Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 457 - Veronica’s Job Changes


[Accursed Phantasmagoric Flying Train], [Abhorred Manipulator and Devourer of Emotions], [Pseudo Light Attribute Mage], [Gluttonous Material Devourer], [Dungeon Creator], [Essence Absorber], [Nyx], [Chaos Attribute Mage], [Otherworldly Mechanical Organism], [Unliving Mechanical Factory], [Death Goddess], [Abyssal Curse Caster of Occultism], [Divine Light Soul Valkyrie], [Qliphoth] (New!), [Abyssal Shadow Monarch] (New!), [Legendary Mechanic] (New!), [Dimensional Traveler] (New!), [Hecate] (New!)

As I open my Job options, I find five new Jobs available, Qliphoth, the tree of death, Abyssal Shadow Monarch, Legendary Mechanic, Dimensional Traveler, and Hecate.

I remember Ervas telling me before that he got the Yggdrasil Job… maybe I am the opposite?

I mean, we are slowly getting more and more apart from each other.

I am becoming a Death Goddess and he\'s a Life God.

And as he develops his Life Magic, he\'s losing more and more of his power over Death, which he slightly shared with me for some time.

Well, he can still see Souls as a Spiritualist, and they also kind of obey him if he calls them, but he\'s specializing more into nature and life stuff, and well, telekinesis and his new Void thingy.

Anyways, I can more or less do all he does, and he can do all I do whenever we maintain our souls fused, and we can now maintain them fused from a large distance, as our Soul Fusion Skill levels up.

Maybe one day we can maintain them fused from an indefinite distance…

Anyways, I will take the first Job of the night.


[You changed Jobs to [Accursed Phantasmagoric Flying Train]!]

[You acquired the [Air-Running: Level 1], and [Strengthen Attribute Values: Transportation: Level 1] Skills!]

[The Levels of the [Air-Running: Level 1], [Strengthen Attribute Values: Transportation: Level 1], [Abyssal Tartarus Soul: Level 9], [Spectral Form: Level 9], [Abyssal Charge: Level 7], [Precise Body Form Manipulation: Level 4], [Remote Independent Body Control: Level 4], [Precise Body Size Alteration: Level 3], [Endless Body Division: Level 3], [Crafting; Level 7], [Blacksmithing; Level 7], [Engineering: Level 7], [Construction: Level 7], [Dimensional Expansion: Level 1], [Comfortable Interior: Level 1], [Rough Road Travel; Level 9], [Spectral Embodiment; Level 9], [Precise Driving; Level 9], and [Electrify: Level 8] Skills have increased!]

[The [Rough Road Travel; Level 10] Skill has awakened into the [All Road Travel: Level 1] Skill!]

[The [Precise Driving; Level 10] Skill has awakened into the [Perfect Driving: Level 1] Skill!]

Two new Skills and the other two awakened.

These two new Skills are interesting.

One helps me run over the air without needing to spend Mana for it as if it were a natural thing of my very self.

And the other enhances all my stats while I am transporting things or people.

Quite fitting for a phantasmal train such as me.

Additionally, now I have something of a mental blueprint of a train, and can turn into one in an instant… Yeah, that\'s nice I guess.

The other two Skills that awakened seem to be just to make traveling swifter. All Road Travel and Perfect Driving sound like ultimate skills… Why do they still level up then?

And what will they awaken into after this? Space Travel? I wish…

…Wait, there are also three other Skills at Level 10 and have not awakened…

What is this trickery? Awaken, my masters!

No? Okay then, don\'t awaken, I don\'t need you anyways, I can be by myself.

I already got over you anyway, I got my family, my daughter, and my wives, I don\'t need anything from you!

Come on, awaken!


Maybe I should stop being melodramatic and simply change into more Jobs, that\'s always the solution to all possible problems in my life.

…Yeah, I am not joking.

Though, can we make my new problem going into space? I really want to go space, Kritias is getting old!

…Not really, let\'s not take that statement seriously.


[Your Job Level has reached Level 2!]


[Your Job Level has reached Level 13!]


[Your Job Level has reached Level 34!]


[Your Job Level has reached Level 56!]


[Your Job Level has reached Level 78!]


[Your Job Level has reached Level 100!]

Just in time, time to hit the next Job right away.

[You changed Jobs to [Abhorred Manipulator and Devourer of Emotions]!]

[You acquired the [Illusion Attribute Magic: Level 1] Skill!]

[The Levels of the [Illusion Attribute Magic: Level 1], [Spectral Six Senses: Level 6], [Precise Mana Control: Level 2], [Spiritual Demon Queen Magic: Level 2], [Undeath Spirit Queen Magic: Level 1], [Unhealing Cursed Wounds; Level 6], [Abyssal Tartarus Soul Embodiment; Level 7], [Self-Enhancement: Murder: Level 8], [Murder Healing: Level 9], [Mind Attack: Level 7], [Occultism: Level 3], [Mind Encroachment: Level 7], [Curse Synthesis: Level 8], [Dead Spirit Fusion: Level 9], [Curse Eater: Level 9], and [Emotion Manipulation and Absorption: Level 9] Skills have increased!]

[The [Murder Healing: Level 10] Skill has awakened into the [Slaughter Healing: Level 1] Skill!]

[The [Dead Spirit Fusion: Level 10] Skill has awakened into the [Divine Spirit Fusion: Level 1] Skill!]

[The [Curse Eater: Level 10] Skill has awakened into the [Jynx Eater: Level 1] Skill!]

[The [Emotion Manipulation and Absorption: Level 10] Skill has awakened into the [Lust: Level 1] Skill!]

Illusion Magic? Like the one Kireina has! So maybe emotions and all of that are related to this Attribute?

Though she said that it wasn\'t the attribute of this world, when she emerged here and brought it, perhaps it became part of this world as an attribute…

I tried to use it but the only thing I can kind of do for the moment is created pink smoke and… make some illusory thing, nothing fancy.

However, the Skills that awakened seem pretty juicy.

Slaughter Healing can let me drain even more Hp from the enemies I kill, while Divine Spirit Fusion… Maybe I can fuse with Shade? That would be certainly something.

Jynx Eater has the same effect… but maybe I can eat stronger curses now? Like God Curses?

And then there\'s Lust…


Am I a lustful woman?

Well, perhaps.

But not that much to receive the whole Sin as a Skill!

[Lust: Level 1/10]

The embodiment of the user\'s lust, the power to control other emotions and desires, to change them into obsessive and murderous emotions, and more.

Grants the user the ability to control any subject\'s emotions, to shape them, to change them, or to even add new emotions, changing their way of thinking and even how they act.

Well, this is interesting, it is really like an upgrade of that one… Damn, was I really like this?

Did I ever have the potential?

No, wait, I got this Skill from the Black Ooze of the Demon God-King I think.

So it awakened into this monstrosity of a Skill… Huh.

Did the Demon God-King had this Sin? Maybe he had all Sins?

No… Maybe this is just a thing from my own System, completely unrelated to this guy.


[Your Job Level has reached Level 56!]


[Your Job Level has reached Level 78!]


[Your Job Level has reached Level 100!]

Ah, just in time… Let\'s take this last Job before Death Goddess.

It\'s finally time to have Light Magic at last!

Time to become a Light Attribute Mage.


[You changed Jobs into the [Pseudo Light Attribute Mage]!]


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