383: Rescuing Xiang Lige

The Middle Sky World.

Yang Song had already returned to the minor realm, where Xue Ning and the suspected Blue Star Empress were staying in.

As soon as he approached the giant ice cube that imprisoned Xiang Lige, he immediately felt that a change was happening.

Previously, when the Water Law Orb displayed its might, other elemental energies also sprung up.

But now, this effect was weakening, and Xiang Lige\'s body did not seem to be able to endure it anymore.

Seeing this, Yang Song wisely chose to quicken his actions.

He took out the Fire Law Orb and was about to put it next to the huge ice cube, but before he could do so, the Fire Law Orb went out of control.

It suddenly lit up in red, flew out, and crashed into the big ice cube.

However, the collision did not happen, the Fire Law Orb directly ignored solid ice and entered the inside quickly.

As if responding to this situation, blue light also shone from Xiang Lige\'s body brightly.

"This should be the Water Law Orb, right?" Yang Song muttered and watched the changes.

When the Fire Law Orb made contact with that blue light, the fire did not fight the water as imagined, instead, the two started embracing and blending with each other calmly.

With the addition of the Fire Law Orb, together with the existed Water Law Orb, the two instantly suppressed other restless elemental energies in a majestic manner.

When Yang Song first came, the elemental energies inside Xiang Lige were basically a hydrogen bomb that only needed a little touch to explode.

But at the moment, those elemental energies were constantly being suppressed and… absorbed by the Water Law Orb and Fire Law Orb evenly.

The nuclear bomb regressed to the weaker atomic bomb, and the atomic bomb gradually reduced its power all the way and became a normal warhead.

In the end, the warhead simply became a little harmless grenade that all warriors treated as a toy.

At the same time, the big ice cube also started melting at a speed visible to the naked eyes.

When the process ended, the red and blue lights stopped gleaming, the two Law Orbs separated and one flew to Xiang Lige and entered her body. And the other one flew to Yang Song.

When Xiang Lige was about to fall to the ground, Yang Song took out a thick cloth and wrapped her body by using his True Energy and took her to the secret space decisively.

Of course, Xue Ning was also taken along with him.

Yang Song put Xiang Lige on the bed carefully.

At this time, Xue Ning could not help but ask, "Brother Yang, how is my sister? Why hasn\'t she woken up yet?"

Yang Song reassured her, "Don\'t worry, she\'s just in a temporary coma. She should be able to wake up soon."

Just as Yang Song was about to turn around, he felt a slight force from the corner of his clothes. It was Ye Yuxuan who was pulling his clothes.

"What\'s the matter, Xuan Xuan?" Yang Song touched her head and asked softly.

The girl did not say anything but looked at Xiang Lige who was lying on the bed.

It was obvious that she was asking who this newcomer was.

Yang Song smiled and answered, "She\'s uncle\'s relative. She\'s a bit sick at the moment."

The little girl nodded her head and went out to play by herself.

Yang Song observed Xiang Lige\'s condition for a while, after making sure that she was okay, he heaved a sigh of relief and exited the secret space.

But when then, he was stunned in place.

Before him, it was a battleground that was engulfed by silence.

"Isn\'t this the ancient battlefield? Where is the minor realm?"

Yang Song tried to look around and he really could not detect the entrance to the minor realm at all.

The stone stele that was used as the entrance to the minor realm disappeared and that place was empty. If it weren\'t for the sunken ground in the shape of the stone stele, Yang Song even suspected that the things before were nothing short of an illusion.

But why did the minor realm disappear?

As Yang Song\'s mind turned, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

In the minor realm before, it could be said that that place was a paradise for water-system mages. Simply put, the minor realm only had water elemental energy present.

And this just coincided with the fact that Xiang Lige had the Water Law Orb inside her body.

So, was the water elemental energy inside the minor born naturally, or was it born from the Water Law Orb instead?

The answer was obvious.

Only the Water Law Orb had the power to do such a thing. Not to mention, Yang Song clearly felt that the water elemental energy had the same aura as the Water Law Orb.

But here came another question. How did the minor realm come into being?

Did Xiang Lige create it? If it was so, didn\'t it mean that she was too powerful?

Even with the Supreme Space Art, Yang Song still could not create a minor realm. He could only create secret spaces.

But Yang Song also thought of another point.

Since the minor realm was related to the Water Law Orb, could it be that Xiang Lige knew a secret related to it and knew how to create a minor realm from it?

At the end of the day, Yang Song just shook his head and calmed down. There was no use looking for an invisible answer. But he did not have anything to worry about either, after all, Xiang Lige was there. After she woke up, everything would be revealed naturally.

In the ancient battlefield, the only special thing was the minor realm. Without it, other things were not worth Yang Song\'s attention at all.

What was more, all the high-level treasures were also picked up by Yang Song cleanly. Of course, the so-called high-level was really considered being high-level by Yang Song. The things that were left could also be "high-level" for those people and monsters.

Now, after he went out, even if those people and monsters were not reconciled and decided to fight against him, he was not worried about it either.

After all, he had the additional Supreme Fire Art to boot.

If there was an unexpected threat that could threaten him, Yang Song could also find a chance to upgrade his cultivation by absorbing the power of the Fire Law Orb, using the method that the young man from the other world had told him.

That being said, he couldn\'t be too arrogant and too self-confident either because everything in the world was unpredictable.

After making sure that nothing was left unexplored here, he decided to leave this ancient battlefield.

Outside, many people and monsters were waiting anxiously for Yang Song to come out.

It had been more than ten days, but no shadow of Yang Song was spotted at all.

Some people even suspected that an unknown danger was presented inside and Yang Song met his demise.

Not many people agreed with this conjecture, but it was inevitable that there was a slight possibility.

Some people assumed that Yang Song had already escaped with those relics without them knowing.

Naturally, no one chose to believe this. They reasoned that it was impossible for Yang Song to leave so silently. It was not possible for him to swallow so many things by himself, that would only damage his reputation and dignity as a senior expert.

In fact, Yang Song could indeed choose to do so. With his strength, he was confident that no one could detect him and no one would dare to scold him in an open manner.

People also thought that if Yang Song had really done so, then they could only swallow their anger and kept denying the truth.

All in all, although there were many hypotheses and guesses, of them including the Demon Clan chose to leave. They did not have the idea of leaving from the beginning to now.

Last but not least, they also tried to attack the protective cover, trying to see if they could break it and enter the ancient battlefield. The result went without saying; it was a failure.

The human side was more patient, but the Demon Clan was not so patient. Coupled with the fact that they were aggressive in nature, those monsters were simply like a child waiting for his mom to come back from the supermarket. They could make a ruckus, throw a tantrum, and so on.

At this moment, the God Star White Tiger really could not stay still anymore as it said angrily, "Humans, are you sure that this is not your conspiracy?"

The human warriors snorted, "Humph, we are righteous people. We wouldn\'t stoop so low to make such a petty conspiracy. Unlike your Demon Clan."

The irritated God Star White Tiger sneered, "You humans are simply shameless…"

The Wild Jade Dragon Emperor also said, "I think all of this is just a show. In fact, the treasures were really taken away a long time ago, only waiting for them to go back before distribution. You humans are really the shittiest race I\'ve ever seen!"

The human sides were completely raged by this, "Shut up, you green worm. Who doesn\'t know that your so-called Dragon Race actually evolved from green worms that like to eat bull\'s shit?"


The verbal fight between the two sides completely started, only the physical fight had not been ignited.

But that was only applied to the upper-level, the low-level human warriors and monsters had already started spitting at each other and some of them even picked up stones and threw them at each other wildly.

Just as both sides were in an absolutely chaotic state, the super sturdy energy shield suddenly showed signs of disappearing.

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