Supreme Grandpa

Chapter 387: Three Soul Palaces?

Chapter 387: Three Soul Palaces?

Yang Song caught the source of the problem and obtained a piece of important information.

Actually, in this scheme, there wasn\'t just the Black Dragon Sect involved. It was just that the Black Dragon Sect was the initiator, so it had the most share in this conspiracy.

From the part of the memory he got from Ping Yanjie, there were also the Tri Fire Sect, Hollow Spirit Sect, Red Crane Pavilion, Profound Spring Sect, Myriad Sword Sect, Jade Axe Sect, Light Storm Chamber, and Dust Spring Temple.

Those sects did not really plan to destroy the Sky Cloud Sword Sect. From Yang Song\'s rough guess based on the incomplete memory of Ping Yanjie, what they wanted the most was the body of the entire Sky Cloud Sword Sect…

Wait, this was not right. That was just the plan of the Black Dragon Sect, what Yang Song got was the memory of the 10th Hall Master of the Black Dragon Sect, and it did not mention anything related to the other sects. It only showed that those sects were also involved in the plan.

But why did the Black Dragon Sect want the bodies of the Sky Cloud Sword Sect members?

Yang Song was not sure but no matter what, the Black Dragon Sect surely would not do anything good.

Also, in the period where the 10th Hall Master\'s Demon Puppet stayed in the temporary residence of the Sky Cloud Sword Sect, he had also used his evil art to control many people.

Among them, there were servants, head servants, outer disciples, inner disciples, core disciples, and even an elder.

The identity of the Demon Puppet was really convenient to play. As an ordinary servant whose strength was at the bottom, plus the fact that he was a cleaner at that, there were many places that he could enter.

Outer disciples\' area, inner disciple\'s area, core disciples\' area, and even elders\' area.

It was just that the elders\' area was stricter, otherwise, Yang Song couldn\'t guess how many important figures would\'ve fallen under his control already. This fellow got a chance to enter the elders\' area and controlled an elder.

Fortunately, that elder was just a young elder whose position was low.

The technique used by the 10th Hall Master was a bug technique. He controlled his target by releasing a bug into the target\'s body and then controlled the other party\'s brain directly.

Such a technique seemed very powerful, but in fact, as long as the target\'s soul was a bit stronger, he would be able to resist the control and dispel the bug from his body.

It was a pity that a technique that could strengthen one\'s soul was very rare and precious, even in those giant sects, only those in the top position could practice it.

The plan of the Black Dragon Sect was more or less clear now, and the other sects\' plan was not hard to guess either.

The Black Dragon Sect would take the members of the Sky Cloud Sword Sect, and the other sects would take the important resources of the Sky Cloud Sword Sect.

After understanding this, Yang Song took out a communication talisman and activated it.

Soon, an image projection appeared.

On the projection, a person with a surprised face looked at the projection curiously. He was no one else but Xu Hailong.

Before leaving for the mission, Yang Son gave him several talismans, and this communication talisman was one of them.

Seeing his own face on this side, Xu Hailong was stunned for a moment. Although he did not know why Yang Song used his appearance, he was sure that Yang Song would not do anything to harm his sect. With this belief in mind, he stayed silent, waiting for Yang Song to speak first.

Yang Song asked directly, "How is it going?"

Xu Hailing knew what Yang Song wanted to ask about, and answered immediately, "Patriarch, now, I\'ve recruited more than 1,500 people. Plus the ones at the sect, we now almost have 2,000 people with elemental talents. Right now, I\'m at the Dancing Rock City, several miles away from the border of the Great Qin Kingdom."

Yang Song gave a nod and said, "I see. You continue to recruit 1,000 people more and come back quickly. I have an important thing to discuss, and it is related to the survival of the Sky Cloud Sword Sect. If possible, I want you to increase your speed and complete the mission in two days."

Hearing this, Xu Hailing gave off a hesitant attitude for a moment before he nodded firmly, "Yes patriarch. I will try my best."

As for the so-called "important thing", Xu Hailing chose not to ask, if Yang Song wanted to say it, he would say it, there was no need to ask.

Yang Song secretly praised this Xu Hailing. He did not act as a patriarch of the Sky Cloud Sword Sect for many years for nothing, his mind was flexible and his way of thinking was not bad.

The reason why he did not reveal the so-called "important thing" was that he was afraid it would affect Xu Hailing\'s state of mind and work efficiency. After all, that matter was quite serious.

Yang Song finally added, "Do you remember the Portal of Teleportation Talisman that I told you?"

"Yes, I remember."

"Good, when the mission is done, you can come back by activating that talisman."

After saying a few more words, the communication ended and Yang Song walked back to his room

Yang Song entered the secret space and watched Xiang Lige\'s situation.

When he rescued her, he did not observe her face clearly, but now that he got a good look at her face, he couldn\'t help but sigh.

This was really a big sleeping fairy.

Her face was many points similar to the face that Xue Ning had, but maybe because it was not her original body, the temperament between the two was extremely different.

No matter what, Xue Ning\'s original self was a sword spirit, not a human. But Xiang Lige was different, she was a senior expert who had been in a high position for many decades.

Therefore, Xiang Lige now looked very extraordinary and noble. The breath that radiated from her unconsciously made people think that she was really a banished goddess from the highest heaven.

But seeing this face and this temperament, Yang Song was suddenly reminded of his disappeared wife.

He did not know the reason, but maybe because the two had outstanding appearances?

Speaking of which, Yang Song inspected her body and found that there was no injury, but how come she was still in a coma?

Yang Song pondered for a while before he thought of something. Then, he plunged his soul power into the body of Xiang Lige quickly.

But when he arrived at the Soul Palace of Xiang Lige, he was stunned.

Normally, a person had three souls, seven spirits, and one Soul Palace. And all the souls and spirits stayed in the Soul Palace together.

However, it was not the case for Xiang Lige at all.

In front of Yang Song, there were three Soul Palaces.

In each palace, there were three souls and seven spirits, respectively. In addition, the color of those souls and spirits between each Soul Palace was also different.

The left Soul Palace was golden blue, the middle Soul Palace was golden, and the right Soul Palace was golden green.

At this moment, other than the color difference, there was also another point worth mentioning.

That was, among the three Soul Palaces, the golden blue Soul Palace seemed to be a bit dim, and the other two Soul Palaces were both bright.

The dimness of the golden blue Soul Palace was like a lightbulb that was about to run out of its energy.

When Yang Song saw the three Soul Palaces, he subconsciously associated it with the Three Stars Empresses.

If he remembered it correctly, Three Stars Empresses seemed to control an element each, one controlled water, one controlled earth, and the other one controlled wind.

Yang Song looked at the color of the three Soul Palaces and connected them together. Although he did not know if he was guessing correctly or not, his intuition told him that it was not wrong.

Correct, Yang Song guessed that the other two members of the "Three Stars Empresses" were inside the body of Xiang Lige!

Although this guess was very absurd and unbelievable, the fact was in front of him, making him unable to refute.

If the other two Soul Palaces were just elemental energy of different elements, then Yang Song wouldn\'t guess it that way either. But the point was, they were Soul Palaces!

If there was a Soul Palace, that it meant that there was a whole full-fledged living entity.

This discovery was really beyond Yang Song\'s understanding. The shock it brought to him was not small at all.

But putting the shock aside, how did the other two Soul Palaces stay inside Xiang Lige\'s body in the first place?

Based on Yang Song\'s understanding, a person\'s body could not accommodate two different souls at all, not to mention three different souls.

A person\'s body was born with a person\'s soul, and this was decided by nature. If two souls existed in one body, then the body would explode.

It could be because Xiang Lige was not an ordinary person so her body could accommodate more than one soul.

But even so, it was the first time that Yang Song encountered such a situation.

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